From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 437: : black robe man

The hotly dressed maid is full of youth, looks only about 20 years old, and has a beautiful face. As long as a normal man sees such a woman, he can't help but look twice, and this man in black robe is not exception.

However, the look in his eyes towards the woman was neither admiration nor fiery, but instead filled with an inexplicable disgust.

I don't know why, since he was kicked out by Ye Han, he has had a certain psychological shadow on women. Although he has been cured, he still can't pass the test in his heart, especially when he thinks of Xiao Xun'er.

Now when he sees women, especially beautiful women, he will feel disgusted.

Looking back, he controlled his emotions, looked at the swaying maid, and said lightly, "The latter."

"Please come to me."

The maid smiled charmingly, then turned around to lead the way, the water snake-like waist swayed in a very attractive arc, and normal men couldn't help but feel dry.

Obviously, the maids here have been specially trained and know how to magnify their charm to the extreme in the eyes of men.

It's a pity that the boy in the black robe can no longer be viewed as a normal person.

The face under the cloak was slightly distorted, and an evil light burst out in his eyes, trying to destroy everything.

Looking at the woman scratching her head in front of him, an urge to tear it up rose in his heart.

Fortunately, his reason was still there, and he deeply suppressed this impulse.

The maid walked more than ten meters with the man in black robe, then stopped in front of a small secret room, turned around and bowed to the man in black robe behind him, and said with a smile, "Sir, you only need to hand over the things you want to auction. The masters inside will evaluate and review, and then you can get a seat at the auction according to the preciousness and grade of the item you auctioned."

The man in black robe nodded slightly, then pushed open the black wooden door and walked in, and finally closed the door smoothly.

The light in the small secret room was bright. As the man in black robe entered, he saw an old man with gray hair scanning him with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see something.

However, due to the deliberate concealment of the man in black robe, he obviously couldn't see anything useful.

"Please take a seat."

The old man withdrew his gaze, pointed casually to the chair in front of the table, lowered his head and sorted out all the experimental tools, and said lightly, "Bring out the things you need to auction!"

The man in black robe was silent for a while without speaking. With a wave of his palm, three small jade bottles appeared on the table.


The old man looked at the three small jade bottles on the table, and his eyes flashed with surprise for a moment. Then he put on the transparent gloves for experiments, carefully picked up a small jade bottle, poured the light blue medicine pill into his hand, and put it on the The tip of his nose sniffed, and he carefully looked at the two lines on the blue elixir. His expression was slightly moved, and he asked in surprise, "Is this the two lines clearing elixir?"


The man in black robe nodded lightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Since you also know the name of the Erwen Qingling Pill, you should know its effect as well. Help me estimate the auction reserve price."

Hearing this, the old man shook his head and said, "I have to check first."

After he finished speaking, he took out those bizarre utensils and fiddled with the medicine pill in his hand for a long time before he nodded.

"It is indeed a two-pattern azure elixir, and its quality is quite high. Even an ordinary fourth-grade pharmacist would have difficulty refining this quality."

He tentatively praised, but of course he didn't get any response.

The old man saw that the other party was also an old yin ratio, so he stopped making false claims and began to evaluate the medicine pill of the Heipao man.

The final price naturally made the man in black robe very satisfied.

However, this treasure appraisal did not end there.

After pushing the three small jade bottles containing the Erwen Qingling Pill to the old man, the man in black robe took out an identical small jade bottle again and said, "Please help me estimate the value of this pill."

"This is?"

Looking at the round blue medicine pill in his hand, looking at the three faint lines on the medicine pill, the old man's eyes showed unconcealed solemnity and surprise.

"Three-pattern clearing elixir."

The two-pattern Qingling Pill and the three-pattern Qingling Pill seem to be the same, but the actual effect is very different.

Even a treasure appraiser who is used to seeing all kinds of rare and precious treasures can't help but light up his eyes at this moment. He praised and said a good treasure. In the end, he even set a price of 700,000 gold coins for this three-pattern Qingling Pill. And this is just the reserve price, and it will definitely be a lot longer after the auction.

The man in black robe nodded silently, but he couldn't help being surprised. It was just a few pills, and the total value was close to two million. This money came easily. No wonder everyone wanted to become a pharmacist. The speed of making money simply makes other people jealous.

"Sir, the total value of the items you want to auction has reached the level of the second-level VIP of our auction house. This is your seat number. The auction will start this afternoon. Please take your seat at that time." The old man made a beautifully made one. The card was handed over to the man in black robe.

After taking the card, the man in black robe nodded and said, "Can I leave now?"

"It's your choice, sir." The old man said with a smile.

The attitude towards the man in black robe now is completely different from the attitude towards the man in black robe just now.

Heipaoren also stopped talking nonsense. He came here to make money. Now that everything has been done, he didn't stop when he got up and left here.

The old man looked at the empty room, and after a while, he looked down at the few bottles of medicinal pills on the table, a strange look flashed in the cloudy old eyes.

Eight doors were destroyed, and the Black Seal City was taken over by a new force. It seems calm now, but there must be a **** storm in the dark, and some people will definitely be cleaned up.

The elderly are mature and sophisticated, and know how to plan ahead.

The few medicinal pills in his hand and the mysterious alchemist in black robes became his gifts to the new sect master.

"A pharmacist who can refine the three-pattern Qingling Pill, the sect master, must be interested!" Yubi patted the table with his palm, and then the wall of the secret room Then a dark hole slowly appeared.

The old man picked up the medicine pill on the table, turned around and entered the hole, slowly disappearing...

After a while, the pill of the black-robed man appeared directly in Ye Han's hands.

Ye Han looked at the medicine pill in his hand, his eyes were calm and indifferent, then he closed the lid, and said to the appraiser who respectfully saluted below, "You did a good job, not bad, the chief appraiser of the auction house will be yours."

"Thank you for the cultivation of the master." The old man hurriedly bowed and saluted.

The chief treasure appraiser is not important, what is important is Ye Han's words.

With his words, in the next big purge, as long as he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, he won't be purged. That's the most important thing.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go down first!" Ye Han waved his hand and handed the medicine pill to the old man again.

Ye Han's casual attitude made the old man stunned for a moment, and then he immediately figured out what to do.

This is totally unacceptable!


To be able to destroy the existence of eight doors at will, there must be a terrifying force behind it.

"What? Do you like those pills?"

"It's just rubbish. If you like it, I'll find someone to make something better for you another day."

The intermittent voice rang in the old man's ear, making him more sure of his guess.

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