From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 367: : less than you

Chapter 368 Less Than You

Under the moonlight, a simple meeting came to an end in a few words.

As the sect master of Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun naturally has to consider it for the sect.

She compromised. Although she didn't want to confuse private affairs with sect affairs, she naturally had to give up some things since she took this position.

If you want to build a crown, you must bear its weight. This is true for herself, and the same is true for Nalan Yanran.

Afterwards, Nalan Yanran hurried over with Gu He, and then a group of elders stepped back and gave their place to Gu He.

"Sect Master, I heard Yan Ran say that you have gone wrong in your practice, let me take a look at the pulse?" Gu He looked at Yun Yun's beautiful face, with a hint of undetectable admiration deep in his eyes, and looked worried.

"Then I will trouble Elder Gu He."

After finishing speaking, Yun Yun brought Gu He, a group of elders and Nalan Yanran to a pavilion and sat down.

Then she rolled up her sleeves generously, revealing a thin wrist, and placed it on the stone table in front of her.

Gu He lifted his robe and sat aside, then took out a silk handkerchief and covered it on Yun Yun's wrist. Then he stretched out his palm, and his three fingers gently rested on Yun Yun's pulse.

"The pulse is disordered. Fortunately, the meridians are not injured, and the qi and blood are unstable. Fortunately, the sect master has a strong skill and can be stabilized. The soul fluctuates violently, but it is still within the controllable range." Gu He said with a single word.

Yun Yun was calm on the outside, but panicked inside.

Her pulse is disordered, can she be chaotic, and her blood and energy are unstable. She is not a professional liar. Facing such a group of old monsters and a talented pharmacist, if she can still feel calm, it will be hell.

As for her soul fluctuating violently, she was frightened, and naturally it was impossible for her soul to remain calm.

Fortunately, no one could know what she was really thinking at the moment.

"No problem!"

Gu He looked at the worried elders around him, his face also showed a hint of relief, and slowly said two words.

The expressions on the faces of these elders slowed down, and they completely relaxed.

It is not unreasonable that the Yunlan Sect has been able to stand in the Jiama Empire for so many years.

Both the elders and the disciples are devoted to the sect. If such a sect is not strong, it is a strange thing.

However, what should I do if I meet the protagonist who is hanging up?

Dou Zong fought a Dou Wang, and he was actually killed half to death. Who is to make sense of this?

All I can say is...incomprehensible.


"This is a Qingling Pill. After taking it, adjust the breath for an hour and a half." Gu He took out a pill and handed it to Yun Yun.

"Yeah! It's time for everyone." Yun Yun got up and said.

"What is the sect master talking about? It is our duty to serve the sect and share the worries of the sect master. If the sect master is not feeling well, we will not disturb it. We hope the sect master will take care of his health and rest well. I will leave first." Yun Ling The others are very interesting this time, said.

"Yanran, take good care of your teacher, if you have other matters, come to me quickly." Gu He told Nalan Yanran, then followed a group of elders and left slowly.

"Teacher, let me help you go back to the house to rest." Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun and said.


Yun Yun nodded, then with Nalan Yanran's support, she walked towards the palace with difficulty.

"Teacher, are you really all right?" Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun and asked worriedly.

Because Yun Yun's speed was too slow, and Nalan Yanran felt that if it wasn't for her help, Yun Yun might lie on the ground directly.

"No, it's fine." Yun Yun said quickly.

At the same time, she scolded Ye Han half to death in her heart.

"Assholes, scumbags, rascals, hooligans, animals..."

She was tense just now and didn't feel anything, but now her spirit is relaxed, the pain between her legs made her almost faint, her pretty face was pale, and there was a faint sweat oozing out of her forehead. The comfort just now is in stark contrast, as if heaven and hell, ice and fire, make people want to die.

Reluctantly returned to the house, Yun Yun was already wet with sweat.

"Yanran, wait for me here, I'll take a bath first." Yun Yun looked at Nalan Yanran and said dotingly.

Yun Yun has a deep affection for her only disciple, taking her like her own sister and daughter. On the contrary, Nalan Yanran's affection for Yun Yun is also the same.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun with a worried expression, and said, "Teacher, can you be alone?"

"No problem, don't worry, teacher, I'm a Douhuang strongman, and I'm still very powerful." Yun Yun smiled slightly, and deliberately made a proud expression to show Nalan Yanran her strength.

Seeing this, Nalan Yanran nodded solemnly and said, "I trust the teacher."

Yun Yun smiled and touched Nalan Yanran's head, then walked into the bathroom.

She waved to Nalan Yanran who was outside the door, Yun Yun closed the door and turned around, then she was dumbfounded.

With her eyes facing each other, she covered her mouth subconsciously with a jade hand, her eyes were round, and she looked at the man sitting opposite the huge bath, with her lower body soaked in milky white liquid, her arms on the edge of the bath, showing a strong Chest muscles, a long blue hair loosely scattered, a handsome face with a soft smile, his eyes staring at her boy without blinking.

"You, you, why are you here? Didn't I let you go?" Yun Yun lowered her voice and limped closer to the bath.

"How could I leave you alone and run away, then am I still human?" Ye Han said.

Seeing the woman limping, Ye Han frowned slightly. Slowly stand up from the pool.

"Yeah! You, spit, have no shame."

Yun Yun screamed, and quickly turned her body to the side, not daring to look directly at Ye Han.

But the corner of the eye is secretly...

hiss! ~

Really terrifying.

Yun Yun was frightened by Ye Han's strength.

Ye Han stepped forward, picked up Yun Yun, went into the water, and gently helped her take off her clothes.

"It's my fault, it's too cruel."

Ye Han looked at Yun Yun's injury and said with guilt on his face.

Hearing this, Yun Yun's face was blushing. Under Ye Han's gentle and domineering actions, her heart was in chaos, like a deer ramming around, trying to stop Ye Han, but she was afraid that Nalan Yanran would notice if she made too much noise. , I don't know what to do for a while.

Ye Han retracted his gaze and looked at this woman who was supposed to be noble and elegant, and who was calm when she was in trouble, but at this moment, she showed an unprecedented tenderness and obedience, and couldn't help but love her even more.

Flip the palm of your hand, and a longevity pill appears...

"This medicine pill is too precious, you keep it for a rainy day, and my injury will heal for a while." Yun Yun said.

She had already taken a longevity pill, and she was very aware of the preciousness of this pill, so she refused without waiting for Ye Han to speak.

Ye Han heard the words, glanced at Yun Yun, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then she threw the Yanshou Pill directly into her Yun Yun was stunned for a moment when she saw this, and then in Ye Han's arms, she spoke quickly, and said with a worried look, "Are you injured? Show me where the injury is. …”

Unfortunately, before she could finish speaking, Ye Han blocked her mouth.

Immediately, a pill wrapped in vindictive energy fell into her mouth.

The medicinal pill melts in the mouth, and the warm energy spreads out instantly, making people feel refreshed and relaxed, as if they were injected with vitality in an instant.

However, none of this was as good as the words that Ye Han immediately followed.

"No matter how precious the medicinal pill is, it is not as good as you." Ye Han looked at the peerless beauty in front of him, and said with tenderness in his eyes.

Yun Yun looked at Ye Han blankly, her eyes filled with emotion and happiness.

Feeling that her body was recovering in an instant, she couldn't help but summon up her courage and took the initiative to hug Ye Han's neck......

(End of this chapter)

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