Ye Han heard the words, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching.

In my heart, I gave a thumbs up for the brain circuits of this group of people.

Then with a puff, a sword pierced the throat of the person who spit out dirty words.

"Okay, now there are six people left, I won't participate. Come and see who is the first." Ye Han said.

At this time, this group of lustful, heart-beating guys can still react to what happened no matter how slow they are.

An outsider slipped in quietly among them.

Is this Nima outrageous?

Thinking about it, several people shuddered.

But it's all about licking blood on the edge of the knife. I've seen too many winds and waves, so naturally I won't be really frightened.

In the darkness, the five of them looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and they didn't get angry at the death of their companions.

Instead, at the same time, he used his fighting qi and fighting skills to kill Ye Han all of a sudden.

But unfortunately, the gap between the strengths is too large.

Ye Han used the method of Taiyin and Sun, and used the Yin-Yang Taiji Bagua diagram to fix the surrounding space and prevent the sound from spreading.

In his hand, an ice long sword swung like a dream bubble.

Chi Chi! ~

The five severed hands flew out in an instant.

Their attacks were instantly wiped out, and the light of fighting qi dissipated.

The bright blood rose to the sky and spread to all corners of the tent, followed by the screams of the five people who later felt miserable.


Ye Han put a finger on his lips to silence these people.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work much.

These people were screaming harshly, and at the same time, they were also retreating quickly. They did not forget to exercise their fighting spirit on the way, and they wanted to continue to attack.

"I understand your pain and your desire to survive, but in the middle of the night, it is immoral for you to be so noisy, it will disturb others, and will it not affect their work tomorrow, you must have a public morality. , understand?" Ye Han opened his mouth like a chatter.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand swung again, chi chi, and cut off five broken hands again.


The pupils of the five people shrank, and their miserable screams became sharp.

"It's boring."

Ye Han murmured.

"The hands are gone, the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are definitely impossible to play, so what's the use of keeping them?"

With a chirp, the long sword moved, five great heads shot up into the sky, and the shrill screams came to an abrupt end.

The emperor's sword is unparalleled, and the sharpness is unparalleled.

The gap between them is too great, and they are not enemies of unity at all.

The six people didn't even turn up the waves, and their hands were chopped off and turned into headless corpses.

The smell of blood filled the entire tent, and there were dazzling bloodstains all over the place.

However, in this terrifying atmosphere, a man in white clothes surpassing the snow, with a face like a crown of jade, and a heroic figure stood peacefully. At the same time, a beautiful woman with fair skin and a peerless face was still sleeping peacefully.

It adds a bit of weirdness to this terrifying scene.

"I slept enough to die."

Ye Han looked at the woman on the bed, pouted his lips without oil, stepped forward, and came to the woman's side.

Clap clap clap! ~

"Wake up!" He patted the woman's face and said.

Unfortunately, the woman slept very sweetly and turned a deaf ear to his voice, ignoring him at all.

"What a powerful drug, even the blood of the gods can't stand it!"

Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh, and praised the profession of the six who died.

Seeing the sleeping woman who was temporarily unable to wake up, Ye Han checked her condition, and then immediately retreated.

Silent all night.

Ye Han worked hard to cultivate, but his cultivation had not grown at all.

The rules of this world are like a cage, cutting off his cultivation path almost completely.

If he relied on conventional cultivation methods, he probably wouldn't be able to reach the Douhuang realm in this lifetime.

Right now, there are only two things that can make him improve his cultivation, one is medicinal pills, and the other is innate yin...

Unfortunately, neither of these two things are so easy to obtain.

In the barren land of the Garma Empire, there are too few medicines that are useful to him.

As for the congenital yin, except for some special places, only women have such a trace.

And what is useful to him is naturally those women who are stronger and more talented.

It's a pity that these Gamma Empires don't have either.

Shaking his head, Ye Han looked in the direction of Zhongzhou with a hint of hope in his eyes.


Slowly exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Ye Han stood up, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, looking at the tent that was incompatible with the surroundings, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He seemed to have heard a piercing cry in his ear.

The solitary tent looks out of tune with the surrounding tents. Everyone else is huddled together to keep warm. Only it is unique and eye-catching.

In the early morning, people walked out of the tent one after another.

Some people glanced at the tent in the distance and shook their heads slightly.

Six important members of the caravan disappeared at the same time, how could these people not notice.

It has not been a day or two to cooperate with each other, and they are also clear about the virtues of these six people.

However, these six people acted cautiously and never attacked their employers, so they turned a blind eye, and pretended not to see what they were doing.

A group of people started to pack their luggage, everything was ready and it was dawn.

But the six guys still didn't move.

The director of the caravan finally realized something was wrong, and immediately sent someone to the solitary tent to find out what was going on.

But just halfway through, a sharp cry was suddenly heard from the tent.

"These **** really didn't do anything good." The servant who came to check scolded, but his eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

The road to business is lonely. Who doesn't want to solve it, but most of them have the will, but few have the guts to fool around.

"I don't know what happened to the woman. If you suddenly face a man, you might be scared to death."

Just when this servant wanted to get into trouble, suddenly the tent was opened, and a blood-stained figure stumbled out.

To be honest, Xiao Xun'er was really frightened.

Murder, she has also experienced, even killed with her own However, when has she experienced the scene of sleeping in a pile of corpses?

When she woke up and opened her dazed eyes, Xiao Xun'er felt dizzy. She realized immediately that something was wrong and quickly realized that she had been drugged.

Thinking of the enthusiasm of those people yesterday, Xiao Xun'er was so frightened that she hurriedly began to check herself.

Just when she was slightly relieved, her expression suddenly solidified.

The big head was lying beside her legs, and the pair of eyes full of fear were staring at the boss, and they were closely aligned with hers.

Xiao Xun'er suddenly felt her scalp go numb, and a cold air rushed to her forehead from her tail vertebra, making her scalp feel like it was bursting.

Only then did she realize that she was lying on a blood-stained bed with a large rough hand on her leg.

Through the ring on the broken hand, Xiao Xun'er even instantly recognized that it was the owner of this palm, who brought her the food yesterday.

The frightened eyes moved slowly with unconcealed panic, and headless corpses with broken palms came into view one by one. Xiao Xun'er couldn't bear it any longer, screamed and stumbled out. tent.

The servants who came to check saw Xiao Xun'er's blood-stained appearance and were not frightened. Instead, her eyes were shining, showing a greedy look.

He felt that he had guessed the truth.

Why didn't those guys get up so late, and they left this woman's life uncharacteristically.

Mainly because she is too beautiful.

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