From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

: Four hundred and thirty: Black Storm

"Okay, since you're talking about the village's rules, then I'll come and tell you. You said that I'm your wife, right! Did your village's rules say that your wife is unhappy, you should throw your wife away? It doesn't matter whether the other party lives or dies." Liu Erlong raised his head to look at Ye Han's ice mask, and said confidently.

She doesn't want to go now, and she doesn't dare to go.

This unfamiliar world is too terrifying. It was just after leaving the city that someone was staring at him. Although the crisis in front of him has been resolved by Ye Han, what about after leaving Ye Han?

Besides, if you just leave like this, isn't it cheap for this bastard?

The humiliation that I have suffered, the unspeakable things I have endured, is this all it takes?

No, she wants revenge.

For this, she can do anything.

When Ye Han heard Liu Erlong's words, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, as if he was seriously recalling the rules of the village.

In fact, my heart has already blossomed with joy.

Among the women he knew, the most difficult one was Bibi Dong, and the easiest one to deceive was Liu Erlong in front of him.

It was her who said she had **** and no brains. It was so deceiving.

"The village rules said that protecting one's own woman is a sacred duty that a man should shoulder, but you don't want to..." Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong with a puzzled expression.

"Haha, don't I want to be useful? If it is really useful, why would I use that method to prove my innocence that night." Liu Erlong said with a cheek.

Speaking of what happened that night, even with Liu Erlong's state of mind at this time, Ye felt his face blushed and his heartbeat was extremely shy.

"Uh, this..."

Ye Han was at a loss for words, and was speechless.

"What is this? For a woman, innocence is the most important thing. My innocence has been taken away by you, so from now on, I can only be yours." Liu Erlong said incomparably domineering.

But when the last sentence came out, her mood became obviously wrong, and she felt a sense of loss.

Her words were half-truths.

A woman's innocence is indeed important. Her innocence has been destroyed in Ye Han's hands, and she is indeed unable to get along with other people in this life...

"From now on, you will be my husband, and you will be responsible for my safety, and you must be responsible, too. Now take me into the car." Liu Erlong restrained his thoughts, looked at Ye Han and ordered.

Ye Han "..."

He found that he was speechless, this woman was too good at speaking.

He just grabbed himself and stole her innocence and didn't let it go. He was completely determined by himself.

"Are you sure you want to be my woman?" Ye Han said.


Liu Erlong nodded.

"Then, you have to call me husband in the future!" Ye Han said.

"Okay!" Liu Erlong glanced at Ye Han, his red lips raised slightly, and a word came out of his mouth.

He has just been strong, and now he has to make concessions.

"Is this true?" Ye Han's eyes lit up.

Liu Erlong's eyes flickered slightly, and there's not much difference between calling her husband once and calling her husband ten thousand times. Then I'll be his wife for a while, and then find a chance to kill him. I'll make the final decision on my own.

Anyway, my innocence, my personality, and everything about me have been ruined. From now on, after leaving Ye Han, she will no longer be able to get along with other men, not even Yu Xiaogang.

"No lie, from now on, I will be your wife." Liu Erlong said.

Although she accepted her fate, she did not give up on herself.

Promise Ye Han, it's just an expedient measure, in order to avenge blood and hatred in the future.

"Then you can't show me your face in the future." Ye Han said.

"Hehe, husband, is this the head office?" Liu Erlong gnashed his teeth while smiling like a flower arrangement.

"Well, so-so!"

Ye Han nodded.

Then, taking advantage of Liu Erlong's unpreparedness, he quickly leaned over and kissed her red lips.

Then he hurriedly said, "You just promised me not to show your face to me."

Liu Erlong's complexion changed, and the colors were extremely wonderful.

He took a few deep breaths, and then suppressed the surging anger in his heart, saying, "I'm not angry, are you my husband, how could I be angry?"

"It's fine if you're not angry, then I'll kiss again." The voice fell, Ye Han possessed himself again, and once again kissed Liu Erlong's red lips.

"Shut up!" Xiao Xun'er felt disgusted and couldn't help retching from the side.

After realizing Ye Han's unkind gaze was looking at her, she quickly waved her hand and said, "I'm a little uncomfortable, the murder scene you created is so disgusting, I'm sorry I can't help it, vomit!"

Your sister's!

Is it stupid to be an old man?

Ye Han admires Xiao Xun'er's blatant nonsense ability, but she won't get used to her.

Taking a step forward, the long sword in his hand moved in circles, directly using it as a ruler, and slapped it **** Xiao Xun'er's buttocks.

It was really like a father beating his daughter, Xiao Xun'er was beaten without any resistance, jumping three feet high, with both hands covering her hips, the pain was tearing up.

"Don't follow us if you're disgusting! If you disturb our husband and wife's two-person world, and you're disgusting, I think you're looking for a prank." Ye Han said fiercely.

"Let's go." Ye Han put Liu Erlong on the carriage, and he jumped up and sat on the carriage.

Seeing this, Xiao Xun'er didn't care about the pain in her **** hurriedly jumped into the carriage, bent over like a carriage in a carriage, but was grabbed by Ye Han.

"Why are you going?" Ye Han asked.

"If you want to follow me, you can, come on, the carriage is now handed over to you." Ye Han dragged Xiao Xun'er to his side, let her sit down, then opened her palm and put the horsewhip in his hand , of course.

Xiao Xun'er was speechless, looking at the figure who slipped into the carriage, bit her lip lightly, and cursed fiercely, "I don't understand the style, I don't understand Lianxiangxiyu, it's your wife who doesn't like you."

The little girl had already seen Liu Erlong's thoughts. That woman didn't like this man at all. She didn't know the specific reason, but she knew that it was just the man's wishful thinking.

Even with this compromise, Xiao Xun'er could see Liu Erlong's forbearance.

But the little girl understands the truth of talking in a simple way, so she is just a bystander, looking at everything in front of her, but can't say anything...

Three days later, the carriage slowly drove into the Black Domain Plain.

Across this plain is the Black Corner Territory, the center of the Dou Qi Continent, which is called the most chaotic place.

As the carriage drove slowly, a day later, it finally came to the deepest part of the Black Plains.

The journey was safe and sound, Xiao Xun'er was inevitably a little slack, and the wind picked up before she knew it.

black storm...

The black storm silently filled the entire world, like a thousand troops galloping, and when Xiao Xun'er discovered it, it was too late.

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