From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 338: : Xiao Xun'er cried

Chapter 339 Xiao Xun'er cried

Xiao Xun'er always remembers that it was when she was very young.

On a dark and windy night for a month, a little girl sneaked into her room.

Then he climbed onto her bed and rubbed her hands and feet...

After that, the little guy told her that he just wanted to warm and nourish her meridians, saying that this would improve her aptitude.

At that time, she was still young, and she didn't feel shy or embarrassed, but rather interesting.

After going back and forth, she remembered the child who was about the same age as her.

Gradually, as Zeng got older, the young man who had helped her warm and nourish her meridians was unknowingly remembered by her, and occupied a very special place in her heart.

Even if she knew her identity and understood that her talent was not the result of the young man's warm upbringing, she was still grateful to that young man and full of goodwill.

However, if it really is like what Ye Han said, he is someone with Su Hui...

Xiao Xun'er suddenly felt a chill.

"No, it's impossible, how could Brother Xiao Yan be like that?"

Xiao Xun'er shook her head suddenly, trying to throw the thoughts that suddenly rose in her mind out of her mind.

"A normal child, who doesn't sleep at night, will sneak into other children's rooms. Wouldn't it be true that someone could not tell the room apart, and could go to cousin's bathroom?" Ye Han said lightly.

His tone was flat, and he looked like he had nothing to do with him, but he said two things in one sentence.

But the words she said made Xiao Xun'er's face, which had just recovered a little blood, turn pale again.

"Yes! Brother Xiao Yan is usually so steady, why did he accidentally break into Xiao Yu's bathroom back then, and, Xiao Mei."

Xiao Xun'er's eyes were blank and her face was pale.

She suddenly found out that Xiao Yan has been having an affair with the women around him, especially the beauties, over the years.

"No, no, Brother Xiao Yan must not be that kind of person."

Xiao Xun'er shook her head again, forcibly getting rid of the thoughts in her heart.

However, once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will naturally take root.

Bang! ~

With a muffled sound, Ling Ying in black robe fell out of the void.

If he fell in front of Ye Han and Xiao Xun'er like a broken sack, the black robe on his body was tattered, and the terrifying wounds would bleed.

He struggled hard and wanted to get up, but the injury was too severe. He struggled again and again and fell down again and again.

"Little, young lady, hurry up, use the treasure that the patriarch gave you to transmit the sound of the family, and let the family send someone out to rescue." Ling Ying said weakly.

Hearing this, Ye Han and Xiao Xun'er involuntarily turned to look at each other.

With a smile on the corner of Ye Han's mouth, he asked with his eyes, "You bodyguard, is there something wrong with your brain?"

The anxiety in Xiao Xun'er's eyes disappeared instantly.

Originally, she wanted to confirm whether Ye Han heard Ling Ying's words, but now, she is really a little desperate.

At this moment, not only Ye Han suspected Ling Ying's brain, but also Xiao Xun'er.

"Bastard, are you mentally retarded?"

"A person who usually looks quite shrewd, how can he suddenly become a fool now?"

"Made, I don't know how to send a letter, asking for help from the family, do I need your reminder?"

"Damn it, is your head caught in the door? Even if you remind me, you have to look at the occasion and dare to say anything."

While Xiao Xun'er was in despair, she also felt exasperated and her delicate body was trembling slightly.

If it wasn't for the scars on Ling Ying's body that couldn't be faked, the aura was sluggish, and the appearance was extremely miserable, Xiao Xun'er would have doubted whether the **** in front of him had betrayed.

But now, she feels that the bodyguard sent by the family is here to trick her.

Then, Xiao Xun'er felt a pair of big hands swimming around her recklessly.

Xiao Xun'er wanted to resist, but found that she couldn't raise any strength at all.

Her body twisted uncomfortably in Ye Han's arms, while struggling in vain, she kept swearing, but in return, Ye Han's face was full of enjoyment.

In the end, Xiao Xun'er became quiet.

"Not bad, go ahead!~"

Ye Han praised and let Xiao Xun'er continue to twist.

Unfortunately, Xiao Xun'er's eyes were full of shame and anger, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Han, her teeth clenched tightly, showing a look of resignation.

Ye Han looked at the irritated beautiful girl in front of him, and at the cherry lip swollen into a sausage that he bitten, feeling a little funny.

However, the movements in his hands did not stop at all.

Ye Han walked behind Xiao Xun'er with a pair of big hands. He did not miss the slightest gap, and searched carefully.

Finally, she pulled off the hairpin and two earrings on her head.

As for the search, it is naturally impossible to search only one side.

"You, you dare to touch me, I swear, I will never let you go."

Xiao Xun'er fell into Ye Han's arms, her pupils shrank suddenly, she could no longer keep calm, she hurriedly opened her mouth and threatened, hoping that Ye Han could rein in his horse.


Xiao Xun'er's sausage mouth, which was swollen by Ye Han's bite, opened slightly involuntarily, and let out a greasy groan from her throat.

"I've heard your threats more than once, but the final result is no surprise. Anyone who tells me that they won't let me go will die, or they will fall in love with me. There is no third possibility. , do you think you will be the first type?" Ye Han leaned over, leaned on Xiao Xun'er's ear, and said softly.

As he spoke, his warm big hand stretched directly into Xiao Xun'er's clothes, and then took out a delicate jade pendant.

"I, I, I will definitely kill you." Xiao Xun'er muttered to herself with her eyes blank.

At this moment, the high-cold girl, elegant and indifferent, all disappeared, like a little daughter-in-law who was bullied, aggrieved and Ye Han ignored this ancient daughter, since it is not far away, Running over to help Xiao Yan out, he must be prepared to pretend that he is not the opposite.

After searching the complex area of ​​the small hill for a while, Ye Han started to switch positions and clean other battlefields until he was sure that there was nothing left.

The hairpins on the head, the ribbons for tying the hair, the earrings on the ears, the jade pendants on the chest, the sachets on the waist, the bracelets and bells on the wrists, the rings on the fingers...

The little girl looks elegant and indifferent, with simple clothes and no excessive decoration, but as the saying goes, there is still three pounds of iron in a rotten boat. Ye Han's carpet search turned out a lot of things.

In the end, Ye Han's eyes stayed on the place where the little girl's legs met, and there was hesitation in his eyes.

"A little girl, shouldn't she hide things here?" Ye Han whispered softly.

"Really, it's gone. Now you have taken everything except my clothes. There really is nothing else left." Xiao Xun'er said.

Unconsciously, there was a hint of crying in her crisp voice, her face was covered with tears, and she was no longer arrogant and elegant. Now she is just a bullied little girl, full of helplessness and desolation.

"You reminded me, you have to change your clothes." Ye Han said.

At this moment, two air-breaking sounds sounded one after the other.

Jia Xingtian and Mittelten Mountain came to this place of ruins one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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