From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 124: : Why am I so bad

Siye is silent!

Just now, the wind was raging and the rain poured down, but at this moment it was truly calm, the clouds and the rain stopped.

In such a quiet environment, any disturbance will be magnified infinitely.

Snapped! ~

That crisp sound was so loud.

His Holiness the Pope covered his buttocks, dumbfounded on the spot, and looked stupidly at the annoyed young man beside him.

"What have you become yourself, you dare to speak stubbornly at me."

The boy ignored her gaze, picked up the petite Pope, and strode away from here.

Crunch, crunch! ~

The sound of grinding his teeth kept coming from his arms, and the boy turned a deaf ear to it, and even turned a blind eye to the murderous look in the woman's eyes.

The boy is one hundred and eighty-eight centimeters tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, slender limbs, tall and strong.

Compared with him, Pope Bibi Dong's height of over 160 centimeters looks so petite, the cutest height difference, nothing more than that.

"Ye Han, you, let me down."

The domineering of the man made Bibi Dong extremely uncomfortable, especially the gentleness in that domineering, which made the ruthless Pope feel a little flustered.

It has not been a day or two that she has known this man, but this is the second time she feels his tenderness.

The first time was when I collapsed on the bed in my own bedroom last night.

That night, it was the first time that she felt the gentleness and consideration of a man, and she felt peacefully in the arms of this man until dawn.

"Take care of your body with peace of mind, if you dare to talk too much, be careful, I'm welcome."

Ye Han lowered his head, looked at the woman's pale face, a hint of distress flashed in his eyes, and his voice was ruthless.

The only way Ye Han could think of to make the high-ranking pope soft was to be stronger, more domineering, and more ruthless than her...

Maybe this is the only way to make this woman who doesn't eat hard and soft, give in a little bit, right?

Bibi Dong pursed her lips, a cold light flashed across her eyes, she said no more, and slowly closed her eyes.

Her current state is indeed extremely bad, and it is not suitable to be too stiff with Ye Han.

Looking down at the woman, Ye Han couldn't help but put on a wry smile.

"This woman is not easy to do!" Ye Han sighed inwardly.

How could Ye Han not feel the killing intent that Bibi Dong showed just now.

However, this woman gave birth to a son for herself, which is a protective charm for her, making him unable to touch her at all.

"You guys will play inside for a few days, and I'll let you out after a while."

Ye Han transmitted sound to several people in the inner space, and at the same time selected some exercises and placed them in an easy-to-find location, so that they could watch and learn.

The internal world has independent rules and is completely controlled by Ye Han.

As long as he is willing, as long as he has enough energy, he can completely change the space in his body upside down.

The manor in Ye Han's inner world was created by him in a single thought.

He divided the world into several separate spaces, including a medicinal field for planting flowers and plants, an attic for storing cultivation methods, and a place for storing sundries. There is no doubt that the largest space, which is imprisoned... . Tang old man.

After saying hello to a few little girls, Ye Han withdrew from the inner world.

He hugged Bibi Dong, crossed the muddy ground, and soon came to the place where he just rested.


Suddenly, Ye Han paused and looked to the left.

"The soul masters who came out of the Slaughter City, Ye Han helped me catch them." Bibi Dong's closed eyes quietly opened, and his eyes also looked to the left.

There, three Soul Saints in black clothes, several miles apart, are looking towards this side.

"They are, why do they feel a little familiar?"

The three soul saints looked at each other, and couldn't help but have the same idea in their hearts.

"Kill, kill God!"

Suddenly, one of the three people trembled violently, his lips trembling, and he said two words.

In an instant, the other two froze suddenly, and two figures quickly flashed across their minds.

Although I have never seen their true faces, their statures, especially Bibi Dong, that flawless and exquisite figure, those pink hair, those purple eyes, and those cruel methods have long been imprinted on the slaughter. The heart of everyone in the capital.



"leave here."

There was a chill in the hearts of the three of them, and they slowly moved their steps, afraid that the movement would be too loud and cause a violent reaction from the two of them.


Ye Han lowered his head, looked at the woman in his arms, agreed very readily, then smiled and pressed his cheek, saying, "Come on, give me a kiss, and I'll help you catch them."

"You, bitch, shameless hooligan, despicable bastard..."

Bibi Dong was furious in her heart, but when she saw the movements of the three, she didn't dare to hesitate, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, her pale face lifted slightly, and her bloodless lips kissed Ye Han's lips directly.

The soft touch, with a touch of coolness, like a current, instantly swept across the body.

Ye Han stared at the beautiful face that was close at hand, and blinked slightly.

Heaven and earth conscience, he just hoped that Bibi Dong could kiss his cheek, who would have thought that there would be unexpected gains.

"Is it enough?"

After four or five seconds, Bibi Dong released her lips and looked at Ye Han with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

A woman is gifted, her acting skills are natural, and she can't see any flaws.

True to the old saying, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is.

"How could it be possible?"

Ye Han smiled slightly, then hugged Bibi Dong, the white light spread from his body, enveloped the two of them, and instantly disappeared in place.

Instantly moving, coupled with the terrifying bouncing power, Ye Han hugged Bibi Dong and narrowed the distance between him and the three in an instant.

"No, they're chasing after them."

The three people were shocked.

"Spread away and run, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, whether you can live or not depends on the will of God."

No one is an idiot who can escape from the killing capital alive, it's just an instant, the three of them have a decision.

Brush brush brush! ~

At this moment, the three of them were not hiding in the slightest, and instantly burst into full speed and ran in three directions.

"Hey, you can't escape."

Ye Han chuckled lightly, his clear voice carrying a magnetic force, clearly passed into the ears of the three of them.

The realm, absolute zero, freezes everything.

A cold current centered on Ye Han and spread over ten miles around in an instant, turning everything around him into a country of ice and snow.

The speed of the three soul saints escaping for a while, then getting slower and getting slower and slower...

A layer of frost slowly covered their bodies, and finally, the spirit rings on their bodies went out, turning into lifelike ice sculptures with horror on their faces.

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

Ye Han looked at the woman in his arms and said proudly.

"Help me move the three of them together." Bibi said.

"Ah! I have to do coolies... uh..."

Just as he was halfway through complaining, his mouth was blocked.

"Is it alright now?" Bibi Dong moved her lips away, with seven points of calmness and three points of shyness on her face, she said.

Stubborn, ruthless, unwilling, helpless, shy, humiliated, etc., more than ten kinds of emotions were abruptly interpreted by her, so natural and smooth.

Looking at the look on the woman's face, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt.

Why am I so bad?

But I'm obviously a good person, right?

Am I so sunny and handsome?

So helpful?

So understanding?

So young and promising?

So talented?


There are so many bright spots on me, why do you women like to look at me like this? Make me feel like a bad person, put me in deep self-doubt, and you make me feel so bad.

Perhaps in the future, you will really find that the world has suddenly lost a young and promising young man.

Ye Han was intoxicated for a while, and then he brought the three ice sculptures to Bibi Dong's side.

PS: I don’t know how to write it. Can anyone teach me how to write so that I don’t get criticized!

Hahaha! Old rules, ask for votes!

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