From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 533: Another Mathematician Conference, Won Two Prizes in a Row

Time passed quickly.

May 10, 2030.

The already hot weather has set off the lively mood in the United States.

Their Mars Savior rocket is about to be launched.

Bring them back the lone hero on Mars.

Yes, Jayden Armstrong has now become their hero again under the wash of public opinion and media.

After all, who made Jayden Armstrong’s experience on Mars during this time perfectly illustrate their personal heroism.

For such a situation, even if Xiaomi operates countless online troll accounts, it will be difficult to change it.

Even if someone on the Internet thinks this is not good, others will reply, "Jaden has apologized, can't you forgive him?" 】.

So just like that, countless people were looking forward to the return of the original evil man, and no one knew that this man was going to bring disaster.

As for the original hero Alexander Wolf, he was already considered to be a man who refused to save himself from death and was not worthy of being called a hero.

As the countdown ended, the Mars Savior rocket, which was larger than the Saturn 9, left the earth and flew into space under the huge flame jet.

The cost of this rocket is as high as five billion US dollars. It is a super spacecraft built regardless of cost.

Although it is still many levels behind China's aerospace aircraft, it also allows it to launch during non-window periods and then reach Mars.

The advantage of the window period is that it saves enough money. As long as the cost is ignored, they can launch a rocket to Mars at any time.

After all, theoretically, they can travel to any planet using any method.

Just like the original Tiannian, it can go directly to Mars even if it is not during the window period.

Just like that, under the gaze of the entire United States and even the world, that long tail flame streaked across the sky.


"They fired it anyway."

In Lin Xiao's office at Dingguang Aerospace Research Institute, Ren Guohua sighed as he looked at the content displayed on the monitor.


Lin Xiao nodded, with no trace of sadness or joy on his face.

Ren Guohua glanced at him, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you don't need to worry so much. There must be a road for cars to reach the mountain, and for boats to reach the bridge."

"No matter what, it's just one person. No matter how powerful the intelligent life he brought back is, is it possible that it can really destroy our modern civilization? At most, the whole world will be disconnected from the Internet. No, it’s okay. Before the 21st century, it’s not like we never lived a life without the Internet.”

Lin Xiao smiled, and then said: "I'm not too worried. It's true as you said, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain."

"Haha, that's good, that's good, then I won't say more." Ren Guohua smiled and nodded, "I heard that you are going to France in July to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Okay, then let's bring glory to our country again." Ren Guohua said cheerfully, then looked at the time and said, "Then I won't bother you anymore and leave first."

"Okay, walk slowly."

After Ren Guohua left, Lin Xiao returned to his seat, then turned on the computer and started typing.

What he is writing is about the academic report on the Riemann Hypothesis that he will conduct in two months.

As for Jayden Armstrong and the Martian intelligence, he really isn't too worried now.

With the system's affirmation, there won't be any problems.

So now it’s better to settle down the things that need to be dealt with recently.

If he has no way to solve the anchor point destruction technology in the end, then regard this period of time as his last entertainment.


When the direct point of the sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer, the northern hemisphere has already entered a scorching summer.

July is the day when the International Congress of Mathematicians is held.

This year's International Congress of Mathematicians is destined to be one that will be remembered in world history.

Because the Riemann Hypothesis will be solved at this conference.

Of course, precisely because of the special nature of the Riemann Hypothesis, the International Congress of Mathematicians also arranged this report separately for the entire day of the last day.

Starting from the morning, as long as the report is not completely finished, then the afternoon will be included, and then the closing ceremony of this conference will be held in the evening.

The arrangements were clearly arranged, making everyone look forward to the last day with great anticipation.

Of course, the one-hour report originally arranged for Lin Xiao was naturally cancelled, mainly because Lin Xiao refused the invitation to give another report.

The original conference committee also planned to ask Lin Xiao to find another topic and give the one-hour report.

After all, this can be regarded as Lin Xiao's reappearance at an international mathematics conference after so many years. Coupled with his status in the mathematics community, it is natural that he can give as many reports as possible.

