From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 169: : 3 seat high tower

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The scorching sun slanted westward, and the red sun was like fire.

The red sunlight scattered, covering everything in the world with a red gauze, making everything appear hazy.

Not far from the Lake of Life, on a hill.

Ye Han led Xue Di and Bo Saixi to stand quietly, enjoying the beautiful sunset that was completely different from the sea.

Originally thought that Gu Yuena would come soon, but after waiting for half an hour, the other party disappeared.

"Tianmeng ice silkworm, as a silkworm, you should be able to spin silk, right? Give me two hundred catties of ice silkworm, and I promise not to kill you, how about that? Even, as long as you are obedient, it will take ten or twenty years. , I can still set you free."

The three found a place to sit down, and Ye Han began to communicate with the awakened Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

"Is what you said true?" Tianmeng Ice Silkworm instantly became excited.

There is no race that does not like freedom, and Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is no exception.

"Of course, there is no need for me to lie to you." Ye Han said.

"Well, two hundred catties is too much, I can only make twenty catties at most." Tianmeng Ice Silkworm said pitifully.

"Don't mess with me, one hundred pounds, one or two less, and I'll kill you immediately."

Ye Han was too lazy to talk to it, and after leaving a sentence, he glanced at the sun that had completely disappeared, and couldn't help but look back at the lake of life.

"Are you still waiting for her?" Ye Han looked at the two women.

Now, Gu Yuena is of little use to Ye Han, and it doesn't matter if she wants her or not.

"Wait!" Xue Di laughed.

She had already decided to help Ye Han take down Gu Yuena's right-hand man.

However, what she didn't know was that Ye Han's heart was no longer in Douluo Continent, and he had long ignored the God Realm.

"I listen to my sister."

Bo Saixi found that Ye Han was looking at him, and could not help but speak softly.

"Okay! Then wait."


the next day.

Dawn breaks.

The four of them took an emerald swan and returned to the core area of ​​the frozen forest in the extreme north.

In the next few days, Ye Han built three towers around Xuanbing Castle, each tower has nine floors.

There is a building called, Asking Heart, and there are many illusions inside, which can be used to hone the spirit and polish the state of mind.

There is a building called Qi Training, which is equipped with a Qi Gathering Array, which gathers a large amount of soul power from the world, and can quickly increase the soul power cultivation base inside.

One is called Body Refinement. This one is the most precious of the three towers, because there are countless blood pools in it, all of which are divine blood.

Divine Blood Refinement, who has ever received this kind of treatment?

It is a great honor that Ye Chen became the first.

However, this guy is really awesome, and he went straight to the eighth floor with the Soul Emperor cultivation base in one breath, and then stopped.

In the end, he dragged his scarred body and limped to the Qi Training Tower, where he recovered his injuries and absorbed his soul power at the same time...

The Body Refinement Pagoda is the foundation. In addition to the divine blood that can refine the body, there is also a gravity formation. Only by adapting to the formations on each floor can you be eligible to enter the divine blood pool, bathe in the divine blood essence, and improve your physique.

Then, Ye Han called Gu Yuena, Bo Saixi and Snow Emperor.

With Gu Yuena as the mainstay, several people worked together to try to create a god-given spirit ring.

Ten days later, the first god-given spirit ring was born.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, with the first god-given spirit ring, the second, and the third, everything is a matter of course.

God-given spirit rings have been made out, and it is not difficult to increase the age of the spirit ring, without the slightest difficulty.

A month later, Ye Han got 100 catties of ice silk.

Ice silk produced by a million-year-old soul beast is a basic operation to be invulnerable to fire and water.

Ye Han was very satisfied with this. He showed great compassion and directly separated the body and spirit of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Like a white jade, plump, with ten golden circles, his body full of vitality was buried by Ye Han as the foundation of the Qi training tower.

Therefore, the quality of the soul power of the Qi Training Tower has been directly raised by a grade, more pure, gentler, and easier to absorb.

Ye Han naturally wouldn't waste the spiritual power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Directly make it the artifact of the Asking Heart Pagoda.

As long as everyone follows the rules, don't be too lofty, and want to reach the sky in one step, no matter how strong the spiritual power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is, there is no way to be a demon.

The Body Refinement Pagoda builds the foundation, the Qi Refinement Pagoda enhances the cultivation of soul power, and the Inquiry Pagoda enhances the state of mind. The three are in one, and the talents cultivated are definitely not flowers in a greenhouse.

At this point, the cultivation arrangements of some little guys have finally come to an end.


Xuanbing Castle still has only two floors.

But the area of ​​each floor is very large, very wide, very wide.

On the second floor, the master bedroom, both in layout and decoration, is of the highest quality, warm and elegant, and every decoration is a valuable treasure when brought to the outside world.

However, the most attractive thing is not these priceless treasures, but the sobbing voice in the bedroom.

It's been several months since we met, but this is the first time I've had an intimate interaction with Xue Di.

To be honest, Ye Han has long been unbearable, but the Ice Emperor often appears beside the two of them, so Ye Han does not dare to mess around.

All right now, with Xiao Wu accompanying, everyone entered the Body Refinement Tower to practice. Except for Gu Yuena and Bi Ji, there are only the three of them left. Naturally, they can do whatever they want.

Threesome, Bo Saixi was embarrassed at first, but he couldn't resist Ye Han, and he quickly lost himself.

With Bo Saixi's help, Ye Han could fulfill his promise and sprinkle the seeds on Xue Di again and again, hoping to take root and sprout in her body.

After that, apart from taking time from time to time to check the training results of a few girls, most of the time, Ye Han stayed in his room and lived a debauched life.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed in a flash.

Ye Han looked at the two beauties on the left and right, saw their ruddy complexion and vigorous energy, and couldn't help pouting.

Sure enough, the old saying goes, there are only cows that die from exhaustion, and no fields that are ploughed.

A non-human like him felt tired. Under the nourishment of his essence, the two women not only became stronger physically, but even their mental strength increased by a large margin.

"Xiaoxue brought Qingqian and the others back." Ye Han said suddenly.


Like a frightened rabbit, Bo Saixi sat up instantly and quickly took out a piece of clothing and put it on.

"Haha, what are you afraid of? It will take at least two or three minutes for them to come here." Ye Han was amused by Bo Saixi's appearance.

"You, you still have the heart to laugh, hurry up, if they find us like this, what a formality." Bo Saixi said urgently.

Xue Di felt a warm energy in his abdomen spread throughout his body, his cheeks flushed, lying between Ye Han's arms, his whole body exuded a lazy breath, and really didn't want to move, but she still had to listen to Bo Saixi's words.

If it makes the other party unhappy and doesn't play with them in the future, she may be killed by herself.

Snow Emperor knew how much he had.

When looking at Bo Saixi, Xue Di's eyes showed undisguised envy.

If she and Bing'er have the ability of Po what else is there to do with other women?

When Bo Saixi saw Xue Di's appearance, she probably guessed what she was thinking. As for the envy in Xue Di's eyes, after playing together for so many days, she naturally knew it.

To be honest, she was also very puzzled. Originally, she thought that men were like Ye Han, and women were like herself. Who knew that was not the case at all.

After arranging her clothes in a random manner, Bo Saixi hurried to Xue Di's side to help her get dressed.

Then, the two of them looked at Ye Han, who was lying there pretending to be an uncle, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, help him get dressed.

The three of them packed up, and just after they went downstairs, Qian Renxue brought Qing Qian, Qing Xuan, Qing Wu, and a blonde girl to the outside of the Ice Crystal Castle.

Ps: I'm a little confused, I don't know how to write it, it seems that it will be changed to two beasts!

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