From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 435: : Sprinkle beans into a soldier

The technique of throwing beans into an army!

This is a spell from the world of self-cultivation. It is said to be a spell, but it is actually similar to alchemy.

You need to refine all kinds of bean soldiers in advance, throw them out when you use them, and then activate the formations with spells, which is the so-called bean soldiers.

In other words, it's a lie.

When he was in Douluo Continent, during the decades in the starry sky, Ye Han would ponder these things without incident, but he refined tens of thousands of bean soldiers, but these things were not very powerful, so he had never done so before. Used it, if he hadn't seen a lot of people today, he would have almost forgotten that there were tens of thousands of bean soldiers in his storage space.

The sprinkling golden particles are really like beans. After they fell to the ground, they bounced two or three times, but the two or three times were bigger than each other.

Countless golden beans jumped and jumped, and in an instant, under everyone's attention, they swelled like a balloon, from the size of a little finger to an egg, and then from an egg to a grinding disc, and then gave birth to hands, feet and limbs. And once again hit the wind.

In an instant, there are tens of thousands of golden giants more than ten meters high standing between heaven and earth.


Countless people in the dark army opposite rubbed their eyes, looking like they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

However, no matter how many times they rubbed their eyes, the tens of thousands of golden giants still stood in front of them.

A tall figure is a giant for human beings, and a powerful physique is daunting.

"I said earlier that you were surrounded by me, but you didn't believe it. You insisted on forcing me to go crazy. I really don't want to! But for people like you, how can you put down your slaughtering knife and change your ways?"

Ye Han shook his head and sighed, "It seems that there is no cure for you now. I'm afraid **** is your way back."

"Pretend to be a ghost, it's just a trick, don't want to bluff others! Brothers, don't be blinded by the sight in front of you, come together and chop him." The real leader of the dark army rides on a beast full of scales. , walked out of the crowd slowly, pointed Ye Han with the iron spear in his hand, and shouted loudly.

After he finished speaking, his legs caught the belly of the monster, causing the monster under his crotch to let out a neigh, the whole body stood up like a human, and then fell back to the ground again, and then ran towards Ye Han non-stop.

"He's so **** handsome!"

Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh, admiring the leader's driving skills.

"Kill kill kill!~"

Under the leadership of this leader, the momentum of the army of darkness rose instantly, and a roar like a tsunami came out of his mouth. He no longer believed what he saw in front of him, carrying his own weapons and attacking Ye Han together.

"It's stubborn, and since that's the case, let's kill! The whole army will attack and crush them." Ye Han shouted loudly.

Under the guidance of his soul, tens of thousands of golden giants jumped and jumped so fast that they collided with the army of darkness after only five or six breaths.

The strength of these mechanical puppets is also relative. Close to the physical strength and natural brute force, killing one or two Douhuang powerhouses is like playing.

In just one round of collision, the army of darkness was slaughtered to pieces and collapsed.

The corpses were scattered all over the earth, and the stumps were everywhere. The scarlet blood pooled into small rivers and lakes.


Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er had their teeth chattering, their faces turned pale, and their calves were trembling.

Originally, the two women were only amazed by the golden giant that Ye Han created, and by his methods. Who would have known that he performed a human disappearance technique in front of them.

It's not one or two hundred people, one or two thousand people, or one or two thousand people, but more than one hundred thousand people!

Even if there are 100,000 pigs, if you kill them alone, you have to kill them for a few days!

Even if it is a large-scale battle, when the two armies are at war, it will take a long time for an army of 100,000 people to die.

However, right in front of his eyes, with this round of charging, everything is over.

The tens of thousands of golden giants are tall and majestic, and they look extremely delicate, like poured brass, without the smell of fireworks, and they don't feel much energy fluctuations.

But on this huge battlefield, in such a large-scale battle, the lethality displayed is terrifying.

Hit hard with no bells and whistles, the tall body was trampled by like a giant beast of war, and the army of darkness was like a chicken and a dog, and it was directly smashed into pieces.

If the arm is tossed at will, the casualties are huge, and there is no one enemy at all.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was silent, only the voices of chattering shouts and hoarse screams echoed on this huge plain.

"Devil, devil, you devil!" Several Douhuang-level leaders broke through the siege with their powerful strength and came to Ye Han, but looking at Ye Han, their faces were ashen, and their voices trembled.

They have roamed the Great Plains of the Black Territory for many years, and they even occupied a place in the Black Corner Territory.

For a long time, words such as vicious and devil have been used to describe them, but it is ironic that today they are in a panic and call another person a devil.

"I'll take it as you compliment me." Ye Han said with a grin.

To him, the lives and deaths of more than 100,000 people seemed insignificant, and he didn't care at all.

The insults of the enemy are the best reward for the victor.

"It's not easy for you to cultivate, and surrender now. I'm just short of manpower, so I can consider accepting you." Ye Han said, "I count three, and you give me the answer."

Several Douhuang-level leaders looked at each other, their faces full of surprise and hesitation.

They have been running rampant on the black plain for many years, across the Central Province, how could they be so easily succumbed to However, Ye Han was too powerful, and his methods were shocking, which scared them to the core.

"one two Three."

Ye Han didn't care, he didn't care about the thoughts of these people. After counting to three, seeing that these people were still hesitating, still weighing the pros and cons, and judging each other's strength, a trace of impatience flashed on Ye Han's face, and said, "Since that's the case. , then go to die!"

scoff! ~

The scarlet long sword was unsheathed and slashed out.

A crescent-shaped sword qi flew out and slashed directly at a powerful Douhuang realm opposite.

The Douhuang realm powerhouse was startled, and hurriedly raised his weapon to block.

After a crisp sound, his body flew out, but he didn't die, it was just that the tiger's mouth cracked and his chest was stuffy.


The man's hair was disheveled, and after landing, he stepped back, but instead of anger he laughed instead.

"Brothers, have you seen it? He is only in the Dou King realm. Although he is a little perverted, it is not easy for us to kill him with our hands together."

Ye Han's move, failed to kill this Douhuang strongman, but exposed his own strength.

The eyes of the swaying Douhuang powerhouses lit up one after another, feeling that the words of the Douhuang who was slashed by Ye Han's sword were indeed feasible.

"It's true, it's hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words. Since you are all looking for death, I can only help you with great compassion and compassion." Ye Han said indifferently.

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