It is a pity that Lin Xiao finally refused. Who would have thought that someone would refuse to give a one-hour report at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

You know, as long as Lin Xiao agrees, he will be equivalent to a mathematician who has been invited three times to give a one-hour speech at the International Congress of Mathematicians, and has given as many as five speeches at the same time.

Even Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics at that time, went to the International Congress of Mathematicians twice to give lectures. Of course, this may be because the emperor of mathematics declined more invitations.

Just like that, the time came to July 12th.

The day before the start of the International Congress of Mathematicians.

A plane from China landed at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

The cabin door opened, the aircraft corridor was on the shelf, and then the tourists above got off the plane one after another.

The faces of these tourists showed surprise, and they were talking in low voices.

"I really didn't expect that Lin Shen would also take a flight with us..."

"I heard that Lin Shen came to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians? I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing during my summer vacation in Paris."

"You want to go see it?"

"Uh... I can't even explain what Goldbach's conjecture is, so forget it. Isn't it fun to go there?"

"makes sense."


Obviously, the passengers on this flight were very surprised to find that Lin Xiao was actually flying with them.

Being able to work with such a world-class celebrity and an idol in the hearts of all Chinese people is obviously a surprise for these people.

It’s worth going back and chatting with friends.

At this time, a group of big men in black suits also came out of the plane to protect Lin Xiao.

Although it is certain that no force dares to come over and do anything to Lin Xiao, but in order to avoid some accidents, many bodyguards are still dispatched in the country to protect Lin Xiao.

These people around Lin Xiao are only a small number of people. There are many more people who have arrived in Paris a long time ago.

Of course, Lin Xiao felt quite helpless for the protection of so many people, because he had already monitored the world's information through Xiaomi, and no one planned to do anything wrong to him.

Therefore, the protection of these people is destined to be in vain.

But there was no other way, he couldn't refuse anyway.

Just like that, I got off the plane and came to the departure hall.

What surprised him was that there were many people standing in the exit hall, and there were several banners among them, which read in Chinese and French: [Welcome Mr. Lin Xiao to Paris]

[Welcome Mr. Lin Xiao to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians]

Several banners came down in succession, all welcoming Lin Xiao.

Obviously, if you want to organize such a grand pick-up ceremony in the departure hall of an airport, the consent of the airport is obviously indispensable.

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is under the direct jurisdiction of the local government.

So it is obvious that this is the French government's welcome to him.

Lin Xiao sighed slightly, this must be too high-profile, the pomp is so grand...

At this time, he glanced around and quickly saw several acquaintances, and then he greeted them with a smile.

"Hey, Laurent, and Peter, long time no see."

Two people came up from the airport pick-up team, they were two Fields Medal winners, Laurent Laforgue and Peter Schulz.

Then, Lin Xiao smiled and started communicating with these old friends whom he had not seen for a long time.

There were also media around, who took pictures of this scene and put it on the news.

The news headline is: [Lin Xiao going abroad represents the complete strength of a country]

Two days passed quickly, and this International Congress of Mathematicians officially began.

The first day, the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony is also the awards ceremony.

After the speech by De Doron, the chairman of the International Mathematical Union, the winner of this year's Gauss Prize began to be announced.

The Gauss Prize commemorates the mathematical prince Gauss.

This award is mainly awarded to mathematicians who have made great achievements in applied mathematics.

"I announce that the winner of this year's Gauss Prize is..."

In the expectant eyes of everyone, De Duolun said the last name: "Lin Xiao!"

As the name was announced, everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment, and finally they all applauded in unison.

No one can deny Lin Xiao’s contribution to applied mathematics.

It is worthy of the name for him to win this award.

Lin Xiao was stunned.


Give him an award?

Is it so sudden...

He originally thought that attending the opening meeting was just to join in the fun - or to see if there were any amazing juniors in the mathematics world recently.

Anyway, no matter how amazing he is, nothing is as amazing as him.

In the end, I didn't expect that I would become one of the protagonists by accident?

