Chapter 393 Sisters

A splendid nine-colored light filled the air, and the red figure was like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, traversing the sky in an instant, appearing in front of Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran.

The icy murderous aura was like substance, directly covering the two women who came in a hurry.

How can a peak Dou Emperor and a Dou Spirit resist the anger of a Dou Zun?

The two women's faces were pale, and they felt cold in their hands and feet in an instant. Nalan Yanran felt cold in her body, as if her soul had been deprived, and she had no courage to resist.

Yun Yun felt that it was difficult to breathe, the surrounding world was blocked, and the fighting qi could not function normally.

The gap between the three is too great.

Queen Medusa is like the sky, and the two are an ant and a bird under this sky, too insignificant.

"Where's Ye Han? What did you do to him?" Yun Yun said with difficulty.

At the moment of crisis, what she thought of was not herself, but the man.

Ye Han had long told Yun Yun about his relationship with Queen Medusa. Although the two had already worshipped, they didn't have much affection. Even Queen Medusa sometimes wanted to kill him.

Now, seeing Queen Medusa coming alone and murderous, Yun Yun has put her own life and death aside, and just wants to hear the news about that man and hope that he can live.

"When death is imminent, I still care about others." Queen Medusa sneered, but she ignored her words.

She was extremely fast, approaching in an instant, raised her hand and patted Yun Yun with the terrifying power of heaven and earth.

The corner of Yun Yun's mouth showed a hint of bitterness, perhaps this is the price of falling in love with someone who shouldn't be loved!

Ye Han is a married man, and she is equivalent to a third party intervening. Now that he was beaten to death by his wife, she has nothing to say.

Just when she was about to close her eyes and wait for her death, she slaughtered with her neck closed, when suddenly, a dazzling golden light bloomed in front of her eyes like the dawn of dawn on that day.

The splendid golden light is the most divine and holy, and the atmosphere is turbulent, but it is not dazzling, but very soft and beautiful, making people feel warm in the heart.

In an instant, the splendid golden light turned into a tall figure standing in front of Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran's master and apprentice.

Bang! ~

A muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible wind wave centered on the two palms that were joined together instantly spread to all directions.

Rumbling thunderous noises spread in all directions, the space exploded, and one crack after another ran through the void.

Some energy fluctuations hit the ground, turning grass and trees into dust, and shattering rocks, leaving terrifying traces one after another on the ground.

It's just a blow, like the sky is falling, it is like destroying the world, and it is so terrifying.


Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han who appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye, and her enchanting and charming face was directly replaced by shock.

Watching Ye Han casually and easily took the blow of his own anger, Queen Medusa's icy eyes instantly filled with astonishment.

"Why do you think I can become an adult in the mouths of those soul beasts? Is it because of my handsome appearance? Although I am indeed very handsome, I can be said to be unprecedented, but the most important thing is my strength!" Ye Han He opened his mouth with a shameless look.

While speaking, his palms slowly separated, and he gently held Queen Medusa's slender and boneless jade hand.

Although he already knew how soft this palm was, every time he held it, he couldn't help but knead it gently.


Queen Medusa let out a light snort, and felt that her palms were itchy and numb, as if there was an electric current coming from the palms and reaching the bottom of her heart, causing her to tremble.

"You, you, let go."

Queen Medusa's voice was trembling and she cried softly.

"It is impossible to let go, and it is impossible in this life." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he used his arms to pull Queen Medusa directly into his arms.

Queen Medusa was horrified and her face changed greatly. At this time, she really felt how terrifying Ye Han was.

Facing him, Queen Medusa felt that she had no power to fight back.

"Is this his true strength?"

Ye Han hugged Queen Medusa's slender waist with one hand and made a seal with the other, temporarily sealing her strength.

After today's events, Ye Han already knew that Queen Medusa already had herself in her heart and would never really kill her, so she just planted a temporary seal on her.

Of course, the most important point was that he didn't feel Queen Medusa's killing intent in the attack just now.

Although she was angry, she did not want to kill.

After everything was done, Ye Han waved his palm and ripped apart the space without waiting for a few people to ask.

"Ye Han, you, you bastard."

Queen Medusa, who had lost her cultivation, looked at the handsome face who was close at hand, and cursed with resentment.

She did not expect that this **** would act so decisively and directly seal all his strength.

The most difficult thing for her to accept was Ye Han's motivation.

He sealed himself for her, because he wanted to hurt her.

Facing Queen Medusa's sad eyes, Ye Han's body swayed slightly and he almost fell.

"How are you doing?"

"are you OK?"

Two questions, two palms, one after the other, almost at the same time, appeared at the same time, supporting him.

Ye Han's face was pale and his face was like golden paper.

He turned his head slightly, glanced at the noble and graceful Yun Yun, and then at the enchanting and charming Queen Medusa, suddenly grinned, and said, "Isn't it good to see this?"

"Cai Lin, you are my first wife in this world, the first Ming medium to marry, Yun Yun, you are my first woman in this world, it's not that the family does not enter the house, since it's a family, what about today's affairs? Forget it, from now on, you are sisters."

"Cai Lin, you are the elder sister. In the future, you have to take care of your younger sister. Do you hear me?"


Queen Medusa gritted her teeth and wanted to hit someone.

what the hell?

Who is her family?

Also sister, are you afraid that you are thinking about farting?

However, the look on Ye Han's face made her a little scared.

Ye Han gently hugged Queen Medusa's slender waist and looked at her calmly, her eyes were as indifferent as water, as if there were no other emotions, but the more so, the more uneasy Queen Medusa felt.

"I'm good."

After hesitating for a long time, Queen Medusa finally nodded slowly, her delicate red lips parted lightly, and she uttered a good word.

A trace of excitement finally appeared in Ye Han's eyes, and he couldn't help lowering his head and kissed Queen Medusa's beautiful red lips gently.

"Thank you!"

Ye Han opened his mouth, his expression solemn and sincere.


Queen Medusa smiled faintly, but her expression was a little indifferent.

She looked at Ye Han with a serious look, and laughed at herself, "I'm curious, what would you do if I didn't agree just now?"

"Me, don't you think I want to kill you?"

Ye Han laughed dumbly and said, "To tell you the truth, I just wanted to scare you. As for what I would do if you didn't agree, to be honest, I don't know, but fortunately you agreed."

"Hey, Her Majesty the Queen promises a thousand gold, and has always made a golden mouth. I think I won't lie to my husband!"

In the face of such a shameless man, what can Queen Medusa do when her strength is completely sealed, is she helpless too?

(End of this chapter)

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