From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 457: : I'm not interested in broken shoes

Chapter 458 I am not interested in broken shoes

Ruo Lin's cheeks flushed red as she looked at the retreating back, embarrassed and angry.

After so many years, in the end she was molested by a student.

Obviously, Ye Han's identity was also regarded by her as a member of Canaan Academy, and what he did just now, in Ruo Lin's opinion, was molesting.

However, the conversation between the two students on the side broke her inner fantasy.

"Xun'er, you, you didn't really do that, right?" Xiao Yu supported Xiao Xun'er's arm with a worried look on her face.


Xiao Xun'er nodded lightly, and a sweet smile appeared on her pale pretty face again.

She thought of Ye Han's expression just now, and heard what he just said.

myself, as if, freed.

He has no interest in broken shoes. Although the words are ugly, they sound like the sounds of nature to Xiao Xun'er. This is definitely the most pleasing words he has heard in his mouth since he met Ye Han.

She has no regrets about giving her body to the person she loves the most, and it is definitely the happiest thing to be able to exchange her freedom once.

"You, hey, then, who is that man?" Xiao Yu's face changed, and finally he could only ask.

Her words made Ruo Lin on the side come back to her senses.

Ye Han seemed to have asked the same thing just now, and he also scolded swear words and broken shoes...

Ruo Lin's face changed, and he finally understood what was going on.

No wonder he was so angry!

She couldn't help but let out a sigh, and she understood Ye Han's mood just now.

I'm afraid any man finds his fiancée limping...

I am afraid they will be furious.

"Forget it, since things have already happened, that's the only way to go. Go back and rest!" Ruo Lin said helplessly as she looked at Xiao Xun'er.

"If I go to rest, then teacher, what about your promotion?" Xiao Xun'er said.

The reason why she rushed back in such a hurry was because of this, otherwise, how could she have rushed back in such a hurry if she had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time with the person she loved.

"The promotion will not work this time and the next time, it's okay, go back and have a good rest!" Ruo Lin looked at Xiao Xun'er's pale face, and said a little distressed.

Seeing that Xiao Xun'er was unwell, but her mental state was very good, she did not ask who the man was, but gently advised her to go back to rest.

"If you miss this promotion, you will have to wait another three years! The teacher treats me so well, how can I bear to let the teacher continue to wait for three more years?"

With a sweet smile on Xiao Xun'er's face, she took out an elixir and put it in her mouth, then looked at Instructor Ruolin, and said, "Don't worry, teacher, I'm fine, this is the elixir he gave me, I body is much better.”

After taking the medicine pill, Xiao Xun'er's pale face returned to rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in order to gain Ruo Lin's trust, she jumped around in front of her like a little girl twice, and did A high leg lift was performed.

"Is it really okay?"

Ruo Lin spoke, and then she was a little suspicious, and said, "Since there is this medicine, why didn't you take it just now?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er's pretty face couldn't help but blushed slightly, but there was a hint of sweetness in her eyes.

Thinking of that man's domineering and powerful, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart, a little fear, but more of love.

"He, he wanted to punish me, to give me a memory, and not allow me to take the medicine pill immediately." Xiao Xun'er's cheeks were flushed, a little shy, but full of sweetness.

Ruo Lin and Xiao Yu looked at each other and felt that the girl in front of them was helpless.

How can a girl who is usually so aloof and cold become like this overnight?

It is unbelievable that he would endure the pain of his body because of one person's words!

Ruo Lin and Xiao Yu looked at each other silently, but sighed helplessly,

I don't know how many hearts will be broken this time. In the dream, the goddess thought she was another woman.

Ruo Lin was in the middle, surrounded by Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yu, she quickly came to the huge performance field.

The arrival of the three women instantly attracted the attention of many eyes, especially Xiao Xun'er, whose originally beautiful and refined face was so pure and stunning, like a green lotus, transcendental and refined.

At this moment, I haven't seen her for a day. I don't know if she is delusional or not. Many people have sensitive senses, but they actually see a touch of charm in her. Open your eyes.

On the huge martial arts field, the battle was unprecedented, the fighting spirit was blazing, various fighting skills collided frequently, and violent energy fluctuations erupted one after another, and the battle was extremely fierce.

One fight after another, one fight after another.

When it was Xiao Yan's turn to play, naturally there were endless voices of admiration.

Of course, as the protagonist of Shuangwen, how could it be possible without two brushes?

Xiao Yan was considered outstanding at the same level in terms of skills and strength, and coupled with all kinds of coincidences, he did have his brilliance.

However, as soon as he met Ye Han, all the auras had to be shattered.

The strange fire was taken away, the younger brother was abolished, the woman was robbed, one by one, if it was placed on other people, I would be crazy.

However, Xiao Yan believed in thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, so he could hold back.

However, in the process of forbearance, if there is an opportunity to vent, then he will naturally not let it go.

As a result, the opponents who fought against him suffered, and they basically all had blue noses and swollen faces, and they were carried off the field in a coma.

Xiao Yan pushed forward vigorously all the way, and it can be said that he made the top five abruptly, and obtained a chance for Canaan College to enter the library.

In this regard, there are naturally countless adoring eyes falling on him.

In the end, someone ran to Xiao Xun'er's side and said with a smile, "No wonder Xun'er sister doesn't lie to other men, so the person in her heart is so good."

Xiao Xun'er heard the words, expressionless, shook her head slightly, and then dragged by Xiao Yu, came to Xiao Yan's side, and said a word of congratulations lightly.

Xiao Yan looked at the girl in front of him, opened his mouth slightly, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Seeing this, Xiao Xun'er turned around and left, and came to the side of Instructor Ruolin.

Trust is important!

However, there seems to be no such thing between her and Xiao Yan.

In the following time, Xiao Xun'er also made several shots, all of which were easily won.

There is no doubt that Xiao Xun'er has the bloodline of the gods, and has the strength of the peers.

And this time, she unexpectedly discovered that her strength has improved a lot, and she is just a stone's throw away from Dou is him. "

Thinking of Xiao Han, of the scene of the flowers blooming yesterday, of the heaven and earth with the full moon hanging high, her pure face instantly turned a smoky red, just like the blooming rose, it became so delicate and charming.

A day has passed!

When night fell, Xiao Xun'er returned to her residence, standing alone by the window, looking at the moon slowly climbing up the branches, slightly dazed.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared behind her, gently hugging her waist that was too full to be grasped.

"What are you thinking, so fascinated?"

The sudden voice, although it sounded familiar, still made Xiao Xun'er fry her hair and almost cried out in fright.

"Don't be afraid! It's me."

At the moment of crisis, his mouth was covered by someone, and the grudge that had just surged up was instantly suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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