From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 184: : final choice

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The aurora in the sky is shining and dazzling.

On the earth, the Xuanbing buildings complement each other, which is magnificent, colorful and beautiful.

Two figures sit side by side on a mysterious ice pagoda.

The man was tall and straight, dressed in a white gown, looking elegant and out of the world.

He held a wine jar in his palm, raised his head from time to time, poured out a cool liquid from the wine jar, and swallowed it.

The unrestrained action revealed an air of despair.

Beside him is a young girl of about seventeen or eighteen years old with fair skin and tender pink.

She has a delicate and flawless face, with long black hair tied into a long ponytail, and a sky blue dress wrapping her delicate body.

The two sat together like a pair of immortals.

"Xiao Wu, do you remember the first time we met?"

The man took another sip of wine, then smiled and looked at the girl beside him.

"Hmm! Remember!"

Xiao Wu nodded.

It was that meeting that turned a virtual character named Ye Han into a real person.

His cynical way of doing things, his confident and calm smile, his shameless face, his clumsy coaxing skills, his warm breath, he...

How could Xiao Wu forget?

"The world is impermanent, I didn't expect you to become my fiancee." Ye Han sighed in the sky, raised his head again, and poured a sip of wine into his mouth.

He thought of Douluo Continent, the original book, and wanted to laugh and cry.

"Do you hate me?" Ye Han asked.

His eyes were hazy and a little drunk.

I have to say, this wine is very powerful.

Xiao Wu didn't speak, just shook her head gently.

hate it?

She doesn't really hate it, just a little resentment.

He is obviously his fiancé, but his relationship with his mother-killing enemy is unclear. He even married the daughter of his mother-killing enemy, and the two have a son.

Xiao Wu understood that he couldn't take revenge for herself, and knew that he had his difficulties, but she couldn't help but complain. She was not a saint, she didn't have such a big mind, she was just a little girl with emotions and lust, hatred and resentment.

In the past few years, Ye Han has not come to her, nor has she looked for him.

She got angry and wanted to forget him.

But...too hard.

"Fool, you should hate me."

Ye Han reached out and touched Xiao Wu's head, only to find that the ear that she had cut off by herself had grown back before she knew it.

His heart was slightly sour, he knew that he had been too neglectful to her in the past two years.

"I am sorry."

Ye Han sincerely apologized, but at some point, tears were already on his face.

From today, his Binger will disappear again.

"Brother Ye, no, you didn't feel sorry for me, I, it's my fault, you shouldn't be embarrassed." Xiao Wu said.

Ye Han's expression made Xiao Wu's heart hurt, and she couldn't help panicking. The camouflage of the past few years was broken in an instant, and a pair of small hands wiped on Ye Han's face in a panic.


Ye Han grabbed Xiao Wu's palm with an ugly smile on his face.

His heart throbbed even more, and he was afraid, worried that after telling her the truth, she would leave him.

Everyone is selfish, and Ye Han is no exception.

He doesn't want to lose her, but everyone has to pay for what they have done.

He used to selfishly choose to hurt Xiao Wu, A Rou, and Bibi Dong. Now, can he continue to be selfish?

"Your mother is not dead, the one you should really hate is me. Although Bibi Dong killed your mother and took away her spirit bone and spirit ring, she retained her soul and spirit, everything It's all my fault, go, I'll take you to see her." Ye Han took a deep breath.

After all, he chose conscience, and everything after that is left to God!

Xiao Wu stared blankly at Ye Han, she only understood that her mother was not dead, she didn't understand the rest.

Confused, she was taken by Ye Han and returned to the Asking Heart Tower.

On the ninth floor of the Asking Heart Pagoda, there are many heavy spaces. Xiao Wu just stayed at the first floor, and Arou was next to her.

As the creator of the three pagodas, Ye Han wanted to find someone without any effort.

He brought Xiao Wu and came to Arou's side in an instant.

Unlike Xiao Wu's violent belligerence, Arou just sat quietly and cross-legged.

But Ye Han knew that this kind of cultivation method seemed calm like water, but it was actually more dangerous.

"She... Bing, sister Bing'er..."

Xiao Wu's red lips parted slightly, her **** and white eyes were round and full of disbelief.

Ye Han was silent, and his eyes were full of pain. When things came to an end, he had some plans and it was difficult to make a choice.

The woman with dark green long hair in a long green dress seemed to feel something, and her tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

"Xiao Han, Xiao Wu, you are here."

A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, the woman's figure flashed, and she appeared beside Ye Han, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him lightly on the face.

Then he pulled Xiao Wu with a soft smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Wu, where do you want to play again?"

Ye Han touched his cheek, looked at the woman, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Look at me."

Hearing this, the woman turned her head subconsciously, just in time to meet Ye Han's eyes.

Then everything in the world stopped.

Looking at each other, special dark-golden symbols flew out of the woman's eyes.

And the woman's face, temperament, figure, hair color, and eyes have undergone earth-shaking changes as those peculiar black-gold symbols flew out.

Xiao Wu looked at what was happening in front of her, and couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands. The big tears in her eyes, like beads with broken threads, kept falling from her white cheeks.

From head to toe, women have changed little by little.

Soft white facial features, delicate and flawless, jet-black hair, proud and tall...

She looked twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and her appearance was almost exactly the same as Xiao Wu, but she seemed more mature.

Xiao Wu is young and lively, smart and cute, but the woman in front of her has a gentle temperament, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, and her body is more plump, like a ripe peach. In comparison, Xiao Wu is a green apple.


After the last mysterious golden symbol disappeared, Xiao Wu couldn't bear it any longer, let go of her palm, and let out an exclamation from her mouth.

Then, the girl directly hugged the woman in front of her.

" Xiao Wu, my daughter, you have suffered."

The light in her eyes gradually focused, and the woman hugged the girl's body tightly, stroking her hair tenderly and distressedly, her eyes full of love and kindness.

After so many years, her memory has long since recovered, but it was suppressed by Ye Han's use of the Inextinguishable Scripture, so she could only live as the Ice Emperor.

Although memory can be tampered with, the special feeling between mother and daughter cannot be changed.

She liked Xiao Wu from the first sight. If it wasn't for their inappropriate status, they might have been matched as mother and daughter.

"Mom, really, is it really you?" Xiao Wu raised her head, looked at the woman's delicate and flawless face with tears in her eyes, and said dumbly.

The woman nodded with tenderness in her eyes, only her daughter at the moment.

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