From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 516 The world is shaken and Jaden disappears

Tian Nian Hao.

"Damn, they are so fast? Do they not want to live?"

Zhang Wei and the others looked at the position of the Mars landing module displayed on the monitor in surprise.

Because the Mars had already contacted them before, it was able to locate the opponent's specific location through radar.

However, they now discovered through radar that the Mars landing module was still very fast after landing at an altitude of less than two kilometers, and it seemed that it had not slowed down at all.

This definitely doesn't look like a smooth landing.

Obviously when you reach this altitude, you should start using the engine for braking, and the speed should basically drop below 200 kilometers per hour.

"Nothing will happen to them, right?"

Zheng Annan couldn't help but guess.

"have no idea."

Guo Jianwei next to him shook his head.

At this time, because the height of the Mars landing module has become too low, the position of the Mars landing module has been lost on the radar.

There is no satellite positioning on Mars, so they basically have no way of knowing the location of the Mars landing module.

Zhang Wei, who was next to him, also frowned at this time, then walked aside, opened the radio communication channel, and said: "Mars, please reply when you receive it, Mars, please reply when you receive it..."

However, after a long time, the sound of Mars never came from the loudspeaker.

Zhang Wei's face suddenly showed a bad expression.

Although we are competitors with these Americans, no matter what, to be able to step on the same land together tens of millions of kilometers away from home, we still have a feeling in our hearts that we can't meet anywhere in the world.

Although he doesn't know why this series of problems happened to the other party, if the other party suffered a disaster, as the same Martian astronaut, he would also have a strong sense of empathy.

So then, he immediately walked to the other side and called up the positions of Firefly No. 1 and No. 2.

After contacting Mars and determining their planned landing site, Zhang Wei had already asked Firefly 1 and 2 to go to the landing site of the Mars landing module.

Firefly 1 and 2 both contain oxygen reserves that can last one person for eighteen hours. This is because the Firefly Mars rover was originally designed to include a rescue function. If the astronauts landing on Mars encounter danger, , the Firefly Mars rover will have the opportunity to go for treatment.

Of course, that's limited to oxygen.

This is why it is named Firefly, which means that their astronauts can see the faint light of fireflies before falling into despair. Although the brightness is not high, it is useful.

And soon, the current location of the Firefly was determined. There were still about six hours before the Firefly arrived at its destination.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei immediately gave instructions to his two team members.

"An Nan, please contact the Earth Command Center now and report this matter to them. Jianwei, please continue to keep in touch."

"Our Firefly 1 and Firefly 2 have already passed by. If there is a chance, we should still be able to find them, so Jianwei, you are also responsible for keeping an eye on the Firefly."

Then Zhang Wei walked to the other side and said, "I will try to use satellites to find their current location."


After receiving the order, the other two people immediately responded.

Afterwards, they began to work one after another, trying to find traces of the Mars landing module.

Zhang Wei also reached contact with the satellite above.

There are many satellites floating above Mars, including their Chinese satellites.

If the satellites on Mars want to transmit information to the earth, there will be a long delay, but if they contact the current Tianan, there is basically no delay.

So Zhang Wei quickly obtained many photos of Chris Plains and its surroundings from their satellites.

Then use photo overlay to improve some details in the photo.

Then, Zhang Wei began to search.

However, although a certain amount of detail can be improved through the overlay of photos, it will still be difficult to find because the pixels have not changed.

Of course, he first determined the landing point of the material rocket launched by the United States before Mars.

Obviously, there are no traces near this landing point.

He thought about the route that the Mars landing module passed through just determined through radar.

The Mars landing module passed Olympus volcano and then flew towards Crisis Plains.

In other words, it flies from the west to the east.

Zhang Wei immediately looked east, and soon he saw Ares Canyon.

"Maybe, it's over here?"

Seeing this, he couldn't help but think.

According to the situation when the Mars landing module completely lost contact, it can almost only be here.

However, after searching for a long time, he still found no trace.

Of course, he also knew that it would be difficult to find it. After all, it was like finding a needle in a haystack. In addition, the weather on Mars today was not good, and the photos taken were not very clear, which made it even more difficult.

