From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 406: : Go to Zhongzhou

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

three days later.

"It's up to you here."

Ye Han lowered his head, kissed Ya Fei's jade-like forehead, and then turned away directly under the woman's complicated gaze.

"Ye Han..."

Yafei opened her mouth.

But facing Ye Han who stopped and turned around, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Facing the man who left, she was a little reluctant, a little sad, and a little happy and relaxed, and her emotions were quite complicated.

"Don't miss me too much!"

Ye Han smiled slightly, turned around, waved his hand casually behind him, and strode away.

"When I rule the world, I will show you the prosperity of this world."

Ye Han's voice reverberated, with freedom and unrestrainedness, and disappeared along the long street together with the tall back.

"I, wait for you!" Ya Fei murmured to herself.

Then, she withdrew her gaze, also restrained her chaotic thoughts, and looked at the snow-white lightning falcon with snow-white feathers on her shoulders.

"Tell me a story about him!" Ya Fei said.

Ya Fei already knew about the power of the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon.

Although she was drugged that day, her perception of the outside world was very clear.

"All right!"

The Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon turned into a five- or six-year-old girl and jumped into Ya Fei's arms, her crisp and tender voice slowly sounded.

"My lord, he is a very charismatic person. He seems to be uninhibited, but his wisdom is hidden in action..."

In three days, Ye Han has explained the general development of the Xuanling Pavilion. The main thing is to assist the development of the spirit beasts in the Warcraft Mountains, which is rather cumbersome.

However, the road has been paved, so Queen Medusa should know how to do it.

It took only one day to deal with these trivial matters, and the reason for the delay was three days.

It's because Xiao Xun'er ran away.

That's right, Xiao Xun'er ran away overnight after the battle between Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan was over.

Running in front of the Dark Demon Tiger.

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt a toothache.

He searched for two days, but of course he found nothing.

"You'd better pray that nothing major happens, or I'll light your sky lantern."

Ye Han's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the dark demon tiger who was not afraid of boiling water.

If Xiao Xun'er left secretly, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger didn't know about it, and Ye Han wouldn't believe a word.

And this guy didn't lie either. Facing Ye Han's questioning, her answer could be said to be justifiable.

"You didn't tell me to watch her and not allow her to go."

Listen, what a righteous answer.

Ye Han almost died of anger.

Ye Han, who was not in a hurry to leave at first, had to change his strategy, ended his honeymoon with Ya Fei ahead of schedule, and embarked on the road to Zhongzhou.

After admonishing Yun Yun and Queen Medusa to take precautions, Ye Han finally left.

He wanted to try his luck, maybe he could catch that dead **** the way.

Ye Han rolled his eyes as he looked at a pair of dark demon tigers who were not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"All right!"

"If that's the case, then be a mount to atone for your sins!"

After some intimidation and threats, Ye Han rode a black tiger and officially set foot on the journey to Zhongzhou.

Compared with the vast Central Province, the western frontier of the Dou Qi Continent was simply too barren.

Xiao Xun'er's escape made Ye Han feel a huge pressure. He went to Zhongzhou not only to quickly improve his strength, but also to try his luck to see if he could catch the little girl who escaped on the road.

As a result, his luck exploded.

Five days later, before the final gate of the Jiama Empire, a woman in ragged clothes caught Ye Han's attention in a long caravan.

She was dressed in coarse linen, with rough skin on her face, a sallow complexion, and a slender figure that gave her a frail look.

However, if you look closely, it is not difficult to see that her figure is actually very well-proportioned.

What was extremely disproportionate to the skin on her face was her inadvertently revealing jade arms that looked like congealed fat, as well as the delicate skin under her neck.

After careful observation, this is not that Xiao Xun'er, who else could it be.

"Not too stupid."

Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er after Yi Rong had dressed up, and nodded secretly.

However, her disguise technique is enough to deceive ordinary people, but it is obviously not enough to deal with the old rivers and lakes.

According to Ye Han's observation, at least five or six people in the caravan she followed had seen through her disguise.

It's just that for some reason, these people didn't expose her.

Ye Han hung behind this caravan, watching all this with great interest.

This was a caravan led by three fighting spirits, and along the way, they didn't even notice that there was a tail hanging behind them.

After a routine inspection, the caravan went out of the city smoothly.

Ye Han's body was sitting on the body of a tall black tiger. He appeared leisurely from a distance and slowly came to the gate of the city. Looking at the guarding officers and soldiers with a solemn expression and full of alertness, Ye Han smiled slightly and took out a The card was thrown to the defending officers and soldiers.

After catching the token and seeing the pattern on it clearly, the guarding officer trembled and waved quickly, "Let go."


With the sound of gold and iron colliding, the atmosphere of the sword drawn and crossed was instantly loosened, the sword was sheathed, and the long **** was withdrawn, and the killing aura that had just condensed dissipated instantly.

At first glance, it is the master of a hundred battles.

Ye Han nodded secretly, it is not unreasonable for the Gamma Empire to stand in the land of Xicheng for so long.

Taking the token handed back by the guarding officer with both hands, Ye Han rode a black tiger, and under the awe-inspiring gaze of a group of officers, soldiers and pedestrians, he slowly walked out of the last gate of the Jama Empire.

All the way to the south, after passing through some small countries and tribes, it is the Black Corner Territory, which is also the destination of Ye Han's trip.

The reason why he went there was because it was chaotic enough. The more chaotic the place, the better and more valuable it was for him, so that he could get what he wanted in the simplest way.

After leaving Xiongguan and heading south for dozens of miles, the caravan in front stopped and began to set up camp and make a fire to cook, apparently planning to spend the night here.

Ye Han also sat down on the hill not far away.

With a wave of his palm, two brilliance flashed, and two young women wearing moon-white long skirts appeared in front of him.

One is valiant, the other is noble and clean, it is Na Yaoye and Nalan Yanran.

The long-distance traveler has many eyes, and it is inevitable that some unnecessary troubles will occur. In order to avoid incidents, Ye Han put the two of them into the storage space, and used Dou Qi to speed up their opening time and let them practice.

With Nalan Yanran, she promised Yunyun that she wanted to help her train Nalan Yanran quickly.

As for Yaoye, on the one hand, it was because of her cultivation problems, and on the other hand, it was naturally because of her selfishness.

He is now eager for more women to fall in love with him and be willing to devote himself to himself.

"How about it, are you still used to accelerating three times the time?" Ye Han looked at the second woman and asked.

"Yeah! I've gotten used to the skyrocketing power." Nalan nodded her head, then stepped forward and glanced at Yaoye calmly, her pretty face flushed slightly, but she still hugged Ye Han without turning back. arm.

Yaoye's eyes flickered, who has already made a relationship with Nalan Yanran, she naturally knows that this is Nalan Yanran swearing her sovereignty! !

"Master, do you think master and apprentice can marry the same person at the same time?" Yao Ye suddenly asked.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Nalan Yanran who was hugging his arm.

Immediately, he nodded without thinking.

"Really? That's really good."

Yao Ye's valiant and bright face was instantly filled with joy, like an excited little girl jumping up and down, she quickly came to Ye Han's side, and also hugged Ye Han's arm.

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