From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 347: Is it a trap?

  Chapter 347 is a trap?

  Joga heard the semi-professionals from P.B Company talk about the techniques of interrogation, such as physical restraint, fatigue, light, sound, and induction. The combination of these things can quickly destroy a person's spiritual will.

  The pain commonly used by soldiers is actually just a low-level method, because human pain has a limit.

  Creating pain by pressing the different physiological limits of each person can already be called an art. A person with this ability must be a postdoctoral torturer. Most people do not have this opportunity, and there are not so many people to practice for you.

  Eric brought these people, obviously prepared, he knows what he should do most...

  Looking at the scarred middle-aged man, he injected several kinds of drugs into 'Coyote', quickly awakening his mind, and then bandaged his wound in a gentle voice.

Even after the strength of his medicine wore off, he was given morphine for a while, and finally he was fixed on a chair with a medical restraint belt, and he was put on headphones and a pair of sound-proof earmuffs. He was carried to a makeshift interrogation room in the safe house.

   Before 10 minutes had passed, 'Coyote' broke down and broke his throat...

  Choga touched Eric curiously, and said, "Who are these guys? Agents of the American Ministry of Security?"

  Eric glanced at Choga. After hesitating for a while, he said, "They are private contractors. Have you heard of CACI? My boss is one of their shareholders."

   Qiaojia froze for a moment, nodded and said: "Of course, they are security giants.

   It is said that half of the work of your Department of Homeland Security is done by them. Is that true? "

  Eric sneered and said: "Although I am not from the Ministry of Security, I can tell you that it is all fake.

  CACI is huge, but they mainly provide ancillary services.

  They are the main equipment suppliers to the Ministry of Security, as well as providers of safe houses and mobile vehicles everywhere, but they will not participate in direct operations.

  Actually, people think that the main reason why CACI has done half of the work is that they contracted the black cell placed by the Department of Homeland Security and provided interrogation services, and part of Guantanamo is managed by them.

  There have been a lot of negative news about them in recent years. Anyone who understands knows that they are helping the Pentagon to take the blame. "

  Joga can tell from Eric's attitude of using CACI as a tool that he is a layman.

  However, the information he disclosed is still very shocking. If the black prison of the Ministry of Security can be outsourced, then do departments such as CAI and FBI also have outsourced black prison projects?

   Maybe Guantanamo is just a place to attract the attention of the outside world, and the real brutal prison will never be shown in the eyes of the public.

  Seeing Eric's ghostly appearance of not taking the giant as a dish, Choga smiled and shook his head and said: "This is very powerful, anyway, I definitely can't do it to this level."

  Eric turned his gaze from the direction of the temporary interrogation room, looked into Choga's eyes, and said, "Jackal, I have to admit that you left me a very deep impression.

   But you have to admit at the same time that if military contracting companies want to grow big, it is impossible to rely on the Department of Justice alone. They can help you solve some troubles, but they will never provide you with opportunities to make big money.

  If this operation can be successfully completed, I think we can have a long-term cooperation in the future. I have some good orders in my hand that need professional people to complete. "

   Facing the pie painted by Eric, Choga nodded noncommittally and said, "Then let's see the result.

  Brother, I believe in the energy of you and the great people behind you, but first you have to fulfill my part. When I got the logistics contract of the US military base in Niger, we have the basis for continued cooperation.

  I have no opinion on you personally, and I am willing to believe you, but you have to admit that the thoughts of big people are sometimes changeable.

  Dude, there is a basis for equal communication between me and you!

   When you have known me for a long time, you will find that it is a very good thing for you to know P·B and become my friend, because I am always willing to help friends. "

  Eric is very smart, he immediately understood what Choga meant.

  Now Choga's half of his **** is on his boat, as long as he doesn't force him to choose to jump ship, he can provide himself with a lot of support.

  This support is not limited to action, but also limited financial support and some influence from the Ministry of Justice.

   If you have a good relationship with him, you will have the opportunity to become an 'important person' in the future!

  Joga has no basis for dealing with those big men at all, but Eric is different. Qiaojia easily found the common interests of both parties.

  Eric wants to climb the ladder, and Choja wants to expand the business. There is no conflict between the two parties. Helping each other is good for everyone.

   Having figured it out, Eric let go of all the pride in his heart at this moment, and his temperament became gentler.

   Facing Choga’s ‘invitation’, Eric said with a smile: “Jackal, if you can lower your attitude a bit, you will be a good lobbyist even if you go to Washington.

  If I make it through this time, maybe I will take the initiative to apply to go to Afika, and then I may have a lot of things that I need to ask you for help. "

   At this time, what Qiaojia needed was decisiveness. He didn't ask what this guy applied to Afica for, so he nodded and smiled and said, "Then you are lucky, I still have some influence in Afica."

   At this time, the two of them found a tacit understanding of communication. They each showed their scope of competence while talking and laughing, and then discussed the possibility of cooperation in a certain point.

   This kind of chat is not too brain-intensive. After more than ten minutes, both of them found the key point of cooperation from each other.

