From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 484: : Little Doctor Immortal

Chapter 485

In order to appease the emotions of several people, Ye Han maintained the original appearance of Canaan College.

Then a Guanghan Academy was established there, convened and re-established an academy.

"Is it really okay for me to be the dean?" Ruo Lin looked at Ye Han with a worried expression on her face, extremely distrustful.

"Don't worry! With me behind you, even if you can't, I can push you up."

Ye Han turned behind Ruo Lin, hugged her slender waist gently, and moved slightly.

"Are you serious?" Ruo Lin's cheeks flushed, she patted Ye Han's palm, turned around and looked at him face to face.

For the Canaan Academy matter, both she and Hu Jia had been angry with Ye Han for a period of time, but Ye Han's subsequent accommodation, established a school for them, and kept the old site of the Canaan Academy, one after another, this kind of care , which impressed them.

Now, that little bit of dissatisfaction and resentment in my heart has long since dissipated.

"Am I not serious?"

Ye Han hugged Ruo Lin's waist, looked at her bright red, gentle and intelligent face and said, "If I hadn't been so serious in the past few months, and double cultivation with you, how could your cultivation level improve so quickly?"

The promotion from Dou Wang to Dou Huang in just a few months was indeed due to Ye Han.

But listening to his serious words in that serious tone, Ruo Lin still blushed.

"The full moon is in the sky, it's time for today's practice."

After speaking, Ye Han has already stretched out the mouth of An Lushan.

Under the moonlight, the two singles are like one body, tightly connected together...

"Spit! Shameless."

The window on the side opened a gap, and a pure and beautiful face appeared in the gap of the window. Looking at the figure in the courtyard, he couldn't help but curse. Although his cheeks were slightly red, he had no idea of ​​avoiding it.

This is Xiao Yu.

On the other side of the window, there were also people watching, that was Hu Jia.

They are all his own women, and Ye Han naturally has no scruples about them.

Ten days later, at the instigation of Ye Han, a multi-person sports meeting ended, and Ye Han left here satisfied.

After such a long time, his cultivation base breakthrough was extremely slow, counting the time, three years had passed before he knew it, and it was the time he agreed with Her Majesty the Queen.

Ye Han left Guanghan Academy, and first went to accompany Liu Erlong for three days, and then came to Nalan Yanran and Yaoye's residence.

As a qualified time administrator, Ye Han has been busy during this period of time. Although he is a bit busy, who calls him rich!

Although his strength has been progressing slowly, all women have grown by leaps and bounds under the nourishment of his powerful energy essence.

Nalan Yanran and Yaoye had already broken through the Dou Emperor cultivation base, and now they are six-star Dou Emperors, each with a radiant face. Compared with the past, there have been earth-shaking changes in temperament, body and appearance.

The beauty that was originally one of the best in a thousand miles has now added a bit of grace and maturity, and the beauty and pure beauty are perfectly blended together.

Knowing that Ye Han was going to take them back to the land where they were born, the two daughters were first surprised, and then naturally a little reluctant.

Living here for so long has left them precious memories, which are so unforgettable and sweet.

"The world is so big, and you shouldn't be bound by one place. It's good for you to take a walk and see. If you really don't want to be here, we can come back again when there is a chance."

Ye Han took the palm of the second daughter and left this beautiful manor while talking.

The strength of the three has long since changed. It took a few months when they came and only a few days when they went back.

When they set foot on the territory of the Jiama Empire, the two women could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief. Looking at the man beside them, they couldn't help but feel as if they had passed away.

When they left, they were nothing more than the cultivation base of the Great Dou Shi, not to mention the entire Dou Qi Continent, even the Gamma Empire was an insignificant person.

But when they came back three years later, they were already Douhuang who could cover the sky with one hand in the Jiama Empire.

"I've been away for so long, go back and see my family!" Ye Han said to the second daughter.

After three years together, now it's time to part.

When Nalan Yanran and Yaoye heard the words, their expressions instantly became downcast, like a little woman who was about to cry.

Seeing this, Ye Han's face flashed a hint of helplessness, and he could only sigh that the woman was too emotional.

But in any case, his own woman still has to hurt herself, so she can only step forward and hold the two daughters in her arms, comfort them with kind words, and promise to see them soon, which makes the second daughter's mood a little easier.

Patiently comforted and persuaded with good words. After a long time, the two women's emotions were completely stabilized. One kissed him on the face, and then waved away reluctantly.

Ye Han shook his head with a wry smile, and could only sigh that having too many women was really troublesome.

However, when he thought of Queen Medusa's enchanting face and her attractive figure as mature as a peach, Ye Han's heart was full of fiery enthusiasm, and he was instantly motivated.

In this world, there are only two people who have truly touched his heart, and one is naturally Queen Medusa.

Thinking of Her Majesty's coolness and tenderness, Ye Han couldn't help showing a knowing smile on his face, and then his body instantly rose into the sky, rushing directly towards the Monster Beast Mountains.

After so many years of development, the Demonic Beast Mountains have changed a lot and become a paradise for spirit beasts.

High mountains and towering ancient trees, the soul beasts that adapted to the rules of this world and the monsters of this world coexist harmoniously, forming a huge and perfect biological chain, full of vitality everywhere.

Ye Han's body was like electricity, he slid through the air, and suddenly he turned back.

"Your Excellency, what is your intention to hide here sneakily?" Ye Han's eyes were like torches, looking at a shadow in the Demonic Beast Mountains under his feet, his voice cold.

Because of Ye Han's voice, the place in the Warcraft Mountains suddenly became silent. For a while, there was no sound, and the needles could be heard.

This silence lasted for two or three breaths, then was interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

A thin black-clothed figure slowly walked out of the shadow Ye Han was watching.

The figure in black slowly raised his head, a tuft of white hair emerged from under the wide hood, followed by a thin cheek exposed to the air.

Her face is pale, but delicate. If it weren't for the gray-purple eyes that made her look a little weird and indifferent, she must have been a peerless beauty.

"You, leave, otherwise, die." The woman opened her mouth, her voice extremely hoarse.

With her words a corrosive vindictiveness spread from her feet, and the flowers and trees along the way withered instantly after touching his vindictiveness.

Ye Han's eyes flickered slightly, she was a Douhuang-level woman, and she had poison attribute Dou Qi.

Thinking about it carefully, the entire Dou Qi Continent can possess such a powerful poison attribute Dou Qi, and she is also a female class. I am afraid there is only one person, the little doctor fairy.

"Little Doctor Immortal." Ye Han said, originally tentative words, but the woman in front of her body trembled slightly, and there was a clear struggle in her eyes.

"Sure enough, it's you." Ye Han smiled slightly.

The Taixuan Sutra was running, and the mysterious and mysterious aura gushed out from his palm and quickly fell to the little medical fairy.

When Ye Han made a move, Xiao Yixian trembled, and her eyes flashed with ferocity and viciousness. When she was about to fight back, she found that Ye Han's attack was not malicious. Instead, as the "attack" approached, she felt comfortable throughout her body. Tai, his mind is transparent, his body is warm and comfortable like never before, the evil body broke out, and he entered the chaotic thinking, and he quickly regained his sobriety at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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