From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 403: : Nalan Yanran and Yaoye

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Ye Han arrived in the afternoon. With the help of Ya Fei's innate yin power, after a night of desperate struggles, he finally broke through as he wished and became the Dou King at dawn, when yin and yang alternated.

Holding the jade body of the beautiful woman in his arms and feeling the perfect touch of the skin, Ye Han finally showed a hint of satisfaction on his face.

"Let's rest for a while!" Ye Han kissed Ya Feixiang's sweaty forehead dotingly, looking at the woman's tired face, Ye Han couldn't help but dote on her.


Ya Fei let out a lazy nasal sound, then arched in Ye Han's arms and closed her eyes directly.

After being tossed all night, she was really tired.

Not long after closing his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Han looked at the sleeping woman, raised his hand to straighten her messy hair, and then looked at her face in a daze.

This breakthrough was more difficult than he had imagined.

Because he was an outsider and was suppressed by the rules of this world, but he challenged the authority of this world again.

Today, if he hadn't practiced the method of the sun and the sun, it can be said that his path of cultivation has been cut off.

Now that I want to cultivate again, it’s fine in normal times. With the help of the power of medicinal pills, or double cultivation with my own woman, I can slowly improve, but if I want to break through the big realm, it will be extremely difficult, and there is only one way to go…

With the help of the uncontaminated, the purest yin power in the female creature's body that walks upright, it is possible to obtain that ray of life.

Of course, the stronger these people are, the greater the benefit to him.

Just like Yun Yun.

The first time the two were united, Ye Han did not use the method of Taiyin and Sun, but just a natural and burning body fusion, which made his cultivation level directly break through Samsung.

The subsequent few times of giving up halfway, coupled with yesterday's hard work, made his cultivation reach the peak of Dou Ling in one fell swoop.

But, that's it.

He has never been able to cross the great realm.

It was not until he got the sympathy of Ya Fei's innate Yuanyin power and the mighty power of heaven and earth that Ye Han saw a glimmer of light in the confusion, and firmly grasped it, breaking the **** with one blow.

But, this time it broke, what about the next time?

Ye Han felt a little headache.

Dou Shi, Dou Shi, Dou Ling, Dou Wang, Dou Huang, Dou Zong, Dou Zun, Dou Sheng, Dou Emperor.

He has only just started, and there is still a long way to go. How will he cross that hurdle?

Ye Han felt that his head was getting bigger.

If he was a ruthless man, none of this would matter at all.

Too bad he wasn't like that.

Shaking his head and putting aside his troubles temporarily, Ye Han looked at the sleeping woman in his arms.

After a little hesitation, he quietly got up and left Wenrou Township.

Yun Yun and that Lan Yanran didn't know what to think after running away like this, so he planned to go back and take a look.

"If she wakes up, get her something to eat first, tell him I still have things to deal with, and come back to accompany her after a while."

Ye Han came to the door and instructed the colorful elk and the black widow.

"Yes, my lord."

The two women answered in unison, and then watched Ye Han leave.

"I really don't understand what is good about human women. Their bodies are fragile and ravaged. How can they compare to us, and I don't know why adults just don't look down on me?"

After Ye Han left, the enchanting and charming Black Widow couldn't help but pouted and protested with dissatisfaction.

Ye Han returned to the palace.

But this time, there are many more difficulties than the last time. Now he does not have the ability to tear the void, so he can only walk over step by step, take out the token given to him by Xingtian, and after many hurdles, Ye Han is back again. Arrived at that remote exquisite courtyard.

"Yun'er, Yanran, I'm back, do you miss me?" Ye Han couldn't help but shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Immediately afterwards, a shy and timid voice sounded weakly, saying, "Teacher, she, she is gone, let me follow you in the future, and when I become Dou Huang, I will go back and inherit the position of Sect Master."

Nalan Yanran's slim figure appeared in front of Ye Han. She looked at Ye Han, her eyes flickered slightly, her cheeks were blushing, and she did not dare to look at him.

Because as soon as she sees him, she can't help but think of the shameful scene yesterday.

Strictly speaking, the two have not developed a substantial step, but it is because of this that it is even more embarrassing.

Think about how embarrassing it is to take off your pants and not do anything.


Ye Han frowned, feeling a little depressed.

This woman won't be too shy, she wants to hide from herself!

However, I have to say that this woman's heart is really big enough.

He even threw his precious apprentice to him directly.

"If I try hard enough to let Nalan Yanran go back with a small one in her hand, I wonder what Yun Yun's expression will look like?"

Ye Han maliciously speculated.

"Ye, Brother Ye, you, can you stop smiling like that?" Nalan Yanran said weakly.

Ye Han's smile was so evil that people felt scared and panicked when they saw it.

dong dong dong!

At this moment, the gate of the courtyard made a sound.

"I, I'll open the door."

Nalan Yanran left the room in a hurry.

"Am I so scary?" Ye Han was speechless.

He feels so kind! He is definitely not a vicious person. Compared with other people who have crossed over, he can definitely be called elegant and easy-going, especially since he is so handsome...

"Cut! Little girl, I don't know how to appreciate movies. Just look at your master and he understands me well." Ye Han shook his head and muttered, followed Nalan Yanran and left the room.

"Your Highness Princess, why are you here?"

"Nalan Yanran, why are you here?"

The two little beauties were slightly taken aback when they saw each other, and then said in unison.

"Yaoye, did you encounter any problems in your cultivation?" Ye Han appeared, breaking the embarrassment between the two girls.

"I, um, yes."

Yaoye opened her mouth, hesitated for a while, then nodded.

She came to Ye Han because she missed him.

Girlish feelings are always poetry.

It was also the first time that Yaoye knew that liking someone was such a torment.

Seeing each other for a day is like every three autumns. It’s only been a few days since she hasn’t seen each other. She feels worried, empty in her heart, unable to concentrate on her practice, not thinking about food or tea, and has no strength to concentrate on anything.

When she heard that someone came to the palace with a token of the penalty day, she immediately guessed that it was Ye Han, so she rushed over regardless.

But he didn't expect that when he opened the door, he saw Nalan Yanran's figure.

Yaoye was not mentally prepared for Nalan Yanran to appear here.

The same goes for Nalan Yanran, who never thought that she would meet an acquaintance under such circumstances.

The girl's skin was thin, and her cheeks flushed involuntarily, as if some ulterior secret was suddenly caught.

Fortunately, Ye Han spoke in time, so that the two would not be so embarrassed that they were speechless.

"Come in!" Ye Han said.

He didn't seem to see the cover up of the girl.


Yaoye nodded and walked into the courtyard.

"Tell me, have you encountered any situation in your cultivation?" Ye Han sat on a stone and asked Yao Ye.

This girl is jealous of her own body, and Ye Han is very clear that he refused because he didn't want to be contaminated with too much love debt.

But now, to be honest, he's starting to crave her too.

If she didn't change her mind, Ye Han would consider accepting her.

When Yaoye heard the words, she hesitated for a while and was speechless.

Ye Han couldn't help but smile, and instantly understood why she came here.

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