From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 112: : Cursed Blood

Dai Mubai, Martial Spirit White Tiger, forty-two, of the Battle Spirit Sect of the assault system.

Zhu Zhuyun, Martial Soul Nether Cat, forty-third level, agility attack type Battle Soul Sect.

As the two strongest players in the team, after drawing the seed team of the Royal Academy of Star Luo Empire, they never thought of winning.

The strength of this team is somewhat strange.

In the past, when there was only one Tang Yuehua, they met, and they still had a certain degree of confidence.

However, yesterday, the spirit fusion skills displayed by the three little girls terrified many people, including the seed team of the Royal Academy of Star Luo Empire.

Dai Mubai was not someone with a firm mind.

After Davies died, he became the first in line to be the heir to the Star Luo Empire. Later, when his intended fiancée grew crooked, the Star Luo royal family decided to find a new love for him and replaced Zhu Zhuqing with Zhu Zhuyun.

Dai Mubai, who has become a winner in life, has had a smooth and smooth life these years. Without any pressure, his cultivation has reached the forty-two level, which makes him even more proud.

Under the leadership of him and Zhu Zhuyun, the seed team of the Royal Academy of the Star Luo Empire overcame all obstacles and finally reached the point where it is now.

To be honest, he was already satisfied with this.

This year's Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition is more perverted than any time in previous years.

Soul ring owners who surpassed the age limit appeared one after another, and there were many monsters whose cultivation base ignored the age limit. Needless to say, the Shrek Academy was called the Monster Academy.

Can the team of the Wuhundian Wuhun Academy, as the strongest force in the entire continent, be the weakest?

The Kamikaze Academy and the Blazing Academy are combined into one, the wind borrows the fire, and the fire borrows the prestige. That is a natural martial arts skill fusion skill!

After all, there was only the second team of the Heaven Dou Empire Royal Academy. He still had a certain degree of confidence that he would be able to win. Unfortunately, his luck was not good.

Now that he came here, he just wanted to go through a process, hoping not to lose too ugly, and to be less blamed after returning to Xingluo in the future.

Unfortunately, there are nine out of ten things in the world that are unsatisfactory.

"You are Zhu, Zhu, and Qing."

With the connection between his bloodlines, Zhu Zhuyun recognized the burly figure on the opposite side at a glance.

Although his eyes were full of disbelief, Zhu Zhuyun called out Zhu Zhuqing's name.

"I didn't expect you to recognize me?" Zhu Zhuqing said.

"Hey! Hahaha."

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't hold back and laughed directly.

This smile was like opening a Pandora's box, I couldn't help it at all.

She put her arms on Dai Mubai's shoulders, she laughed so hard that her tears flowed out, and she even muttered, "No, I didn't expect, the curse, the power of the blood of the curse is so powerful."

Her voice was intermittent, but at the moment Zhu Zhuqing's attention was on her, how could he not hear it.

"The blood of the curse, what is that?" Zhu Zhuqing raised his brows, breathing a little too quickly.

She was keenly aware of the abnormality, but she still couldn't believe it, and had certain fantasies about the love that blood is thicker than water.

"What did you say? Can't understand what you're saying?"

The smile stopped abruptly, and Zhu Zhuyun waved his hand indifferently.

But there was a voice in Zhu Zhuqing's ear, "Blood of the curse is a kind of sorcery, it can only be used on close relatives, you see how good elder sister treats you! Now you look white and fat, how wonderful!"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his body and almost fell.

She stared at Zhu Zhuyun with a pair of eyes, and two lines of clear tears could not help bursting out of her eyes.

"Is this a relative? This is my sister?..."

Zhu Zhuqing let out a long whistle in the sky, his voice was sharp, the next moment his eyes were cold, and his martial spirit was instantly possessed.

A huge black cat appeared behind her, and what surprised Zhu Zhuyun the most was the spirit ring on Zhu Zhuqing's body.

Yellow yellow purple black.

Although the Dark-Gold Dreadclaw Bear has only eight thousand years of cultivation, its strength is too strong, and the age of its soul ring is not purple, but black.

The pitch-black ghost cat was huge, with dark golden eyes and ruthless eyes, staring at Zhu Zhuyun with a hint of cruelty.

"This, this is impossible, she, she is only about twelve years old, she has reached the spirit sect realm, and the fourth spirit ring has reached ten thousand years, and she is about to catch up with those real monsters. If you give her more Give her some time to grow up, and then return to the Star Luo Empire, even if she is a little uglier, with her talent, it is impossible for the Xing Luo Royal Family to have other ideas."

Zhu Zhuyun's mind turned sharply, and there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes.


Boom! ~~

The momentum rose one after another, and everyone except Ye Han released their martial spirits.

The battle was about to break out, but on Ye Han's side, only four people started.

With a wave of Qingqian's little hand, the blue light shone, and two transparent shields flew out, directly protecting the two younger sisters.

Qing Wu is still a hypnotic bubble that spits out, flying towards the enemy in front of her.

Qing Xuan pushed her two pure white palms, and a wisp of black nine-day heavy water instantly expanded, turning into a stormy sea, rushing towards the opposite side with terrifying power.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was huge, five meters tall, with wide shoulders and thick waist, he was like a wall, but he did not lose his agility as an agile attack type. He moved with two really long legs.

The first spirit ring flashed slightly, and the ghost thrust was used.

Her figure quickly blurred, bringing up layers of phantoms, and instantly appeared in front of Zhu Zhuyun.

The big fan-like hand wheel moved like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting Zhu Zhuyun with a rushing sound of breaking wind.

" Our kitten has finally grown up, and even dares to fight with my sister." Zhu Zhuyun chuckled, and with a bang, her body was scattered.

Unfortunately, it's just an afterimage.

Also as agile attack type, Zhu Zhuyun's speed is no slower than Zhu Zhuqing.

After dodging a blow, Zhu Zhuyun swung his long legs and kicked directly towards Zhu Zhuqing's waist.


This kick was so strong that the fat on Zhu Zhuqing's waist was deformed, showing how powerful this kick was.

However, Zhu Zhuqing used his actions to tell Zhu Zhuyun what a "meat-assassin" is.

The tall figure didn't even sway, and with a flick of his arm, Zhu Zhuyun, who had just released his old strength and had not yet developed his new strength, was like a leaf in the wind, and was swept away by Zhu Zhuqing.

Qingxuan's Jiutian Heavy Water has high density and amazing weight. Although the name is water, it is more like flowing metal.

Originally, Qingxuan pushed the Jiutian Heavy Water to bypass Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyun, and Dai Mubai, but after Zhu Zhuyun was swept away by Zhu Zhuqing, he directly hit the Jiutian Heavy Water, and was shocked so much that he spat out a mouthful of blood, looking embarrassed. unbearable.

"Cough, cough, I didn't expect that you still have such a means. It seems that you made you ugly in the past, but now it has fulfilled you and awakened you to an incredible talent."

Zhu Zhuyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, glanced at the black water current that surrounded himself, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and couldn't help sneering, "Do you want to challenge me and Mubai with such talent?"

PS: Old rules, ask for tickets! Thank you for your votes too! ~

Finally, thank you eldest brother Frost Dragon God for the reward, and thank you eldest brother for the monthly pass that my surname is Li but I am irrational! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! ~

Well, the next chapter will restore the appearance!

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