From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 471: : close your eyes

Even Ye Han couldn't guess the needle in a woman's heart.

After the two girls came back to their senses, Ye Han took them and flew away from here.

As for the flames, Ye Han is not worried.

The suppression of the innate level, coupled with the devouring of two different fires, if you still can't deal with the Fallen Heart Flame, then you deserve to die.

After all, it's just the fall of Xin Yan, a rookie like Xiao Yan in the original book can deal with it, how could Rian Yan not be able to subdue.

After leaving the underground magma world, there are training rooms one by one.

Thinking about Ye Han with his butt, he knows where this is.

There is no doubt that this place is the cultivation treasure of Canaan College, under the Burning Sky Pagoda.

Pushing open the first training room, Ye Han stepped inside.

Yaoye and Nalan Yanran followed closely behind.

After entering the training room, the eyes of the two women fell on Ye Han together.

"You, why are you all looking at me like this?" Ye Han crossed his chest with his arms and said in fear as he stepped back.

"What do you want to do!"

The two women looked at each other, the corners of their mouths were slightly upturned, and their faces were a little blushing, but they pretended to be smirking. past.

"Don't! Don't do this, it's scary." Ye Han said quickly.

Unfortunately, the two women turned a deaf ear to his words, pressing each step with pressure.

A good man does not fight with a woman. Due to gender pressure, Ye Han retreated step by step, the two women pressed him step by step, and finally pressed Ye Han directly against the wall.

"Don't do this, I will call someone else if you do this again." Ye Han said.

"Yeah! No one will come to save you even if you cry out today." Yaoye opened her mouth, then looked at Nalan Yanran, and said, "That's what you said, right!"

"Yes, it's quite similar."

However, it was Ye Han who spoke. It was obvious that Ye Han only said this to the two girls not long ago.

At the same time, his two palms had already wrapped around the waists of the two women at some point, and with a bright smile on his face he said, "Are you going to ask the flames?"

"About her, you have also seen that she is just a pitiful elf of heaven and earth, not even her body is condensed. I also adopted her because she was pitiful. She was grateful for my upbringing, so she called me the master. ." Ye Han said without blushing.

"Is that right?"

Yao Ye obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course, if I lie to anyone, I won't lie to you!" Ye Han said, then his tone suddenly changed, looking at Yao Ye with a look of disbelief, he said viciously, "Okay, you dare to doubt me now? Let's see how I punish you today..."

Boom! ~

The heavy stone door of the training room was pushed open, making a dull sound, awakening the three people who were in full swing.

Ye Han turned his head to look, and saw a little girl in white appeared in front of him.

The little girl looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, her height was about Ye Han's waist, she had long lavender hair, her little face was white and tender, the pink-carved jade bracelet looked extremely cute, and her pair of **** crystal-like eyes gently Blink.

At this moment, those big watery eyes were a little dazed, and they glanced at the three men who were hugging each other in the house, and the clothes were disheveled. Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, she glanced at the three of them with disgust, and her tender voice sounded with a little anger, "This is my training room, please leave immediately."

"Damn it! Where did the girl come from so dragging and disturbing my brother's good deeds, don't you know how to apologize?" Ye Han pulled the shy second daughter behind him and took a step forward, blocking the little girl's sight, her eyes brimmed with Looking at her, she looked at the little girl in front of her with a strange brilliance in her eyes.

When the youngest daughter heard Ye Han's words, her eyes widened instantly. No one in this Canaan College dared to speak to him like this, Ye Han was definitely the first.

The little girl was boiling with anger, and then a purple dragon shadow appeared in Ye Han's eyes.

"Taixu Gulong, Zi Yan." Ye Han said, and instantly revealed the identity of the little girl.

"Yeah! Don't think that if you reveal my identity, I won't hit you. Look at the trick." The little girl greeted Ye Han with a fist at the same time as she opened her mouth.

