From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 86: Netizens are more professional

  Chapter 86 Netizens are more professional

  Choga is not afraid of the Kadin militiamen. Although there are many of them, they are small and flexible.

  The reason Choga set up the mortar was because he wanted to use the mortar to cover his retreat after completing the attack on his side.

  Choga has never experienced real street fighting, but he has seen the old American Black Hawk Down. The elite rangers of the United States have to kneel in front of black buddies in Mogadishu, because their enemies are everywhere in the city.

  Kvachok's situation is actually a small-town version of Mogadishu. Once an attack is launched, it will be like stabbing a hornet's nest.

  Joga doesn’t have a helicopter to cover him, so he can only seek cover from artillery fire. When necessary, he can use artillery fire to stop the enemy, so that he can escape easily.

  Of course, they don't have professional gunners, so it's unnecessary to use mortars for precise strikes, but the area of ​​the Karting man's 'manor' is large enough.

   At that time, no matter who hits Choga, Nice and Antares in the rear can shoot all the shells into the manor. That's where the elite of the town's militia is located, and blocking it can relieve more than half of the pressure.

  The 120mm mortar is definitely powerful enough to make those lawless black buddies drink a pot.

  It would be even better if the leader of the Kardin clan could be blown up by chance. This guy would do anything for a small profit, and if he died, it would prevent him from leading his clan to death.

  Joga and the others set up the mortar, and then Dorian, the 'expert', made calculations with a rangefinder, pen and paper.

  Finally, Qiaojia saw that Dorian looked a little unreliable, so he integrated the model of the mortar and various information, and posted it on a domestic military forum.

  Dorian thought that Qiaojia was messing around, but he didn't expect that someone would give an 'exact answer' ten minutes later.

  Seeing Qiaojia fine-tuning the launch parameters he had carefully calculated by referring to the answers on the Internet, Dorian said a little dissatisfied: "Hey, boss, I have learned..."

   Qiaojia slightly adjusted the camera, then looked at Dorian and said with a smile: "Now I believe you have learned it, because this online answer is not much different from your 'answer'.

   Just because you know how to shoot guns, I should give you an extra salary of 200 yuan. "

  As soon as the question of salary was mentioned, Dorian became excited. Although before the Murray family was defeated, his dream of working was limited to dreams, but since the boss in the dream mentioned it, Dorian of course had to ask...

   "Boss, if I give you a job, how much salary will you give me?"

  Joga glanced at Dorian, and said with a smile: "The current salary in Antares is 3,000 a month, and 500 a day during wartime.

   How much do you think is more appropriate for your leather headgear compared to hers? "

  Dorian was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then asked tentatively: "Then how many days of 'wartime' can you have in a year?"

   Qiaojia waved his hands and said with a smile: "Our team is a bit different from the general pmc company. If you join my team, as long as you take a gun and go out with me in the future, it will be regarded as 'wartime'."

  After thinking about it, Dorian nodded vigorously and said, "It's done, as long as you provide equipment and medical services, I can do it with a lower basic salary."

   While talking, Dorian looked at Choga, and said carefully: "I am an assaulter, and I go to the most dangerous places. It is not too much to ask for a medical insurance?"

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly and said: "I really didn't think about it before, but I can tell you with certainty, it's not too much!

Hey? You are an elite, why do I feel that you are quite satisfied with this kind of salary? "

Dorian spread his hands and said, "Why am I dissatisfied? The basic salary plus wartime bonus, even if I only experience 'wartime' 5 days a month, it is more than 60,000 US dollars a year, and I don't have to pay taxes. What's not to like.

  A comrade-in-arms of mine went to Afghanistan to work for a military contractor. The daily salary of 300 yuan persisted for half a year, and finally his leg was blown up by ied..."

   After hearing this, Qiaojia said in disbelief: "The leather headgear is only 300 daily salary for going to Afghanistan?"

  Dorian spread his hands and said: "Otherwise? The official military contracting company is the price. After all, most of the big companies go there to do security work. How much do you think you will pay the soldiers patrolling the streets?"

  When Qiaojia heard this, he said in disbelief: "Is there no more advanced mercenaries? This is different from what I heard..."

  Dorian took out an energy bar from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite, then took out the other ones and gestured to Kaman.

  Seeing that Kaman took it unceremoniously, tore it open and took a bite, Dorian sat on the ground and said with a smile: "Of course there are private mercenaries, but it is not easy for private mercenaries to make a lot of money.

  The most profitable mercenary giants recognized in the world are actually those large groups that undertake national business.

  Elite mercenaries will definitely make money doing black jobs, but if there is no reliable channel, it is basically impossible to receive tasks that make a lot of money. "

   Qiaojia thought about it after listening, and suddenly found that it seemed quite reasonable.

  An annual salary of 100,000 US dollars is a high salary in any country!

  Of course, there must be small mercenary groups that make a lot of money. For example, the "Snow Fox Mercenary Group" that tried to recruit Antal was one of them, but Qiao Jia didn't know the way behind them.

  By the time the two of them were talking, Antal's investigation had been completed.

   "Boss, there are more than 20 people in the hotel, and I have found a suitable route for entry and evacuation."

  Speaking, Antal showed his tablet computer to Choga, then hesitated, and said: "Boss, I think if you are sure to attack, it's best to take advantage of it now.

   Most of the Kading militiamen are concentrated on both sides of the road over there, about one kilometer away from the hotel.

  If we wait until the Kadings are tired and go home, it means that you may encounter unpredictable attacks when you retreat.

   But if we attack now, we can use mortars to block the road to buy time. After you complete the mission, you can use vehicles to evacuate directly from the north of the town. "

  Joga was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "But then you will be targeted by the Kadins. Those guys are militiamen, but they are not fools."

  Antar looked into Choga's eyes and said, "Boss, if you move fast enough, Niss and I can safely withdraw to the truck and drive to join you.

  We are snipers, we have a way to stop those militiamen. "

While Qiaojia was hesitating, Dorian looked at the detailed route marked on the tablet, clapped his hands and said, "Able, there is no one around this route, we can sneak in quietly, I know the Mori family very well, yes His security arrangements are also very understanding.

  According to the fighting power you showed this afternoon, three minutes, as long as you listen to my command, we can kill them all in three minutes at most and then grab the car and retreat. "

   While talking, Dorian looked at Choga, and said seriously: "Those security guards are just gunmen and bodyguards of gangsters. Although some have military training backgrounds, their equipment is far worse than ours.

  We have night vision gear, just cut the power to the inn and we'll have the upper hand. "

  (end of this chapter)

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