The people around him looked at him with smiles, and even smiled after seeing Lin Xiao's dazed expression. Their Professor Lin didn't seem to have reacted yet.

De Duolun, who was on the stage, also looked at him with a smile and said humorously: "It seems that our Professor Lin Xiao has forgotten that there are many awards waiting for his favor in this world, so please give me a round of applause." Let’s be more intense!”

Hearing this, everyone laughed and the applause became louder.

Tao Zhexuan, who was sitting next to Lin Xiao, also patted him with a smile and said, "Why don't you go up quickly? You don't want the Gauss Prize, but I still want it."

Lin Xiao came to his senses and said to him with a smile: "Then you go and receive the award."

Tao Zhexuan immediately rolled his eyes: "If you can guarantee that they will award the award to me, I will go up."

Lin Xiao laughed, then stood up, and finally walked to the stage.

When De Duolun saw him coming up, he picked up the Gauss Medal from the tray mountain next to him, and then said to Lin Xiao with a smile: "Professor Lin Xiao, congratulations."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

Then he lowered his head slightly and let DeDoron put the medal around his neck.

He picked it up and looked at it. On the front of the medal was a portrait of Gauss, and on the back was a curve crossing a circle and a square, representing Gauss's calculation of the orbit of Ceres using the least squares method.

Mathematics always makes people feel that there is a kind of romance contained in it, even if it is a medal.

Of course, in addition to the medal, there is also a bonus, not much, only 10,000 euros.

Then, amid another warm applause from the crowd, Lin Xiao left the podium and returned to his seat.

Tao Zhexuan next to him said with envy: "I really envy you, this guy."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "Anyway, there is no age limit for this, so you will have a chance in the future."

"Forget it, not everyone is as perverted as you." Tao Zhexuan spread his hands helplessly, "Although I have some small achievements in applied mathematics, if I win the prize, forget it."

"Every one of your theories in chemistry, materials, and physics is considered to be at the top of mathematical theories. Who can compare with you?"

Lin Xiao touched his nose and said, "I'm just an exception."

Hearing these words, Terence Tao rolled his eyes fiercely.

Are there any cups like this?

He was too lazy to say anything more and looked back at the stage. The next thing to be awarded was the Chen Shengshen Award.

Chern Chern Prize, in memory of the Chinese mathematician Chern Chern.

As a famous mathematics master of the last century, his contribution to the field of mathematics is very high, and this award named after him is used to reward those mathematicians who have also made great achievements and contributions in the field of mathematics, which can be regarded as A kind of lifetime achievement award.

As a result, the older generation of mathematicians present could not help but show expressions of anticipation on their faces.

At this time, Chairman De Dolan also announced again: "The winner of this year's Chen Shengshen Award is——"

"Lin Xiao!"

There was a sudden silence in the whole place.


Why is it...Lin Xiao again?

Well, no one questions whether Lin Xiao is qualified for this, but everyone generally thinks that Lin Xiao is a bit too young, and this is a lifetime achievement award!

However, the Chen Shengshen Award does not have any age limit for the award, so Lin Xiao’s winning of this award is indeed worthy of its name.

The older generation of mathematicians could only sigh in their hearts, and then applauded.

As for Lin Xiao at this time, he was also a little confused.

However, his brain, which was more than 20% developed, told him very clearly that he had indeed won the award just announced.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

Indeed, as De Doron said just now, he has forgotten that there are still many awards in this world waiting for him to receive.

Being able to stay in China for nearly ten years has stopped him from focusing on these awards.

Nowadays, going abroad is no longer a problem. Perhaps in the future, he will also receive various awards.

With this thought in his mind, he stood up again and walked towards the stage.

"It seems that I have to congratulate you again, Mr. Lin Xiao. There is no doubt that you are the most outstanding mathematician on this planet. Each of us is also looking forward to you being able to lead our mathematics community to a better future." Glory times.”

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Of course, this is also my honor."

I watched the finals with my friends that night. My friend got infected today and I don’t know if I was infected. Alas, everyone should take precautions.

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