The petite fist is crystal clear, as white and tender as lotus root, but its lethality is huge.

With a punch, the sound of breaking wind rang out. The strong wind pressure made Ye Han's robes rattle, and his long sky blue hair danced wildly.

Ye Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the fist that was approaching at that moment. He was not panicking, but when he couldn't let it go, he raised his palm in an instant, and the last hair came first to hold that small fist.

That little fist was like a white-faced steamed bun, weak and boneless, but it was extremely powerful, far exceeding that of ordinary people, and an ordinary Dou Wang could not compete with it at all.

However, what she was facing at the moment was Ye Han, a non-human being, a real monster.

"As expected of the World of Warcraft in this world, it's a bit interesting." Ye Han wrapped his big hand around the little girl's fist and praised with a smile.


The little girl's almond eyes were wide open, looking at Ye Han in front of her, her eyes were full of inconceivability, and there was a trace of daze.

In the face of this person, her proud strength was useless, she was held in the palm of her hand, and she was unable to move an inch.

In the pure power competition, she was completely defeated.

"Who the **** are you?" Little Loli's cute little face instantly became very solemn, looking at Ye Han and said cautiously.

She has lived in this inner courtyard for many years, but she has never heard of someone like Ye Han.

"You don't need to know who I was in the past, you just need to remember that from now on, I am your master, don't be in a hurry to refuse, there is no harm in being my servant, on the contrary, I can make you grow up quickly, And I can take you to find your father, do you want to see your relatives?" Ye Han didn't give the little girl a chance to refute at all.

The little girl's face changed drastically.

Ye Han's two promises seemed to pinpoint her pulse, leaving her powerless.

Growing up to find relatives, this has always been her goal.

However, if you want her to call another person's master, you can only say, hehe.

"Let go of me."

The little girl raised her foot and kicked Ye Han's wrist directly. At the same time, she sneered, "I'll beat you to the ground, I can also know what I want to know."

At the same time as she moved her feet, a smile appeared on her tender little face.

However, the smug look just appeared on her little face, but it was only a moment, and it completely solidified.

Because Ye Han's other palm had already grasped her ankle, making her unable to move an inch, the little girl's body was surging with energy, but it was of no use at all, and there was no way to break free from Ye Han's restraint.

"Little girl, have you ever seen a fist the size of a sandbag?" Ye Han smiled and showed his white teeth. The terrifying appearance made the little girl's pupils shrink fiercely.

"Don't be afraid, close your eyes, it doesn't hurt at all." Ye Han comforted.

"Ye, Big Brother Ye, she's just a little Let her go!" Nalan Yanran and Yao Ye grabbed Ye Han's sleeves from left and right, they couldn't bear it, they didn't want Ye Han because of a little Little things bully little girls.

"She's not an ordinary little girl, but a magical beast." Ye Han said with a smile, and then he directly sealed the little girl's fighting qi and brought the little body over.

Then there was a burst of beatings...

In every slap, a mighty force penetrated into the little girl's body, helping her to hit the acupuncture points in her body...

The little girl screamed and cried, and finally begged for mercy, calling out to her master in the endless torture.

However, Ye Han turned a deaf ear to this, and shot without mercy. Even though the little girl was already unconscious, he did not give up, but intensified. That cruel appearance made Nalan Yanran and Yao Ye shiver in fear, and they didn't say a word. dare not say.

boom! ~

Under Ye Han's constant beatings, the little girl's body exploded, and a cloud of purple mist filled the air, pushing the three of them into the corner of the training room.

Looking at it again, a behemoth almost filled the entire space. It was a creature with scales and armor...

"What's going on?" Nalan Yanran and Yao Ye looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"She has accumulated a lot of medicinal power in her body, but there is no way to fully exert their effects. I just broke them up and let them completely integrate into her body. Now it seems that the effect is good, she has broken through, wait for her When you wake up, you will be able to freely transform between the two forms of animal body and human body."

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