From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 523 Intercepting Meteorites

News of the incoming meteorite swarm spread quickly.

There was nothing they could do about it. Although they were the only ones to observe it at first, the satellites in the sky could certainly see the two aerospace planes Tiannian and Tianyu taking all the personnel away from the moon.

So foreign countries also learned the news, and then they started monitoring and immediately discovered those meteorites that were close to the earth.

In about two weeks, this swarm of meteorites will attack and enter the Earth's gravitational range.

However, at that time, the moon happened to appear in the path of the meteorite group, and it happened that the south pole of the moon was directly facing the meteorite group.

Regarding this situation, many countries immediately began to gloat over the misfortune, among which the United States was naturally the most prosperous.

Problems have arisen in their country, and the aerospace industry has begun to fail. I am afraid that it will be difficult to compete with China for many years to come. And looking at the release of China's first five-year aerospace plan, as well as the large-scale projects launched on the moon, it is necessary to It is of course impossible to say that the United States is not in a hurry.

The most suitable place to build a base on the moon is the lunar pole. If you are one step ahead, you will be forever behind. This is like a Lagrange point.

And now Antarctica has been occupied by China, and God knows how big this Guanghan Palace base will be built in a few years, so it means that they will forever lose the opportunity to build an American moon base here. .

Of course, there is another North Pole, but God knows whether China will go to the Arctic enclosure in the future.

The result is good now. The meteorite attack directly destroyed China's Guanghan Palace lunar base. Although they will not be able to go to the moon to establish a base in a short time, they are happy to see China's misfortune.

Immediately, foreign media began to badmouth China's moon base plan, and there was even more ridicule.

[The "Guanghan Palace" lunar base was hit by a swarm of meteorites, and Chinese astronauts staged a rapid escape on the moon]

[The end of eagerness for quick success: China’s moon base plan failed]

[Meteorites are about to hit the moon, China’s moon base plan is suspended: This is a punishment for disrespecting God]

[Moon base plan? Moon escape plan! 】

News headlines like this have spread across various foreign media platforms, and have also aroused the laughter of many foreign netizens.

Although these foreign netizens often envy China's aerospace technology and strength, when they see this situation, they will inevitably feel schadenfreude. Envy is envy, but they will not give birth to yearning because of envy.

Of course, netizens in China will naturally be unhappy when they see the faces of those foreigners.

"These foreigners are really looking at the sky from a well. Our lunar base can be hit by meteorites. If they build a lunar base on the moon in the future, won't they encounter such a thing?" 』

"Hey, there is no need to say this. Whether they have the technology to build a base on the moon is still a question. Now we are the only ones in the world who have this ability." 』

"That makes sense. Aren't those foreigners just jealous? Look, in a few decades, they will all have to kneel down and call Master Hua. 』

"Why Mr. Hua?" 』

"I can only say that everyone who understands understands, and those who don't understand, forget it."

"Beautiful father Hua Ye, please taste carefully"

"Stop staring at people abroad every day. Why don't you think carefully about China? Why is this situation happening now?" Didn't you consider possible situations before building the base? 』

“Good guy, it’s already 3020, and there’s still this kind of reflection monster? 』

"This stupid guy's IP is from abroad. Just report it and it will be over."

"He's from abroad. That's okay. He's probably another idiot who wants to go back to his country but can't."


Because China's economy is developing at a very high speed and its prospects are perfect, many people who went abroad in the early years now want to return to China.

However, the problem is that it is far from easy to return to China now.

It's easy for rich people to talk, but any investment after returning to China must be subject to supervision. In other words, investment freedom is basically restricted.

This is actually what the local forces in the country do. After all, in the future, you can make a fortune everywhere you look, and since there are so many places to make a fortune, why should the people who originally went abroad come back to take advantage?

So in this case, it becomes difficult for rich people to come back.

As for those useful talents in various industries, if they want to return to the country, they need to go through various reviews to ensure that they are not spies. Moreover, even if such people come back, they will not be able to work in those key positions.

For example, controllable nuclear fusion. Of course, the most critical factor in controllable nuclear fusion is materials. However, the production of today's controllable nuclear fusion materials has completely turned into fully mechanical and automated production. There is no one in the production factory. People, so there is no need to worry about it being leaked.

As for other people, there is no need to think about it. Those who wash dishes in foreign countries should just wash dishes in foreign countries honestly. After running away after all the hardships, do you still want to return to your country?

The country is kind-hearted and cannot see their dreams shattered, so they should just live a good life washing dishes abroad.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that many people who cannot return home are very angry and often make remarks on various domestic and foreign platforms and in some places that they will be shot.

