From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 487: : Master and apprentice

Chapter 488

Yun Yun stepped down as the suzerain, and the event was held in a hurry, and no other people were invited to watch the ceremony.

This matter came to an end in a hurry, and only the people of the Yunlan Sect knew the truth.

However, they also know only one thing and do not know the other.

The only people who know the specific reason are Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran.

She took off her suzerain's costume, and put on a simple and elegant white dress. She was so pure and beautiful, bright and refined.

The mature and plump figure stood quietly on the top of Yunlan Mountain. The breeze was blowing, and the blue silk was stirred for three days.

Nalan Yanran was standing beside Yun Yun, looking at the teacher beside her, a trace of sadness and envy flashed in her eyes.

The reason why the teacher left the post in such a hurry is naturally clear to her.

Thinking that she will be alone in this cloud-laden mountain in the future, especially thinking that her beloved will live with her teacher, even though she knows it shouldn't be, she can't help but feel a little sad.

And compared with the teacher, even though she didn't want to admit it, she had to recognize the reality. The teacher was better than herself in terms of strength, appearance and temperament, especially the noble temperament that had settled down over the years, which made her even more satisfied. Lan Yanran felt ashamed of herself.

"Yanran, are you blaming me for being too selfish in your heart?" Yun Yun's eyes looked into the distance, as if she could ignore the distance of time and space and see what she was thinking, her eyes were blurred, and her red lips suddenly opened slightly, Youyou said .

"I am so eager to pass on the position of suzerain to you, it is indeed selfish, but this is the biggest concession I have made. I can't hold back any more, you know?"

It was as if she was asking her own questions, not giving Nalan Yanran a chance to speak.

Let Ye Han take Nalan Yanran away and stay with her for three years, so many days and nights, how many sleepless nights, how many times she wakes up from a dream with tears in her eyes, how many times of loneliness and loneliness, let her There was boundless regret in my heart.

"To be honest, I regret it, and I shouldn't have given him to you. However, the mistakes have been made irreversible. Now please allow me to be selfish once, so that I can accompany him for a while, okay?" Yun Yun turned around. , looked at Nalan Yanran, who hesitated to speak, with a sad smile on her face, said.

Looking at Yun Yun's face, Nalan Yanran's face changed for a while, and then a bright smile suddenly appeared, she gently stepped forward to grab Yun Yun's palm, and said, "I do feel frustrated and lost that I can't be with him, but I have never had any resentment towards the teacher, if it wasn't for the teacher, I would not have understood what love is, but after he stood up to me and blocked Xiao Yan's anger for me, I finally knew..."

This time, it was Yun Yun's turn to change her face.

Through Nalan Yanran's words, Yun Yun realized what a stupid thing she had done.

Back then Nalan Yanran didn't love Ye Han at all, not even a friend, but she was self-righteous and naively thought that Nalan Yanran fell in love with Ye Han, and her love was so deep that she couldn't extricate herself. own life...

Originally thought that Nalan Yanran didn't understand love, but who knows, the only one who really didn't understand was herself, and she foolishly pushed her disciple to that man.

"Teacher, I would like to thank you for being able to be with him. How could you be selfish?" Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun and said with a look of happiness on her face.

Yun Yun heard the words, her face stiffened slightly, her right hand directly covered her chest, she felt an unprecedented heart block, invisible, as if Nalan Yanran had stabbed several times in her chest.

Looking at the gratitude and sincerity in Nalan Yanran's eyes, Yun Yun felt the blood rushing up against her, and she had the urge to vomit blood for a while, but Nalan Yanran was still saying endless words of gratitude.

"Without your approval, will Ye Han accept me aside for the time being, and I certainly don't have the courage to pursue my master, teacher, thank you, you accompany him away, but don't forget me, you But I said, we will be sisters in the future..."

scoff! ~

Yun Yun almost spurted blood. What does it mean to shoot yourself in the foot? That's it.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun and asked in confusion.

"No, it's all right, you just took over the position of suzerain, and there are still a lot of things to be busy with, go! Don't stay with me here." Yun Yun took a deep breath and said.

"What's the matter? Today's Yun Lanzong is the worthy overlord of the Jiama Empire under the influence of your Dou Zong. Some trivial matters are handled by the elders. My suzerain is completely a decoration. It's enough to pretend to be in town, I'll stay here with you!" Nalan Yanran said.

Yun Yun "..."

My special code just doesn't want to see you right now, can't you see it?

Yun Yun was angry with her stupid disciple because of liver pain, lung pain, and chest pain...

Taking a few deep breaths in a row, Yun Yun looked at Nalan Yanran, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said pleasantly, "Go! I want to rest for a while, and I feel exhausted physically and mentally from my practice recently."

"Oh! Okay! Your body is important, you must take care of it."

Nalan Yanran nodded, just when Yun Yun thought she was going to leave, she suddenly stepped forward, hugged Yun Yun and lay beside her ear, whispering.

It's like something that guy will definitely come to you. If you don't see it for a day, it's like every three autumns, and that guy will definitely not be able to resist...

It's like calling for help if you can't bear it anymore, the teacher has something to do, the disciple is willing to do it for him...


Yunyun's face turned red when she heard Nalan Yanran's words, she felt her body was numb, and in the end she could only be shy and angry, and drove Nalan Yanran away.

Hee hee's laughter echoed, and Nalan Yanran's figure was like a dancing butterfly, quickly disappearing in front of Yun Yun's eyes.

"Will he really come to me?" Yun Yun touched her pretty face that was on fire, looking at the scorching sun on the western edge of the sky, she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

She thought of Queen Medusa, the peerless stunner who has a fatal attraction to men.

That is the wife of Ye Han's famous family, and he is the leader of Ye Han's clan. It must occupy an extremely important position in Ye Han's heart. Now that Ye Han returns, will he really come to him?

Or, when will he come to him?

Thinking of her thoughts, Yun Yun returned to the room, sat in front of the dressing table, looked at the ethereal face in the mirror, and couldn't help but smile.

"Your Queen Medusa is beautiful, and my Yunyun is not Sitting in front of the dressing table and smirking, the corners of Yunyun's mouth were slightly upturned, she dressed herself carefully, and painted a faint makeup.

"There are beautiful women in the West, who are left behind and independent. If you look at the city and the country, I would rather not know the beauty and the country, and beautiful women are rare!"

The poems of praise seemed to ring in my ears, and they seemed to reverberate in my heart.

The people are beautiful, and the poetry is also beautiful. The two complement each other, and the beauty is so fascinating that people can't distinguish between reality and dreams...

A confident smile appeared on Yun Yun's ethereal and pretty face.

It is undeniable that Queen Medusa is indeed beautiful, and she is a bit too beautiful, especially the charm exuded from her body, which is of a coquettish level, and no one can match her in this regard.

However, Yun Yun's beauty is also unique. Her ethereal nature and her softness and inaction are not possessed by Queen Medusa.

Both of them are beautiful in the world, but the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum have their own strengths, and the direction of beauty is completely different.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Yun Yun's face was full of confidence.

She didn't believe that that satyr would leave such a beautiful woman in the Cloud Lan Sect, and he really couldn't help but come to find her.

After finishing her hair bun, she was gentle and graceful, a noble and elegant woman appeared in the mirror, but the smile on the woman's face subsided little by little, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only a cold and imperceptible trace. horrified...

Because the picture in the mirror has more feet...

(End of this chapter)

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