From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 386: : Wind's Extreme Sunset

Chapter 387

Furukawa, a sixth-grade pharmacist, is elegant and easy-going, and does not like to compete for fame and fortune.

The biggest reason for joining Yunlanzong seems to be because of his love for Yunyun.

It's a pity that his sincerity can only be put down in the end.

Not to mention that Ye Han has already taken away Yun Yun's body and mind, even without Ye Han, Yun Yun has nothing to do with him.

So, good old people can't do it.

Furukawa's experience tells us a fact that if you like it, you must take the initiative to fight for it, give everything you can, and do whatever it takes...

Ye Han's eyes passed by, looking at Jia Xingtian and Fa Yan, and quickly shook his head, so that these two goods would not be too busy.

Today's protagonist is not himself, and he doesn't want to steal the limelight from others.

"Jia Lao, Pharaoh, do you know this person?" Gu He frowned slightly, looking at Jia Xingtian and Pharaoh.

"Teacher, this person seems to be the suitor of the sect master who appeared yesterday." Before Jia Xingtian and Fa Qian could speak, Liu Ling, who was behind Gu He, took the lead.

Hearing this, Furukawa frowned even deeper.

Suddenly, a person who blatantly wanted to pursue Yun Yun appeared in Yun Lanzong, and the news spread like wildfire.

Yesterday morning, when Ye Han walked into the Yunlanzong's main hall, Gu He was refining medicine and couldn't get away. When he heard the news and went to visit, Ye Han had already gone to meet Yun Yunhua before the moon fell. Naturally, it was a closed door.

Now this is the first time the two have met, and Furukawa, a good old man, can't help but show deep vigilance in his eyes.

Ding! ~

A crisp sound interrupted Furukawa's thoughts.

The two figures on the square crossed each other, their bodies were full of fighting energy, and they were turbulent like stormy waves.

The strengths and drawbacks of the improved medicinal herbs are reflected in Nalan Yanran's body at this moment.

Nalan Yanran couldn't compare to Xiao Yan if she could control her vindictiveness.

Although the strength of the two was improved by the medicinal pill, Xiao Yan only improved by three stars, but Nalan Yanran has improved a complete realm!

Although the medicinal pills refined by Ye Han did not have the slightest sequelae, the rapid increase in strength would naturally lead to a series of problems.

Just like control, when your strength suddenly soars, it naturally requires a certain period of adaptation.

And Nalan Yanran didn't have that time.

In today's battle, while adapting, she learned Xiao Yan's combat experience and Xiao Yan's battle experience was on a par.

Xiao Yan's record is even more eye-catching and amazed.

With his skilled combat skills, handy fighting skills, and a fighting style that is not afraid of death, coupled with the auxiliary defense of the flames of fire, he actually relies on the cultivation of the Great Fighter Realm, and he is at a standoff with the Young Sect Master of the Yunlan Sect.

After a short pause, Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran.

He grinned suddenly, and said, "Yunlan Sect, Young Sect Master, that's nothing more than that."

Xiao Yan hated the Nalan family, hated Nalan Yanran, and hated Yun Lanzong as well.

In his opinion, if it wasn't for the support of Yun Lanzong, Nalan Yanran would not have been able to break off the marriage with him.

So the culprit of all this is the behemoth in front of him.

At the beginning, Xiao Yan was afraid of Yun Lanzong, and he had some reservations in both his words and emotions, and he did not dare to be too presumptuous.

But now, he doesn't care about that anymore.

Nalan Yanran's growth rate is too fast. If he wants to fight quickly, to defeat this girl who has been pressing on his heart, and pull out this thorn in his heart, he must use some other means.

He wants to irritate her, destroy her state of mind, and make her upset, otherwise, it will not be easy to defeat Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran frowned slightly, looking down on herself. Nalan Yanran can endure it, but if she looks down on her sect, it won't work.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran's eyes turned cold, and she glanced at Xiao Yan lightly.

A thousand words are useless at this moment.

The only thing that is useful is the sword in his hand. If you want to gain respect, as long as you defeat him, all the underestimation will disappear.

Nalan Yanran raised her jade hand lightly, untied the headband on the top of her head, her head swayed slightly, the blue silk on her head slipped like a smooth satin, and her black hair fell like a waterfall, down the fragrant shoulders, down to the slender willow waist.

Under the scorching sun.

Nalan Yanran is slender, her white skin is delicate and smooth, like pure ivory white jade under the sunlight, exuding a dazzling brilliance, beautiful and misty, giving people a holy, ethereal and moving meaning, making those around her who are very fond of her. The admiration in the eyes of those who have a good impression is even more obvious, and the heartbeat can't help speeding up, even Liu Ling's eyes are straight at this moment.

"She's going to use that trick."

On the high platform, Yun Ling let out a sigh and looked at Yun Yun.

Yun Yun did not speak, nor did she glance at Yun Ling, she just nodded lightly when she heard the words.

"It seems that this game is about to end, but I didn't expect that the mere Xiao family boy would be able to force Yanran to this step." Another white-robed elder said.

Who could have imagined that someone present in the Yun Lanzong Sect would be able to get to this point by a waste that was not valued by them.

Everyone was a little surprised now, and they no longer dared to underestimate the boy under 20 in the square.

"I'm going to use my trump card. I didn't expect the Xiao family boy to be so strong." Gu He looked at the two people above the square with surprise in his eyes.

At this moment, everyone realized something, and looked at the square involuntarily, concentrating their minds, not wanting to miss any picture.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen. Through the strength of the young sect master of the Yunlanzong, they may be able to see some details of the Yunlanzong and judge how strong their background is.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another can survive a hundred battles, which is very important for top families like them.

On the square, Nalan Yanran's long hair was scattered all over her head. She slowly closed her eyes, and after a while, she opened them suddenly, her head full of blue silk at this moment without wind.

As her head full of blue silk danced, her slender body slowly floated up without any bouncing power.

As her figure continued to rise, the energy around her began to riot, and the terrifying momentum rose, making the surrounding space turbulent and giving birth to a circle of ripples.

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, one hand was behind his back, the two different fires slowly merged, and at the same time the other hand clenched the Xuan heavy ruler, and he had already made two plans.

The long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand moved slowly, condescendingly, the tip of the sword pointed diagonally at Xiao Yan, and a dazzling light burst out from the long sword, as if a second sun suddenly appeared in the sky.

"The extreme wind, the setting sun."

Nalan Yanran opened her mouth softly and read out the name of the fighting skill she was using, which could be regarded as a reminder to Xiao Xiao Yan raised his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at the dazzling light in the sky, and The figure behind the ray of light could not help but slightly upturned the corner of his mouth.

"If that's the case, let's decide the outcome!"

Xiao Yan's upper body was slightly lying on the ground, one palm was claw-like supporting the ground, a red flame was looming in the palm, and the other hand clenched the black mysterious heavy ruler, and also made an attacking posture at this moment.

At this moment, Nalan Yanran's power storage also reached its peak.

The terrifying energy burst out at this moment, like Tianwei, fierce and incomparable.


With a light drink, the endless sword energy erupted, and the brilliant sword light covered the scorching sun, crashing down with an appalling momentum.

The vast sword energy is as powerful as a mountain, as divine as a holy, like a blazing sun, dragging a long tail flame and falling from the sky. Before it was approaching, a large area appeared in the bluestone-paved square of Yunlan Sect with Xiao Yan as the center. The cracks, the cracks, spread directly to the end of the square.

(End of this chapter)

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