From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 416: : Liu Erlong's determination

Liu Erlong chewed slowly, but it wasn't that she was really elegant.

On the contrary, Liu Erlong was hot-tempered and had nothing to do with Wenya.

The reason why she chewed slowly was just because she couldn't bite.

The barbecued meat is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and delicious. It is the favorite of the Dark Demon Tiger, but it is not suitable for the wounded, especially the weak like Liu Erlong.

Although the taste of barbecued meat is very fragrant, it is also very difficult to chew.

After eating only half of a piece of barbecue the size of a baby's palm, Liu Erlong felt pain in his cheeks, soreness and weakness.

But Ye Han ate deliciously there, smashing his mouth from time to time, looking sweet and delicious.

Liu Erlong was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Why don't you eat, come and eat more, eat more to get better, otherwise I'll have to wait for you for a long time." Ye Han said.

This sentence directly stirred Liu Erlong's nerves.

There are two paths before her now.

One is stubbornly defending his little bit of poor dignity.

The other one is...

"Hey me." Liu Erlong said.

Undoubtedly, she chose another path.

Compromise is like women's clothing, there are countless times for the first time.

"I've already fed it so many times yesterday, but it doesn't seem to make any difference if I feed it a few times today?" Liu Erlong thought secretly.

This is both comfort and self-defeating, breaking the jar.

Now she just wants to recover quickly, even just recovering her mobility is better than living like a walking corpse now.

When Ye Han heard Liu Erlong's words, the half of the barbecued meat in his hand was slightly closer to her mouth, and he ate it again on his own.

Liu Erlong "..."

I am Nima!

Can you still have fun?

Is it okay to be a little tacit?

Your village deserves to be prosperous and yin to decline. It's a strange thing for someone like you to not be wiped out.

Liu Erlong couldn't be calm in his heart, and his aura of seeing death as if he was going to die was completely destroyed.

"You, you chew it up and feed me." Liu Erlong's voice was like a mosquito, his cheeks were flushed.

"Can't you eat it all by yourself? It's annoying!"

Ye Han murmured in his mouth, then lowered his head, and took advantage of the situation to send the food that he had just chewed before he had time to swallow it into Liu Erlong's mouth.

Liu Erlong "..."

At this moment, she only felt that there were 10,000 grass-mud horses galloping past.

She really couldn't see through the **** in front of her, was she really stupid, or pretended to be stupid.

But no matter what, his appearance of being cheap and good-looking really **** off Liu Erlong.

But now, when she is angry, she has to endure it, and she has to live on the help of others. There is nothing more humiliating than this.

Liu Erlong turned grief and anger into appetite, she wanted to get better as soon as possible.

At least you can't be controlled by others in your daily chores.

At this moment, Liu Erlong couldn't care about nausea and grief, she just wanted to recover quickly.

Like the European air, she eats as much as Ye Han feeds.

It really is one who dares to eat and one who dares to feed.

But after all, the space is still limited, and after reaching a certain equivalent, it can no longer be loaded directly.

"I, I can't eat it." Liu Erlong said with a cry.

She is really being held up now, and her belly is bulging like she is three months pregnant.

After Ye Han found out about Liu Erlong's condition, he realized that what he had done seemed to have gone a bit too far.

If this goes on, Liu Erlong will probably have to suffer for a long time if he is not held to death.

"You're not a three-year-old anymore, why didn't you tell me earlier when you're full?" Ye Hanhu threw the blame to Liu Erlong with a face.

Liu Erlong was scolded for being speechless, but even if there is a real rebuttal, she is still powerless.

It's really uncomfortable to feel that she's endured, and now she's not supporting a little, but a lot.

Seeing the uncomfortable expression on Liu Erlong's face, Ye Han showed a trace of pity in his eyes. He reached out and touched her head, and said earnestly, "Don't be afraid, I'll give you a massage, it will get better soon."

After speaking, Ye Han covered Liu Erlong's bulging belly with a pair of big hands.

Liu Erlong was wearing Ye Han's clothes, which were a bit loose and light. As Ye Han's palms covered them, the heat from those big hands and the palms clearly passed through Liu Erlong's clothes and spread to her abdomen. , made her body somewhat uncomfortable, her skin was itchy, and a strange feeling rose in her heart, a little uncomfortable, and a little comfortable...

Ye Han used the power of Taiyin and Sun, and slowly penetrated into Liu Erlong's body, helping her to promote gastrointestinal motility, increase gastric motility, and suddenly speed up her digestion.

The rolling energy, pure and gentle, slowly spread to the limbs and bones.


Liu Erlong, who was still very uncomfortable just now, couldn't help but let out a coquettish groan that made his blood boil.

When the voice came out, the first person who couldn't stand it was not Ye Han, but Liu Erlong himself.

Too ashamed, do you have any?

Liu Erlong never thought that he would be able to make such a numb voice.

When she heard it, she felt her heart tremble and she felt ashamed.

When facing Ye Han and looking at her, that strange gaze, that pretty face was instantly congested with blood, his eyes dodged and he did not dare to look at Ye Han.

The corners of Ye Han's mouth were slightly raised, and he reached out and touched Liu Erlong's pretty face, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "We are husband and wife, why are you shy in front of me?"

When Liu Erlong heard these words, his breathing stagnated slightly, the shyness in his eyes quickly subsided, and the fear in his heart was completely filled with loss.

She suddenly wanted to cry.

I really want to scold God for injustice, why do you treat yourself like this?

Her only emotion is falling in love with her cousin, which is not tolerated by the world.

After going through a lot of hardships, the two became a fake couple in name, at least they found comfort in their hearts.

But, now...

It's all over.

I was saved by this man, but also hurt by him.

"Where are you Xiaogang? Are you okay? I'm sorry for you." Liu Erlong muttered to himself in despair, "When I recover, I will kill him. , if I miss it, then I have cut myself off, and I have no face to see and I have no face to look for you."

"Okay! Give it a try, isn't it uncomfortable?" Ye Han said with a hand.

Liu Erlong's thoughts were interrupted, he came back to his senses, and glanced at Ye Han blankly.

Then her eyes flickered, and she said, "I want more."

"What do you want?"

The corner of Ye Han's mouth turned upside down and hung a strange smile.

"I want you……"

Liu Erlong just wanted to say that she still wanted Ye Han's fighting spirit, but after seeing Ye Han's strange smile, he quickly realized that his words were too ambiguous, and his breathing couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

In the end, Ye Han took over her words and continued, "We are husband and wife, you want me, of course it's fine, but you have to wait for your health to recover."

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Liu Erlong hurriedly said.

Ye Han nodded in understanding.

"I know you're shy, it doesn't matter. I'll give it to you when you're well. My whole being is yours, and it's okay to want as much as I want." Ye Han said ambiguous.


Liu Erlong vomited blood.

Depressed in my heart, I felt like I was going to die just like that.

"Don't worry! I vomited blood when I looked at it in a hurry. I'd better give you a kiss at the most." Ye Han said.

Then he lowered his head and kissed directly.

Liu Erlong's eyes widened, with an incredible look on his face, he really wanted to cry but had no tears.

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