From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 445: : Presumptuous 1 time

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

"I never thought there would be such a shameless person in the world."

Ye Han looked at the figure in black robe who was cheap and sold well, and couldn't help shaking his head.

When Liu Erlong heard Ye Han's words, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at him.

In terms of shamelessness, who can compare to him?

But this guy is a real villain, everything is hung on his face, he doesn't hide it, and he lives casually and freely.

But what about the guy on the other side?

Looking at his words and defending his appearance, there is no doubt that this is a hypocrite.

Comparing the two, the real villain is more than one grade stronger than the hypocrite.

At least really small people don't make people feel sick.

"It's you." Blood Sect Young Sect Master raised his head and looked at the man in black robe gloomily.

After that, a pair of icy eyes became even colder, apparently recognizing that the man in black robe was competing with him for the existence of the broken map at the auction.

At the same time as the Young Sect Master of the Blood Sect spoke, his subordinates had a tacit understanding and quickly dispersed, surrounding the black-robed man.

All eyes were cold, full of killing intent, and no one was stupid. The deeds of the man in black robe had already told everyone that he was an enemy rather than a friend.

Then, the rest is fine.


If he actually appeared, he couldn't let him leave alive.

"Hehe, Young Sect Master, we meet again." The black-robed young man laughed, with a hint of playfulness hanging from the corner of his mouth, playing with the scroll in his hand, not paying any attention to the surrounding.

"Hand over the scroll and keep your corpse." The blood sect young sect master pointed at the black-robed man with a long knife, and said in a cold voice.

The man in black robe nodded, and just when everyone thought he was going to hand over the scroll, he directly put it into the acceptance ring.

The Blood Sect Young Sect Master twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, realizing that he thought too much.

Seeing this, I stopped talking nonsense, and directly attacked the black-robed man.

There is a saying that two fists are invincible to four hands. Obviously, everyone has a better chance of winning and can end the battle faster, but who makes them face the protagonist?

As soon as the halo of lowering intelligence appears, all IQs are halved, and it is no longer possible to judge problems with normal thinking.

The young sect master of the blood sect actually let several of his capable generals guard aside to prevent the opponent from escaping, and chose to lead some ordinary subordinates to fight the opponent alone.

Although the cultivation base of the black-robed man is only in the realm of the Great Fighting Master, the restraint of the exercises, coupled with the various trump cards that the opponent has mastered, eventually caused the blood sect young master to suffer from frequent slumps.

In front of the protagonist of Shuangwen, any enemy is a native chicken.

In the end, the battle came to an end, and the blood sect, including the young sect master, was completely destroyed.

The most interesting thing is that when Sect Master Xuezong returned and saw the traces left after the battle on the ground, he pushed everything directly onto the tomb of the skeleton.

Ye Han came out this time just to watch the play.

Ye Han could only be speechless at the bewildering operation of the blood sect master.

This time, Ye Han took Liu Erlong's palm and strolled in this vast and chaotic place.

"The mountains, the water and the scenery are beautiful. I wanted to sing poetry and give it to the world, but I have no culture, so I can only lie." Walking on this land, Ye Yehan couldn't help but sigh, and his poetry was full of poetry. head.

Liu Erlong "..."

Thinking about the song a few days ago, Yu Jian rides the wind, destroying the devil in the world, and thinking about this song with beautiful mountains, rivers and beautiful scenery, Liu Erlong suddenly felt a sense of time and space disorder.

"Is this guy a split personality?" Liu Erlong muttered to himself.

But in the face of Ye Hanna's expectant gaze, Liu Erlong had to nod against his will and said, "Good poetry, good poetry."

"I'll make a medicinal pill for you when you go back, so that you can start the path of cultivation again. At that time, you and I will look down on the mainland of Zhongzhou together." Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong and expressed satisfaction with her performance. So he smiled.

Liu Erlong's eyes lit up slightly and said, "Really."

"Of course, if I lie to anyone, I won't lie to you! Well, you are doubting me, aren't you?" Ye Han said, but the last sentence was obviously malicious.

"No, no, I'm excited and happy." Liu Erlong quickly waved his hands.


Ye Han was suspicious, and then a trace of loneliness appeared on his face, and he said with a handsome face, "But what should I do if I'm not happy?"

"As soon as I am unhappy, the technology of refining medicine will be greatly reduced, and the technology of refining medicine will be greatly reduced, and the success rate of medicinal pills will naturally be greatly reduced. Is it good?"

Facing Ye Han, who was lonely and sighed as if there was no one else around, Liu Erlong bit his red lips with his gleaming teeth, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, and a smile that eclipsed Baihua's face bloomed. He came to Ye Han's arms and hugged him. He settled on his bear's waist and stood on tiptoe and kissed his face.

"Are you happy?" Liu Erlong asked.

"Hey! I would definitely be happier if I changed the place. As soon as I am happy, this medicine refining technique..." Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

The gentle touch, the sweet entanglement, finally ended with Liu Erlong almost suffocating.

Under the sun, the tall man's back was pulled by the west-slanting sunset, the elder elder.

Liu Erlong was attached to the man's back, with an intoxicating blush on his face, and looked at the man who was walking behind him with extremely complicated eyes.

In the afterglow of the scorching sun, her husband hurried to his home behind his back. What a beautiful picture this is, one does not want to destroy it.

Liu Erlong's hands silently hugged Ye Han's neck.

Holding the hand of the son and the son grow old together, and each other, such a warm scene, she has been craving for many years, but Yu Xiaogang has never given her.

She is just a woman, not as firm in her heart as a man. She can persist for a long time for ambition, ambition, and even hatred, without regrets until death.

Now, although she was bullied badly by a man just now, in such a warm scene, looking at the shadow walking behind her back in the afterglow, she unknowingly let go of all her love and hatred.

For so many days along the way, although Ye Han always bullied her, he took care of her meticulously, treating her like a treasure, although it was a bit contradictory, it was the truth.

Like now!

The body that bullied her just now was but he turned his head, but he didn't care about his identity at all, and carried her directly on his back.

Seeing that the recovery was imminent, Liu Erlong completely relaxed his mind and planned to be presumptuous.

"Since becoming his wife is an irreversible fact, then let's be reckless in the last moments of your life! Whether it's for him or me, it's a life worth living." Liu Erlong thought secretly.

As a man, what he needs is a well-behaved, obedient, gentle and virtuous wife.

As a woman, Liu Erlong also wanted to experience the feeling of being a wife...

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