From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 173: : Open to the girls

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Ye Han's open-mouthed boss, his eyes swept across the small red face.

"You, you, you are really, too, too..."

Hearing that they didn't care about the difference between men and women, and still begged him to give them a speed bump, Ye Han stammered, wanting to say that they were too bold and felt inappropriate.

Too reserved, seems to be a meaning.

Too unrestrained, I'm afraid they can't stand it.

So bold, like a bird.

Too bold, well, this is not bad.


However, in the end he choked out a sentence.

"You guys are really kind too, I'm going to feast my eyes today."

In order not to embarrass the girls, feel ashamed and ashamed, this villain can only be done by me.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Han felt that he was really too great and too kind.

"Why didn't I find out before that I was so selfless, so selfless, so loving, and such a warm man?"

Ye Han's face exudes supreme brilliance, warm and genial, but the thoughts in his heart are very shameless.

"You guys are still thinking about it, don't be hot-headed for a while, if you all rely on me and let me be responsible for you, then it's not easy for me to do it." Ye Han said.

The first half of the sentence is still serious, but in the second half, the shameless face is exposed.

A group of girls blushed and watched Ye Han go upstairs, then looked at each other, gathered together and whispered.

Ye Han came to the second floor, pushed the door open, and saw Gu Yuena, Bi Ji, Xue Di, and Bo Saixi, the four of them were full of scrutiny.

"Don't look at me like this, it makes me look like a pervert." Ye Han said speechlessly.

The four of them didn't speak, and the three words "you are." were revealed in their eyes.

"Xue'er, Xixi, the two of them don't know me, it's okay to slander me. I'm really angry with you two."

Ye Han glared at the two daughters-in-law angrily, with an angry expression on his face.

"It's because we know you that we see you this way." Bo Saixi said.

"Okay you, Xixi, have you been itchy for a while since you haven't cleaned you up?" Ye Han smiled strangely, approached directly, and hugged Bo Saixi's plump and hot body into his arms.

"Don't, Xiaohan, Nana and the others are still there." Bo Saixi held Ye Han's chest with both hands to keep him from getting close, and spoke quickly.

"I'll hug." Ye Han said.

When Bo Saixi heard the words, the strength in her hands slowly loosened, and Ye Han took the opportunity to lightly peck her red lips.

Enough is enough, this woman is easily shy, and Ye Han doesn't dare to continue teasing her.

Sitting down with Bo Saixi in his arms, Ye Han looked at Gu Yuena and Brigitte, and explained rather speechlessly, "Are you two wearing clothes? Although as long as I want, it's the same whether you wear it or not, but I still don't know what to wear. As for being so wretched, what's more, which of my two wives is worse than you, do I need to peek at you?"

When Brigitte heard the words, her mind was inexplicable.

Gu Yuena was slightly disappointed, especially when she heard Ye Han using his two wives to compare them with them, the disdain in her tone made Gu Yuena feel a little uncomfortable.

Xue Di looked at everything in his eyes, the corners of his mouth could not help slightly tilt, and then looked at Ye Han, not knowing what he was thinking.

dong dong dong!

Ye Han sighed helplessly, he knew that these girls had already made up their minds, otherwise they would not come to him.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Emperor Xue, asking for her opinion.

Xue Di's face changed for a while, and his voice faintly said, "Will you forget me and Bing'er!"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, but he did not expect Xue Di to say such a thing.

After thinking about it, he understood.

Women's hearts are all sensitive, and there are indeed a little more women gathered around them now.

Gently releasing Bo Saixi, Ye Han stood up, but his arm was grabbed by a soft palm.

"Hee hee, don't do this, go and help them open... plug-ins, is that right?" Xue Di chuckled.

At this moment, the girl is bright and unparalleled, absolutely gorgeous and refined, and her elegance is peerless.

She knew Ye Han too well. Through his actions, she instantly knew what he was going to do.

"I believe in you, and I believe in my own vision. Go! As long as they are interested in you, it's fine to marry them all." Xue Di said seriously.

Ye Han was stunned, looking at the seriousness in Xue Di's eyes, feeling that she was not joking.

A woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, and the ancients did not deceive me.

Ye Han sighed, glanced at Po Saixi, then shook his head and opened the door.

"Think about it." Ye Han looked at the crowd and said.

Originally, he really wanted to reject these girls directly. Xue Di was always the first in his heart, and for her, he could give up everything.

But the change in Xue Di's attitude made him change his mind again.

"Yeah! Brother Ye, please help us." Xiao Wu said.


Ye Han nodded and touched Xiao Wu's head, his eyes full of pity and guilt.

Ye Han knew exactly why this girl practiced so hard.

She wants revenge...

Ye Han took the lead and came to the top of the ninth-story pagoda.

Everyone is used to the gravity here.

However, it is not so easy to bathe in the blood of God and accept the baptism of the mysterious substance inside.

Each of the ten blood pools is separated by a thick ice wall, and the scenery on the other side cannot be seen at all under normal circumstances.

The closer you are to the center of the blood pond, the richer the mysterious substances in it, and the more benefits you can get, but if you want to go to the center of the blood pond, you need a stronger physique, and to obtain a strong physique requires... time.

The strongest among these girls is Zhu Zhuqing. Even if Ye Han doesn't have to give her an accelerator plug-in, she will be able to reach the center of the blood pool with her own abilities in a few months. Unfortunately, the girl has already been brought to the center of the blood pool by Ning Rongrong. went into the ditch.

Ye Han looked at the girls, then with a wave of his palm, the ice walls that separated everyone's sight slowly disappeared.

"Rongrong, Lingling, you two are auxiliary soul masters, one can increase the crowd, and the other can heal. Now I will remove these obstacles so that you can observe other people and judge the situation. You can work together to improve quickly." Ye Han Looking at the puzzled people, he explained.

Afterwards, Ye Han waved his hand, created a small room in the center of the blood pool, and locked himself in.

Although it's useless, at least it can give girls a sense of security, and they don't have to face each other, making each other more embarrassing.

"Have you seen it? This is Xiaohan. Although sometimes what he does makes people grit their teeth and want to beat him, he is still very measured when it comes to business." Hands, spiritual voice transmission, soft judo voice.


Bo Saixi sighed in his heart, his face full of loss and sadness.

She knew why Xue Di said these words to herself, she hoped that she could accept the girls around her.

But can she really accept it?

"Xixi, I know you don't want it, you feel bad in your heart, as a woman, seeing your husband with other women makes me sad too, but you have to think about it, it's not easy for Xiaohan to cultivate them, and it will be cheaper for others in the future. , isn't Xiaohan the one who suffers? And Xiaohan needs help." Emperor Xue said.

"Xiaohan is already so powerful, why do you still need help?" Bo Saixi was puzzled.

"Xiaohan is very powerful, but he is only one person after all, and his opponent is the entire God Realm." Xuedi said.

Immediately Xue Di explained the grievances between Ye Han and the God Realm in more detail.

Hearing this, Bo Saixi was slightly shocked and fell silent.

"Okay, don't think about it, you just need to remember that you are special in her heart and can't be replaced by anyone, Xiaohan also loves you, that's enough." Xue Di said.

What the Snow Emperor said was also true. If he didn't love him, how could Ye Han have just returned from the God Realm and hurriedly went to Seagod Island after learning that twelve years had passed?

Bo Saixi was complicated, but finally nodded.

Glancing at the young and beautiful girls around her, she tried to convince herself, but she felt a little dizzy.

Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Hu Liena, Gu Yuena, eight more sisters at this moment, who can stand it?

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