And those netizens in China are also happy, and if they catch such people, they will be criticized.

Of course, while these netizens are discussing these things, there are also some netizens who are worried about whether their moon base plan can be successful and what impact it will have in the future.

So many people went to the official media of Dingguang Aerospace Research Institute and the National Space Administration and asked.

[Will our moon base really be hit by a swarm of meteorites? 】

[Will the astronaut be okay? 】

[If you fail this time, does it mean you will fail in the future? 】

For problems like this, most people are looking forward to the success of their moon base plan, but they never expected that something like this would happen again.

And if there is one, will there be a second time?

If they all move to the moon, what if they are attacked by a larger meteorite group one day?

This question has caused many people to ask.

Until finally, the Chinese Space Administration issued a statement.

[The answer will be revealed after thirteen days]

This statement immediately attracted the attention of people around the world.

The answer will be revealed after thirteen days?

what does that mean?

A meteorite strikes two weeks later. What answer will be revealed thirteen days later?

NASA Directorate.

Today's NASA is spurned by the whole country, and the previous director was directly imprisoned. Therefore, it can be said that it is living a worse life than after the space race of the last century. There are not even any ruins on Mars. Leave your mind to it.

Of course, no matter what, they are still responsible for various tasks in space, such as monitoring the moon base.

At this moment, they all knew what the Chinese Space Administration had said.

Another newly appointed NASA administrator frowned and asked, "What does CNSA mean?"

"I don't know." Everyone below shook their heads.

Someone joked: "Could they intercept those meteorites ten days later when the meteorite swarm is about to approach them?"

"Who knows?"

Everyone present shook their heads.

Intercepting meteorites?

This is really a dare to think about. Even the most advanced missiles in the world cannot intercept meteorites. Is it possible that the Chinese can transport missiles to the moon?


But their new director is still frowning. If even today, he still thinks that the Chinese Space Administration will be unintended, then he is really stupid.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly said: "By the way, Tom, have you got any results on the photo I asked you to analyze before?"

A man stood up and said, "Director, I was just about to talk to you."

Then he picked up a photo from the side, came to their director, and said: "Director, look at this picture, these fourteen..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me the conclusion." The director didn't have the patience to listen to what he said.

Tom had no choice but to come to the conclusion: "It's a cannon barrel. These fourteen things should all be cannon barrels."

"Cannon barrel? What barrel?" There was confusion on the director's face.

"I'm not sure what kind of cannon barrel it is." Tom smiled bitterly: "But no matter what, according to the appearance, this thing belongs to the cannon barrel, but I have no idea what kind of shells it fires, because I I didn’t see how they were going to launch it at all, mainly because the picture was too big and a little blurry.”


The director frowned slightly, then pointed to the very blurry sides of the barrel and asked, "Then what are these eight bulges?"

Seeing where the director was pointing, Tom swallowed his saliva and said, "This is what I'm going to tell you."

"I'm not sure what this barrel is, because I still don't dare to think about it, but when I saw these eight bulges, I guessed that this thing is probably an electromagnetic gun!"

"Electromagnetic gun?"

Everyone present had a look of surprise on their faces.

Is this kind of sci-fi stuff coming out?


I’ve never seen Chinese people take it out before?

Of course, if he knew what it meant to be too advanced for display, this problem would probably not arise.

"Yes, it's the electromagnetic gun, and the eight protrusions next to it, I guess, are the batteries that charge the electromagnetic gun. Of course, there is a high probability that they use superconducting energy storage rings."

"If my guess is correct, these electromagnetic guns they deployed are used to intercept meteorites!"

"Fourteen electromagnetic cannons, each with eight chargers, is equivalent to a total of 112 shells. And if they can really hit, then I'm afraid they can really intercept the meteorite!"

Upon hearing Tom's speculation, everyone present widened their eyes.

Intercepting meteorites...

Can the Chinese really do it?

The director was silent for a moment and said, "But they...shouldn't be able to do it, right?"

Tom said helplessly: "I don't know either."

If Hua fails, then they may get attention again, and if Hua succeeds, then they may only be recorded in history in the future.

Thirteen days later, he arrived as promised.

Under the joint detection of all the astronomical telescopes in the world, they have completely captured the trajectories of those meteorite groups, and as the meteorite groups get closer and closer, they are now more and more certain of the future paths of these meteorites.

There will be at least 23 meteorites among them, with a 95% probability of hitting the moon, and at least 15 meteorites among them, with a 99% probability of falling on the south pole of the moon.

As for the probability of just falling on the area of ​​the Guanghan Palace Moon Base, although there is no official news, there are rumors in foreign gossip that there is a 100% probability of hitting the Moon Base.

These news have spread abroad.