  Eric himself certainly does not have the ability to decide the direction of the Pentagon's military contract, but he can help lobby for it through the power radiation circle of the big shots behind him.

  As long as the money is in place and you have a solid foundation, then he can help.

  This is not the most important thing. Eric's most important ability is actually to use his professional knowledge to influence the direction of the US military budget.

  Who would have thought that the guy who was going to tear up the 'Shadow Messenger' was actually an actuary?

   Every year, the military budget proposal of Congress has to go through his hands...

  The increase or decrease of the total amount is definitely not up to him, but the military expenditure must be divided, such as how much is the navy, how much is the army, and how much is the share of military procurement. He is the one who has the ability to decide part of the first draft.

  He will not be able to participate in the later political games, but he is still an important consultation object for the big shots in terms of professionalism.

   This guy is just a small person who helps people run errands, but in Washington, he is a guest of many big companies, because he understands the composition and direction of the US military expenditure in the future.

  The 'Switch Knife Drone' that Choga asked for, he got it just by making a phone call. There was no way to borrow the big man behind him.

  The two chatted speculatively, and Eric finally even spoke out about his plans for the future...

   "I will always be a consultant in Washington. If this matter is resolved, I will apply to lead an intelligence station in the CIA, maybe Afika, maybe the Middle East...

   As long as I work for a few years, I can try to get an embassy job.

   Jackal, if, I mean if I can get to Afika, I might actually need your help. "

  Joga looked at Eric, who had become sincere, and said with a smile: "P.B doesn't do dirty work, and of course I'm happy to help with other things."

  Eric listened, shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I just need a springboard. I must guarantee my 'innocence'. For this reason, I will even correct some unnecessary mistakes of the CIA...

  With the resume of intelligence work, I have the opportunity to fight for the position of consul or ambassador as a civilian actuary.

  Even if I don’t succeed, I can enter the White House and become a consultant again, and then continue to wait for the opportunity. At that time, my status will be different. "

   After hearing this, Qiaojia nodded in admiration or emotion.

  This Eric is a political animal, and his target has never been a shady department like the CIA.

  He's like those gilded guys who airborne, using the CIA as a springboard, and maybe finally writing a report against the CIA, to gain attention and at the same time win some support in the Democratic Party.

  Joga couldn’t judge whether Eric would be successful, but this didn’t prevent him from investing a little energy in Eric, which can pay off big with a small investment.

  If Eric ever had the chance to go to Afica, it would be too easy to make him, a parachutist, dependent on P·B.

Looking at the "heart-to-heart" Eric, Choga shook his hand and said with a smile: "If you can go to Afika, you will find that P·B is the best friend of friends and the worst enemy enemy!"

  As soon as Qiaojia finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

  At this moment, the door of the temporary interrogation room opened...

  Two CACI field staff came out carrying the 'Coyote' and threw the sloppy 'Coyote' to the ground.

  The field agent with a scar on the corner of his eye handed a statement to Eric, and then whispered a few words in his ear...

  Eric waved his hand generously and said, "Say it, the Jackal is the key person in the operation, and he needs to know everything."

Scar's field staff was stunned for a moment, looked at Choga curiously, then corrected his attitude, and said: "Sir, according to this guy's confession, the people from the 'Seta Group' escorted the Englishman to the Austrian border on the Texas border. root town.

  As a representative of the 'Fosta Gang', he will take over, hand over the Englishman to their boss, who is also a member of the 'Halico New Generation', and finally send him to Juárez through the tunnel. "

  Joga heard it, and whistled involuntarily, "Haliko New Generation"...

  Mexico is a newly emerging ultra-violent criminal group after the 'Seta Group'. Their boss is Cervantes, who is a fierce man who dares to fight against the traditional Mexican drug cartel.

  Now two of the most vicious gangs are working together...

   After listening to it, Qiaojia felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it...

   Looking at Sanderson who was fiddling with weapons, Choga said: "'Pioneer', do you think it is possible for 'Seta' and 'Jalisco' to jointly **** the messenger of the Honorable Order?"

  How did Sanderson understand this? He spread his hands and said, "I don't know, but they are all drug dealers. They should be connected."

  Joga shook his head after listening, then suddenly looked at the scar-faced field agent and said: "Seta is going downhill, the new generation of Halico is fighting the old drug dealer because the other party controls the source of drugs, right?

  Both gangs source their drugs from Colombia, right? "

   While talking, Choga didn't need the other party to answer, he clapped his hands vigorously and said: "That British guy is very cunning, he must have persuaded Glory to provide HLY to Seta and Jalisco.

  Because they all started from drug trafficking, they need stable and cheap source suppliers.

   While atoning for his sins and wanting to take things out, this guy also helped the Glorious Society seize the Colombian market.

  I should have thought a long time ago that the drug we seized was HLY, I am still wondering...

  But I still can't figure it out, how can a guy like the Shadow Messenger hand himself over to a guy like Coyote?

  'Shadow Messenger' has always been very cunning before, but now it feels a bit indescribable.

   Is it really my luck?

  Shit, Seta is from the Special Forces, and Jalisco is also very good at fighting, we have to **** see..."

  (end of this chapter)

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