Chapter 428 Reward Order

Originally thought that the situation of death, because of Ye Han's appearance, there was a shocking reversal in an instant.

The cannibal side was killed by Ye Han alone.

Whether it was for the reward, the powerhouses who came to slay the demons, or the food caught by the cannibals, everyone was rescued.

Someone was reborn and cried with joy.

Some people are dumbfounded, their faces are gray and defeated, their expressions are full of depression, and they feel that they have no love for life.

Although they were rescued, what about their relatives?

There was also a woman who cried and laughed for a while, looking like a madman, and then hit her head to death in front of everyone.

They couldn't stand that kind of humiliation, and didn't want to live in the world with their black-stained bodies, so they chose to use this stubborn method to end the rest of their lives.


Ye Han sighed faintly, without stopping anyone's actions, and without any excess emotions.

Life is like this. Life and death depend on fate. Wealth is in heaven. Living in this world is not easy for everyone. Just be yourself.


The scarlet long sword flew back and fell back to the scabbard behind him accurately.

Ye Han walked forward and came to Liu Erlong, who was staring at him stupidly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth under the mask.

"What? Don't you know me?" Ye Han said with a smile.

"I, really, really you?" Liu Erlong said in disbelief.

Could the figure that showed great power just now really be the person whom he called his husband for a few days?

Liu Erlong only felt that this figure was very familiar, but his temperament was very different from when he just parted, and he wore a mask on his face, making it impossible for her to tell the difference.

"Fool, who else is there besides me?" Ye Han said at the same time, walked to Liu Erlong's side, squatted down and touched Liu Erlong's head, then took off the mask on his face.

After Liu Erlong saw what he looked like, he put on the mask again.

"Your husband, I am so handsome, men will be jealous when they see it, and women will fall in love with me when they see it, in order to avoid trouble, so this handsome face can only be appreciated by you, how is it, how am I to you? "Ye Han said.

Xiao Xun'er stood behind Ye Han and looked at the tall figure. Originally, she had some doubts in her eyes, and there was a sense of familiarity, but she was completely disrupted by the conversation between him and Liu Erlong.

Is she his wife?

Is he here to save his wife?

For some reason, Xiao Xun'er felt a little uncomfortable watching the back figure that fell back to the ground and ignored her.

After being rescued twice, and then seeing his entire body one after another, the back figure in front of him left an indelible impression on Xiao Xun'er's heart without knowing it.

"It's really you?" Liu Erlong's eyes instantly filled with surprise.

Yu Xiaogang did not come, no miracle happened, the prince in her mind did not appear, but she was rescued.

At this moment, Liu Erlong had no other thoughts but to be happy.

She doesn't care about life or death, but she doesn't want to accept that life is worse than death, and she can't accept it.

"it's me."

Ye Han nodded with a smile, embraced Liu Erlong's delicate body, and gave her a positive answer.

This time, Liu Erlong was very well-behaved, and lay meekly in Ye Han's arms.

For the first time, he felt a sense of security in this man, such a feeling of being protected was something Yu Xiaogang could not bring her.

"Are you hungry? Let's go, I'll cook something delicious for you." Ye Han stroked Liu Erlong's smooth hair and said softly.

After he finished speaking, Ye Han directly picked up Liu Erlong and turned away.


"Brother, stay here!"

"Sir, wait a moment!"

Suddenly, a shout rang out, causing Ye Han to stop.

"You have something to do?" Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er and asked in doubt.

"I, I think the direction you are walking seems to be the same as where I am going, why don't we go together?" Xiao Xun'er said with twinkling eyes.

"You little girl really can't see the movie. My wife and I are spending time together, why are you bringing your light bulb?" Ye Han pouted and said.

When Xiao Xun'er heard this, her cheeks flushed slightly.

It's really inappropriate for her to be with an outsider when the couple is out.

But for her own safety, she could only be cheeky.

When she wanted to come, although the person in front of her had a somewhat unreliable behavior, and her words and actions also gave people a feeling of being inexperienced in the world, there was no doubt that he was a good person.

After all, when he first met, he was in such a bad state, and he didn't have any malicious intentions. Now that his wife is by his side, he naturally won't have any other thoughts about himself.

With the strength of the opponent, follow him by yourself, as long as you get on this ride, the safety on the way to Canaan College will be absolutely worry-free.

However, he didn't expect that the other party would directly point out the stakes.

Xiao Xun'er was at a loss for words, her cheeks were flushed, and she could not wait to find a place to burrow in.

But in order that what happened today would not happen tomorrow, she bit her red lips lightly, her fingers grabbed the corner of her clothes, and she mustered up her courage to say, "I think Madam Zun seems to be ill, why don't you take me, I'm also a woman, maybe Not necessarily where I can be of any help."

It was the first time that Xiao Xun'er felt that she was so cheeky. Everyone had made it clear that they didn't want to be disturbed, but she licked her face and moved up.

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er finally felt her mentality of licking dogs.

To be honest, this feeling is really unpleasant.

"Take her with you, little, husband!" Liu Erlong said.

The originally tough tone suddenly made a three hundred and sixty-degree turn in the middle, which almost made people jump.

Facing that powerful woman who was suddenly tender, Ye Han almost couldn't help laughing.

Ye Han knew exactly what Xiao Xun'er was thinking about this woman.

However, for Ye Han, it doesn't make much difference to bring one or two.

However, Ye Han would not let go so easily.

Who is the boss in this family?

This is very important.

She must always remember that whose family status is the first.

"Is your husband very young?" Ye Han asked with an unhappy expression.

Liu Erlong's expression froze slightly.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the size I saw on the first night.

I can only sigh, I am talented and terrifying.

And these few days, although she has not really experienced the shared bed, she can vaguely feel it every morning...

It's really terrifying!


Liu Erlong's face flushed and his heart pounded inwardly.

However, he still managed to hold back the shyness in his heart and gave Ye Han an answer that made all men I asked your age, do I look young? What are you talking about? "Ye Han opened the mouth and said, with a simple look on his face, and his expression was full of doubts.

Liu Erlong "..."


Whether it is the mother's original filth, or was it brought crooked by the goods in front of her.

Liu Erlong blushed all over, he simply stopped answering, buried his pretty face in Ye Han's chest, and acted like an ostrich.

"Then what else do you call me? Tell you! If you want to follow me, try not to open your mouth if you are not a beautiful woman, so as not to make everyone unhappy." Ye Han opened his mouth and gave these people a vaccination. The attitude is quite casual and free and easy.

A group of people who were rescued by Ye Han were speechless, and could only sigh in their hearts, "To act arbitrarily, this is the privilege of the strong."

"Don't dare, we just want to invite your lord to go to Cangyun Nation. Your lord has killed so many cannibals, and you deserve a reward from Cangyun Nation."

A surviving Dou Wang stepped forward, gave Ye Han a respectful salute, and then explained the whole story.

Led by the Cangyun Kingdom, together with some countries and tribes that could not bear the harassment of cannibals, they jointly issued a reward order to encircle and suppress these cannibals, and these fighting kings and fighting spirits only appeared here after receiving the reward order.

It's a pity that they are overconfident and know too little about cannibals. This time, not only did they not get any benefits, but they lost their soldiers. If they hadn't met Ye Han, all of them would have to explain it here.

(End of this chapter)

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