Of course, the Chinese Space Administration said that the answer will be announced in ten days, which is on this day, which still makes everyone want to know, what answer is going to be revealed?

"I'm afraid we're not going to reveal the answer to why they declared failure, right?" 』

"I don't believe how they stopped the meteorite. Could it be that they have Superman?" Then just jump up and smash all those meteorites into pieces? 』

"Stop talking nonsense, CNSA has started a press conference"

This news made people suddenly curious. Is CNSA going to hold a press conference at this time?

Declare the answer?

Then, many netizens went directly to the live broadcast room of the press conference to see what CNSA was going to broadcast live.

However, what surprised everyone was that this so-called press conference was nothing like that. People sat in a large conference hall, and there were reporters waiting to ask questions.

After entering the live broadcast room, what came into view was the scene above the Guanghan Palace Moon Base.

Looking at the lunar base, the netizens who entered the live broadcast room naturally exclaimed that it was awesome. This perfectly showed them the real science fiction world.

Even some foreign netizens have to marvel in their hearts that the Chinese moon base is really powerful.

But then, people became confused, what was the purpose of showing them this thing?

But at this moment, the screen jumped, and then everyone was shocked.

In the picture, fourteen seemingly huge gun barrels filled with sci-fi shapes stood on a pale land.

"Oh my God, what are these things?" 』

"Is this the Moon versus Earth Phalanx?" 』

"What a joke!" How can this gun barrel be so cool? 』

"sky! The Chinese are really planning to intercept meteorites! 』

"I! purchase! Karma! 』

In the midst of the shock, another sub-screen appeared next to it, and the sub-screen was a detection screen of the incoming meteorites, which allowed people to see where these meteorites had gone and predict their future paths.

At this point, people finally understood that the Chinese Space Administration really planned to intercept meteorites!

So, was this the answer they planned to give?

As soon as the news spread, the whole world was shocked.

Fragile human technology makes intercepting meteorites almost impossible, because the speed of meteorites is so fast!

It is basically impossible to intercept meteorites like intercepting missiles.

As a result, China has now taken out fourteen such huge sci-fi cannon barrels to try to intercept meteorites?

Of course, at this time, the appearance of these barrels was basically completely visible to people. Many people immediately began to guess what kind of microphone it was, and soon, some people guessed it.

Electromagnetic gun!

Some attentive netizens also discovered two large characters printed on the cannon.


Chinese netizens recognized these two words and started commenting on the barrage. Although people abroad did not understand this word, people were still curious about what it was. thing?

And just when everyone was amazed and surprised, suddenly, the fourteen barrels started to move.

They turned, and the long barrels were aimed at the sky, and then stopped moving. Of course, if you look more closely, you will find that these muzzles are still shaking slightly, as if they are... Calibration is the same!

Of course, basically no one can discover this. After all, this is just a live video, and the picture is not precise.

Just like that, it wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that suddenly, the cannons of these fourteen electromagnetic guns suddenly lit up with blue light, like light strips, wrapped around the cannons.

But after a while, these blue lights became brighter and brighter, until finally, with the shaking of the cannon body, people saw a black shadow suddenly flash across the muzzle, and they couldn't even see anything clearly, and then they saw the cannon. A hole was opened under the tube, and then a mechanical arm on the bottom plate held a cannonball and stuffed it into the hole.

A moment later, the same process was repeated. The muzzle was calibrated in the aiming direction, then the blue light strip on the body lit up, a black shadow flashed across the muzzle, and finally began to replenish the shells...

In this way, the cycle repeats until each electromagnetic gun has been fired four times, and finally, it stops.

There was no fire or any other sound. After all, no sound could be transmitted from the moon.

However, such a picture still surprises netizens. What is that? !

Is it too fast? !

They didn't even have time to see the black figure clearly.

And this is the electromagnetic gun, which uses electromagnetism to generate powerful propulsion, so there is no need to go through any acceleration stage. The initial speed is the maximum speed!

Of course, if you add a rocket booster to the cannonball, you can wait until the speed decreases after it is launched, and then ignite it for propulsion.

Suddenly, people woke up and looked at the place that showed the location of the meteorite.

Just like this, until an unknown amount of time passed, suddenly, the points showing the signals of the meteorite group slowly disappeared. Finally, all the meteorites that might have hit the moon disappeared.

Less than ten minutes later, the Russian Space Agency announced that the meteorite group that was about to hit the moon could no longer be observed. It was most likely that it had been interfered by the outside world, thus changing its trajectory, or turned into smaller and unobservable fragments. .

The announcement of this news shocked the world.

And the CNSA live broadcast room was quietly closed.

This is the answer!

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