From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 480: : Ryu 2 Dragon Free

Chapter 481 Liu Erlong's Release

Liu Erlong's life can be described as a tragic life.

Since I was a child, my grandmother didn't love my uncle or love, but when I grew up, I finally found a person who could barely be regarded as a person who was in love with each other. Who knew that the other party became my cousin in a blink of an eye.

Men's escape for more than ten years has made her waste a woman's great youth.

When they met again, they thought they could barely empathize with each other, but who knew they would have to bear family hatred for this.

Decades have passed since then...

Most women do not have the strong hearts of men. They can fight for a goal and fight for the rest of their lives. Liu Erlong is just an ordinary woman. For a long time, she has been exhausted physically and mentally for that lofty dream.

To be honest, the family doesn't have much affection for Liu Erlong, everything she does is for the love in her heart.

However, in the end, all dreams, all efforts, and all efforts were completely shattered by Ye Chen's angry blow.

Originally thought that everything would end here, but who ever thought that when he opened his eyes again, he saw the person in front of him.

Ye Han listened to Liu Erlong's narration quietly, and never said anything, as if all this had nothing to do with him, just a listener.

"I think you've already guessed it. That woman is me. When we first met, I didn't lie to you. I am indeed married. That person is my cousin, Yu Xiaogang." , Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han, wanting to see his attitude.

It's a pity that Ye Han was like a stone at the moment, he didn't talk to him at all, he didn't even look at Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong pursed her red lips gently, she understood.

Ye Han must have known everything, maybe not all, but he must have known the relationship between himself and Yu Xiaogang.

"I, he and I only have the name of husband and wife. You know this better than anyone else." Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han and said a little nervously.

"I don't care what your relationship with him was before, I just want to know one thing, what are you going to do in the future?" Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong and finally spoke.


Liu Erlong opened his mouth, but was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer Ye Han's question.

Her original intention was to kill Ye Han and use his blood to wash away the humiliation she suffered. Gradually, she realized that it was not easy to kill him, and she felt that she had no interest in living, so she decided to pull Ye Han together. Go to Huangquan.

But everything is not so easy, her strength is not enough.

However, one night of spring breeze, and then more than half a year of glue like paint, double cultivation day and night, made her strength steadily improve...

Finally, Liu Erlong saw hope.

But at this moment, Ye Han stopped pampering her and loving her, and gradually began to alienate her...

This change was too abrupt, causing Liu Erlong to worry about gains and losses.

It turned out that, before she knew it, the man who robbed her of her innocence had quietly occupied the place that belonged to that man in her heart.

"bring it on!"

Liu Erlong suddenly stood up from Ye Han's side, looked at Ye Han, his body was full of fighting spirit, and said, "My choice is to kill you."

"Kill me! Okay, come on, let me see what progress you have made in the past six months?" Ye Han stood up, with a smile on his face, but his tone was indifferent.


The battle from Douzong, the momentum is shocking, thousands of miles of barren mountains turn into the earth, and terrifying fluctuations permeate all directions.

Neither Ye Han nor Liu Erlong were ordinary Dou Zong.

With their previous background, the combat power of the two is far beyond the understanding of Dou Zong in this world, and they have rich combat experience.

The battle between the two continued from noon until dark.

"Your strength and means will not be limited to this, come on! Don't waste your time, today is either your death or my death." Liu Erlong stood in the void, his long hair fluttering, flying in the air, and his tight leather jacket was stained with blood. He was breathing quickly, but his eyes were cold, and his tone was unprecedentedly tough.

After she finished speaking, one fire dragon after another condensed out around her body. A full eighty-one fire dragons roared up to the sky and made a shocking sound. breath.

"If that's the case, then it's as you wish." Ye Han let out a cold drink.

After fighting for half a day, Ye Han was calm and calm, his white clothes fluttered and his blue hair fluttered, like exile immortals and dust, just like before.

However, when his words fell, he raised it in the palm of his hand, and at this moment, the whole world lost its color in front of him and became bleak.

He is like a scorching sun, exuding infinite light and heat, and like a nine-day mysterious moon, becoming the only one in the night sky, he is so different...

The five fingers are separated, one hand supports the sky, and then the palm is suddenly clenched...

With the continuous improvement of Ye Han's strength, Liuguang Qianji, now, this move's natal supernatural power seems to have the combat power of drowning level.

Eighty-one fire dragons charged down, but when they were only a few meters away from Ye Han's body, they collapsed one by one in an instant, and finally completely drowned.

The power of annihilation spread and directly enveloped Liu Erlong.

With a bang, Liu Erlong's body...the clothes exploded in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

Liu Erlong's body fell from the air, but a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Han, his eyes full of disbelief and astonishment.

Ye Han's body quickly approached, he took Liu Erlong's jade body into his arms, looked at her eyes, and said, "Is it enough now? Does it allow you to completely let go of the past, choose a new life, and start from scratch."

From the moment Liu Erlong chose to kill her, Ye Han knew what she was thinking.

She wanted to bid farewell to the past with a life-and-death battle, but unfortunately this battle was doomed before it even started. This was not because of Ye Han's strength, but because Liu Erlong didn't want to kill at the beginning, even if Ye Han really If it is not her opponent, she will definitely not be a killer.

But if that's the case, Liu Erlong may find himself short-sighted, because she can't pass the test in her heart.

But now, she has been defeated, has no resistance, suffered heavy losses, and her life is hanging by a thread. It can be regarded as a past, to Yu Xiaogang, to give an account to the family, she... did her best.

Hearing Ye Han's words, Liu Erlong nodded, then looked at Ye Han's handsome face and said, "You are also from Douluo Continent. I saw you at the Douluo Continent Elite Spirit Master Competition. What are you and Ye Chen? What's the matter?"

The move Ye Han just used finally reminded Liu Erlong of Ye Han's identity, and the familiarity that had been buried in his heart for a long time finally got the answer at this moment.

This battle means a new But if these doubts are not explained, they will definitely turn into a knot in her heart forever.


Ye Han lowered his head and whispered in Liu Erlong's ear.

There is no need to hide everything.

When Liu Erlong got the answer, there was a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, his head tilted slightly, and his body softened weakly...

At this moment, Liu Erlong was truly relieved and had a brand new start.

For the sake of her family, she worked hard, shed blood, and persevered, fought, and endured for the love in her heart...

But everything has a limit, and now, she is tired.

What Yu Xiaogang did, directly shattered the only remaining illusion in Liu Erlong's heart...

The two are no longer possible.

(End of this chapter)

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