From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 399: : Xiao Yan's revenge

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The bright moon hangs high.

The Jiama Empire, the Royal Palace, the remote corner is bathed in the moonlight, making it even more secluded.

The night was dark, and the four fields were silent.

Nalan Yanran was wearing a long moon-white dress, standing on the roof with a long sword in hand, like a female **** of war, her eyes swept all around, daring not to be careless.

But after a long time, there was no movement around, and she couldn't help being a little discouraged, feeling like a fool.

"What are the teachers and Ye Han doing?"

She was suddenly curious.

Is he really helping the teacher to defuse the medicine?

In what way is it resolved?

Once the seed of curiosity is planted, it will take root in an instant.

Nalan Yanran felt as if a cat was scratching her heart, and she couldn't help but glance down at her feet.

I should take a look and it should be fine!

She secretly thought.

should be fine.

I'll be quiet, so I don't make any noise.

As soon as she thought about it, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but leaned over and gently uncovered a page of tiles under her feet.

Then, after seeing the movement in the room clearly, her eyes widened instantly, and her cold and pretty face was instantly covered with red glow.

With a snap, she subconsciously snapped the tile in place because she was nervous.

Her face was red and cloudy, as if blood was about to drip. She covered her chest with one palm, feeling her heart beat faster than ever before, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

The impact this time was really too big, much bigger than the impact of the last time when the flowers were seen in the hazy fog.

"Yes, someone~"

Yun Yun lay her hands on the bedside, she couldn't help turning back when she heard the voice, she looked at Ye Han who was working hard behind her, and spoke with a trembling voice.

"Where is there anyone? It's just a curious kitten." Ye Han said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yun Yun was stunned for a while after hearing this, her blurred eyes flashed a bit of daze, and then she understood what Ye Hanyi was referring to.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and twisted Ye Han's waist, her beautiful eyes were blurred, and she glared angrily at the man who grabbed her waist.

As a result, the soft body was pulled into her arms vigorously, and an arm passed through her neck, directly fixing her upper body, and then she saw a big mouth enlarge in front of her...

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

At the same time, on the other side of the Jama Empire, a tall and slender young man in a forest slowly opened his eyes, and a dazzling light flashed in those black and white eyes.

The eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy stood up, his slender body wrapped in a tight black training suit was stretched very long under the moonlight, and he looked extraordinarily lonely.

The light in his eyes slowly dissipated, and his black and white eyes were completely filled with anger, like a wounded beast.

His palm stretched back, his palms turned into claws, and there was a huge suction in his palm.


A black phantom flashed away, turning into a large black ruler and falling into the boy's hands.

The large black ruler is rough and wide, such an iconic weapon, other than Xiao Yan, who else would use it.


A long howl was like the roar of an injured beast, which frightened the resting birds and beasts in this forest, and fled in panic in violation of the rules of work and rest.

"The flame divides the wave ruler!"

Xiao Yan roared furiously, his face was hideous, like a beast that devoured people, the black Xuan heavy ruler turned, splitting the river and breaking the mountains, making the mountains and forests in front of him instantly vanish into nothingness and become a rubble.

"Teacher, do you think I'm wrong?"

After recovering from the injury and venting, Xiao Yan panted heavily and began to communicate with the creature in the ring, wanting to get some comfort.

Unfortunately, there was silence.

"Xun'er likes me so much, cares about me so much, cares about me so much, and has such a good relationship with me, she didn't leave me when I was most down, how could she change her mind, how could she say goodbye in front of me, in public The man kisses me."

Xiao Yan muttered to himself, but he didn't get approval, and he began to comfort himself.

However, the confidence is seriously insufficient.

Recalling the face that flashed away in front of his eyes, Xiao Yan suddenly roared like crazy, "Teacher, speak up! I must have read it wrong, right?"

Xiao Yan couldn't deceive himself, and there was no way to convince himself. For now, he could only hope that the teacher could deceive himself.

It's a pity that Yao Chen's ability to pretend to be dead is rare in the world, no matter how he calls it, he just doesn't say a word.

Xiao Yan was so furious that he wanted to burn the sky.

He smashed everything that could be smashed in front of him, his chest rose and fell rapidly, his breathing was heavy, like a bellows, his eyes were bloodshot, like an injured beast.

"I want revenge."

These four words seem to be squeezed out of the teeth, hoarse and unpleasant, making people shudder.

"How are you going to do it?"

Yaochen finally stopped pretending to be dead.

Xiao Yan ignored his curious voice, an evil thought had already arisen in his heart. .

He said to himself, "If you dare to touch my woman, I will touch your woman."

After he finished speaking, he walked directly towards the capital of the Jama Empire.

at dawn.

Ya Fei always got up early. After washing up, she just walked out of the room when she received a letter from the maid.

"Xiao Yan!"

Yafei's red lips parted lightly, and she read out the two familiar and unfamiliar names in the letter.

She used to be her backer, who she regarded as a younger brother, but at this moment it was so unfamiliar.

Shaking her head, she opened the letter and looked at it, Ya Fei's eyes flickered slightly.

"The letter was sent so early, but it invited me to an appointment in the afternoon. Could it be that I have something to ask for? Alas, it is an acquaintance after all!" With a helpless sigh, Ya Fei had no way to refuse, and she began to deal with official business...

In the afternoon, she left Mittel Auction House in a carriage and rushed to the door of a luxury hotel.

The carriage stopped, wearing a red cheongsam, with a charming appearance and a graceful figure, the red-clothed stunner slowly stepped out of the carriage.

There were two equally beautiful **** stunners beside her. One was dressed in black, and the whole body was tightly wrapped, but there was an amazing whiteness on the chest, as well as the bottomless ravine. Conservative and The wild and perfect combination makes her look so special wherever she goes.

The other is a mature and plump young woman. She looks in her early thirties, wearing a colorful dress, and every move reveals a kind of gentleness and intelligence.

These were the two bodyguards that Qingtian Niu Python had arranged for Ya Fei, the spider black widow and the colorful elk.

"Two sisters, I'm just here to make an appointment. I don't need to make such a big fanfare. You can find a place to rest. I'll see him. If there's no big deal, I'll be down soon."

Ya Fei looked at her with a vigilant look in her eyes, carefully looked at the two around her, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Okay, let's go, we'll wait for you in the carriage." The colorful elk, a mature young woman in her thirties, said in a tactful and pleasant voice.

She could clearly sense that the strongest people around were nothing but Dou Ling, and as long as anyone dared to harm Ya Fei, the two Dou Zongs would be sure to arrive at the first time.

What's more...

Ya Fei nodded and just took two steps.


There was a sound of shaking wings, and a snow-white eagle fell from the sky and slowly landed on Ya Fei's shoulder.

A beautiful woman with a bird standing on her shoulder, such a strange combination will attract attention no matter where she goes, not to mention, Ya Fei is a stunning stunner.

I don't know how many people's attention this kind of combination has attracted along the However, Ya Fei has long been accustomed to this and naturally doesn't care.

One person and one bird slowly walked into the magnificent hotel.

Standing in this hotel, Ya Fei looked at everything in front of her and couldn't help but let out a long sigh again.

The last time she made an appointment with Xiao Yan here, that time, she brought the Yin-Yang spirit liquid from Ye Han, trying to resolve the misunderstanding, telling Xiao Yan that it was just a misunderstanding, she and Ye Han were both. There was nothing in between.

Unfortunately, that time, Xiao Yan did not appear...

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