From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 334: : 0 miles to send head

Chapter 335

Xiao Xun'er looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with delicate features and flawless features.

She was wearing a long cyan dress, her waist was too slender to be grasped, and the three thousand blue silk was like ink dyed, and her whole person had an elegant and out of place meaning.

But at this moment, her body exuded a faint killing intent.

Xiao Xun'er ran thousands of miles, just to protect her husband.

As for the so-called brothers that Ye Han made up, she naturally didn't believe a word.

"Uncle Ling, you block that Dou Huang, and I'll deal with him." Xiao Xun'er said.

When you're done, get started.

However, Ye Han quickly raised his hand and said, "Wait!"

"What? I'm afraid, I want to ask for mercy, it's too late, I have to pay the price for bullying brother Xiao Yan." Xiao Xun'er sneered.

Ye Han "..."

"I bought the things you have here. Go back and buy a new set! The most important thing is that people live. If something happens to people, then everything will be over."

Ye Han's faint voice sounded, but she ignored Xiao Xun'er.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the couple who were both afraid and wanted to leave, but also had reluctance and distress, and threw ten gold coins to them directly.

The husband and wife, the woman was obviously sick and limped while walking, while the man was only middle-aged, but his face was pale, and he was obviously injured in his early years.

Ye Han looked at the husband and wife who supported each other and couldn't bear it, and a rare kind of kindness arose.

Xiao Xun'er's killing intent was slightly condensed, Ling Ying searched Ye Han for a day, but couldn't find any clues, just when she was a little annoyed and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Ling Ying told her that the boy who was sitting on the side of the road, leisurely and self-satisfied, was the culprit who injured her brother Xiao Yan, and the girl opposite him was a real Dou Huang.

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er only wanted to take revenge, and only Ye Han was in his eyes.

Pedestrians on the road were frightened away by the aura of her and Ling Ying, which made her ignore the existence of the stall owner.

After all, she's a little girl, and she can't do anything that will take her life.

At the same time, she couldn't help but look at Ye Han again.

He looks only 18 or 19 years old, not much older than himself and brother Xiao Yan, with sword-brow eyes, bright and handsome, if only in terms of appearance and temperament, brother Xiao Yan is actually much inferior to this person, and his strength It is also much higher than Brother Xiao Yan.

Moreover, he is very "kind", and it seems that he is not as abominable as he imagined.

"No, Xiao Xun'er, what are you thinking? Don't forget the purpose of your coming here."

Thinking about it, Xiao Xun'er shook his head suddenly, and quickly threw out the good impressions of the man in front of him that had just emerged in his mind.

"Thank you, thank you for being objective."

The husband and wife who obviously had the story got the money, and finally no longer hesitated, thanking them and leaving quickly.

Ye Han no longer pays attention to the two of them.

In life, no one has a past and no one has a story.

He also didn't have the heart to pay attention to the couple who had never met before, and looked at Xiao Xun'er again.

There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, and he didn't know what Xiao Xun'er was thinking about at this moment.

However, he could feel her breath changing.

When we first met, the girl was aggressive, like a little tiger with its teeth and claws. Now, for some unknown reason, the fierceness of her body disappeared.

Ye Han's eyes were like substance, swept across Xiao Xun'er's delicate and pretty face, slowly moved down, and then stopped on the pair of little pigeons, shaking his head regretfully.

The little girl is beautiful, but unfortunately, her development is not very good, let alone compared with a mature royal sister like Queen Medusa or Yun Yun, even with Nalan Yanran, there is a certain difference.

But when he thought of her age, Ye Han was relieved quickly.

This girl still has room to grow.

Looking down again, Liu Yaoying was unbearable to hold, which was a lot of extra points. The line of sight passed over the slender Liu Yao, and the small buttocks came into view, and then glanced at the pair of straight long legs.

Ye Han nodded secretly, the note was very upright, and over time, he made up for the obvious defect of poor breasts, and he definitely deserved to be a peerless beauty.

But now, it can only attract the attention of those innocent teenagers.

"Bastard, where are your eyes looking?" Xiao Xun'er shook off the thoughts just now, her eyebrows were upright, her pretty face was slightly condensed, a faint blush appeared on her fair skin, and there was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

Over the years, she has seen all kinds of eyes.

But it was the first time she had seen such a red Guoguo, her undisguised gaze.

Even with her indifferent temperament, she couldn't help but feel a burst of anger at this moment.

Ye Han couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, his eyes fell on Xiao Xun'er, even though he was angry, his chest rose and fell rapidly, but he didn't see the turbulent chest, and there was a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Brother Xiao Yan cultivated with all his heart. It seems that apart from taking care of you when you were young, you have been neglected these years." Ye Han said.

The golden flames on Xiao Xun'er's body converged slightly, her footsteps paused, and all movements stopped abruptly.

"How, how did you know this?" Xiao Xun'er said with a cold face and a hint of embarrassment.

"Didn't I tell you everything, we are brothers?"

Ye Han smiled helplessly, then looked serious, and said, "Brother Xiao Yan is smart since he was a child. At first glance, he can be a great person. He once told me that women will only affect the speed of his cultivation, so please take care of the people around him. Woman, since you're here, what's the matter, I'll take care of you!"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiao Xun'er's expression changed, and she didn't believe Ye Han's nonsense at all.

Where there is a brother who robs people and knocks them into a coma as soon as they meet, and the brother's woman asks you to take care of it, you are probably thinking of shit.

Xiao Xun'er slandered. She followed Xiao Yan all these years, and she was very knowledgeable when she scolded people.

"Believe it or not, Brother Xiao Yan is obsessed with martial arts and is obsessed with climbing the highest peak in this world. Women will only affect his cultivation speed. I do this not only to fulfill the promise, but also to help her improve herself quickly. , not to be disturbed by foreign objects."

Ye Han said, "I heard that your brother Xiao Yan helped you warm and nourish your meridians when you were young, and you have been obsessed with him ever since. I wonder if today if I help you promote your growth, will you also remember me?"

After he finished speaking, he shot directly.

A palm, carrying the extreme cold, grabbed towards Xiao Xun'er.

"You, shameless."

Xiao Xun'er's pupils shrank, and she raised her arms to cover her chest, and golden flames erupted from her body, resisting the cold air emanating from Ye Han's hands.


The next moment, Xiao Xun'er trembled.

When it was too late, she blocked the front, but did not block the back.

She was slapped fiercely on her buttocks, and the burning pain made Xiao Xun'er's delicate and pretty face flush, and she felt an unprecedented shame and humiliation.

"I am going to kill you."

The momentum on Xiao Xun'er's body suddenly exploded, and her long hair quickly fell to her As the daughter of the ancient family, Xiao Xun'er has a kind of arrogance in her bones. People in the world, whether male or female, really Only a few people could enter her eyes, never including Ye Han.

But now, she was frivolous by this lowly ant in front of her.

Xiao Xun'er is angry, she will use her own flame to turn the person in front of her into ashes. Only in this way can she wash away the shame in her heart. Otherwise, she will never forget that she was once despised by others and removed from Xiao Yan. Someone other than my brother touched the body.

"You've come so far, and you can't hold your breath, are you in a hurry to send people's heads?"

Ye Han chuckled, looking at Xiao Xun'er who used the secret technique to step into the realm of fighting spirit, not panic at all.

"As the saying goes, a feather is a gift for a thousand miles, and the gift is light and affectionate. What's more, what you are sending is a personal one. I have to say, Brother Xiao Yan is really good, you can follow me in the future! Don't worry, I will take good care of you. of."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han pointed at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Ling Ying, and said, "He handed it over to you, just don't kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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