Chapter 46 Newcomer

  Choga is not the only Chinese in the town, but because of those hardworking Chinese, he is treated with the most enthusiasm here.

  In the past, Qiaojia didn’t even know that there were so many people in this town. After finally driving through the town, he parked the car in his own yard. As soon as he got off the car, a neighbor gestured to him with his thumb through the iron gate...

   "Huaguo people, thank you!"

  Joga was a little flattered to be honest. Seeing the children imitating the adults and following along to join in the fun, he rummaged around in the car and took out a large bag of leftover snacks to share with the children.

  Finally seeing off these enthusiastic neighbors, Qiaojia walked into his two-story building, tore off the plastic sheet on the sofa and lay down on it.

  Kaman saw that there was nothing going on here, and tested the electricity of the house for the boss. After confirming that it was indeed powered on, Kaman hurriedly bid farewell to Qiaojia and rushed towards his home.

   Only Joga and Nice were left in the house, and the atmosphere seemed to be a little awkward.

  Looking at Nice, who seemed quite at ease, Choga hesitated, and said, "Are you considering finding a house for yourself?

  It's not convenient for you to live with me all the time, maybe it will affect your boyfriend or something. "

  Nice heard this, shook his head and said, "I think this place is very good, and I have no plans to find a boyfriend, let alone get married."

  Nice’s tone of voice was very calm, which made Qiaojia unable to even exhort and refute, because she must be thinking better than others, after all, only she knows what she wants most.

  Nice doesn't matter, but Qiaojia doesn't matter. What's wrong with living with a girl who looks 80 points?

  Although this girl likes to sleep with a gun in her arms, and she can't stand behind her, but in terms of 'hard work', she is better than Qiaojia and Kaman combined.

   Seeing that Nisi took the initiative to pack up the house, Qiaojia, like most Chinese men, left the house in a very 'humble' way with tea in his arms.

   It’s just that most men in the country can only stay on the balcony tremblingly waiting to be called, but Qiaojia sat in his own yard and fell asleep happily watching the tomatoes as big as fists all over the yard.

He also doesn't know if his way of getting along with Niss is right. According to his thinking, Niss is a "patient". As a responsible boss, as long as it is good for her condition, as long as it doesn't affect the boss's personal life, then let her go. just go.

   Months of fast-paced study and busy work made Qiaojia very tired. He didn't want to think about anything at the moment, and he fell asleep within a few minutes while sitting on the wicker chair in the yard.

   When Choja woke up, he found that it was completely dark.

   The witchcraft that Kaman gave him is definitely a good thing. An ordinary person sleeps in the yard with no shelter, and the mosquitoes alone can make him miserable.

   As a result, those bugs are now avoiding Choga. The best thing is that Choga himself doesn't have any special feelings, even the smell.

  Opening his eyes and getting used to it a bit, Choga stretched his arms vigorously and stretched his waist, and then heard a 'huhu' sound in his ears.

  He looked back and found a big cat was looking at him with curious eyes. After being stunned for nearly two seconds, Choga almost fell off the couch with a cry.

   Standing up in a state of embarrassment and taking a few steps back, Qiaojia touched his lower back subconsciously, and then realized that he didn't have a gun with him.

  Looking at the 'big cat', then looking at a few laughing guys sitting in his living room, he spread his hands and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried that I'll hurt it."

  The so-called 'big cat' is a leopard. This thing is not a cheetah bullied by hyenas running around, but one of the top hunters on the Afika grassland.

  I had never heard of leopards in North Africa before. They usually live on the grasslands of Afika in the south, so it is normal for Qiao Jia to be startled when he sees such a big guy.

Looking at the leopard with a collar hanging around its neck, which looked quite docile, Qiaojia wanted to try to touch it, but he didn't expect that as soon as he raised his hand, the leopard narrowed its eyes, as if it was Looking forward to the next action.

  Joga majored in veterinary medicine at the University. When he saw this guy’s movements, he immediately knew that it should be a domesticated animal since he was a child, and he was very close to humans.

   Squatting on the ground and rubbing it a few times, watching the leopard squint its eyes and shake its head a little arrogantly, as if urging myself to use more strength.

  Qiaojia stood up funny, walked into the living room, looked at Sailimu and a woman over 2 meters tall, and said with a smile: "It's not easy to raise a leopard in Damazin..."

   Sailimu glanced at the big cat, and said with disgust in his eyes: "Only the Shah's rich men would like these things. Instead, I would rather raise a few hounds."

   Sailimu glanced at the tall woman, and said to Qiaojia: "She is Ayou, I have talked with her, and she is very interested in working in your company.

   But she has a request, that is, you have to provide food, of course not only her food, but also the food of the big cat. "

   Qiaojia nodded after hearing this, and then carefully looked at this legendary woman...

  Women with a height of two meters are not uncommon, but a woman with a height of two meters and a body full of muscles is outrageous.

  Ayew looks ugly. To sum it up, James has a disfigured version of Oprah's head on his body, and the dreadlocks on his head are still emitting an unpleasant smell.

  When she pursed her thick lips and said nothing, she looked like a majestic gorilla.

  It is indeed too strong, Qiaojia can't imagine, how did her ex-husband have the courage to abuse her?

   Changed to Qiaojia before going abroad, he might not even dare to raise his head when he met Ayu on the road.

  The 1.9-meter-tall Choga stood in front of the big tree-like Ayou, looking like a sugar cane, while the skinny Kaman was at most a corn, and Nice was even worse, bananas, no more.

  Of course this is just an exaggeration, but the visual impact is real.

   Once Qiaojia thought that he should find a staff member who looked like a gangster, but after seeing Ayou's whole picture, he found that the gangster's appearance was too low-end, and the most important thing was body shape and temperament.

  Based on Ayou's appearance and temperament, if she were the Secretary-General of the United Nations, no one would dare to stab her in the meeting, and the world might be at peace.

He reached out and shook hands with Ayou, looking at her rough and huge palm, Qiaojia said with a smile: "I am going to open a regular travel company, which covers a series of aircraft leasing, grassland sightseeing, escorted hunting, shotgun sales, etc. Business.

  I need some professional personnel, which job do you think you are suitable for? "

  Ayu heard this, grinning with scars on his face, showing a terrible smile, and said: "I am a hunting guide, but I can also do some other jobs.

   Kaman told me that working with you would be very promising, so I want to try other jobs. "

   While talking, Ayou looked at the big cat pounced on the tomatoes in the yard, and said with a gentle expression: "I have many children to raise, and I need money."

  (end of this chapter)

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