The previous Firefly was able to be discovered by American satellites, mainly because it stayed in one position for a long time, and American satellites often stared at that position, so it was easy to find Firefly.

But now the Mars landing module floats to nowhere, so it will be even harder to find.

However, after searching for a long time, Zhang Wei finally discovered that something was not right.

The dust concentration there is too high.

And it's only a very small piece. Obviously, this is completely inconsistent with the situation on Mars.

Zhang Wei zoomed in and made a judgment immediately.

The thicker dust must have been smashed out!

In other words, the Mars landing module must be in that area.

So Zhang Wei immediately sent a message to the Firefly Mars rover and asked them to quickly go to the place he said.

But now the location has been changed and the distance is further, so the time required this time has become eight hours.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei felt silent in his heart.

Will the other party be able to support me for eight hours?

Especially their oxygen, is it enough?

He already had some hopelessness in his heart.

Then he turned to Zheng Annan and asked, "What do you say on the Earth side?"

Zheng Annan replied: "Our command center is now actively contacting NASA to ask them to assist in rescue operations."

"NASA should have agreed."

Speaking of this, Zheng Annan couldn't help but "tsk", "You said you wouldn't cooperate with us before, but now it's better. Do you still have to cooperate with us?"

"What about the media?"

Zheng Annan spread his hands, "I don't know, we can't see those media news here."

"However, according to the command center, the network has already exploded."

Zhang Wei shook his head, "That's probably the case."

It seems that if humans want to conquer the universe, there will inevitably be many dangers and sacrifices.

At least, they have just embarked on the road to conquer Mars now, and they have encountered such an accident. doesn't seem to have anything to do with them. After all, it seems that even if they come to Mars, they still feel like they are on vacation.

In the end, he couldn't help but secretly feel lucky. Fortunately, they were riding on the Tiannian, not the Mars.


As Zhang Wei and others said when chatting, the Internet has indeed exploded.

[The loss of contact with the Mars] became an event that attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

No one thought that such a thing would happen.

It was originally a heroic and high-spirited crossing of the Yalu River, but now the result is better. It was the Chinese who successfully crossed the "Yalu River", but the Mars completely became a foreign devil who was "beaten away".

Although it was not a hit in the physical sense, it was a hit in the form of competition, and even the car overturned in the end.

Naturally, there was a lot of booing on the Internet, and of course, Xiaomi’s promotion on the Internet was also indispensable.

Of course, there were boos, and ensuring the safety of the astronauts became a top priority.

You know, those are five astronauts!

This is unacceptable to mankind. Every additional astronaut who dies is difficult to accept, because they fell in the process of the greatest cause of human science. They are admirable.

Of course, that's assuming they don't know the character of these astronauts.

Although because NASA deliberately smeared Alexander Wolf and three others, people still have a bad impression of Alexander Wolf and the others without knowing the truth, but in fact there are still some American people who understand Alexander Wolf and the others.

This requires talking about the rampant personal heroism in the United States.

Obviously, this kind of heroism exists in the choice of Alexander Wolf. After all, they also want the United States to become the first country to land on Mars.

So, for now, people are very concerned about these five astronauts.

Obviously, the only one on the planet who has the opportunity to carry out immediate rescue is the Tiannian, which is also still on Mars.

This is a well-known thing.

Even the president couldn't refuse. Although he was quite happy when he learned that the Mars landing module had an accident during the landing. After all, this way, he wouldn't have to worry about the inappropriate things they did. Exposed.

But in the face of so many phone calls asking them to contact China for help, he had no reason to refuse. Once he refused, the whole world would despise him.

Therefore, they could only violate the so-called "Wolf Clause" and chose to request assistance from China.

Of course, the Tiannian had already started taking action.

In fact, for China, even if the United States refuses to request assistance from them, they will try to carry out rescue operations.

In this way, as time passed, the whole world began to pay attention to this real-life version of the Martian rescue.

The crash site of the Mars landing module.

The landing module was almost in disgrace, half of the whole thing was gone, and the sand and soil almost buried the inside of the landing module.

And below, there was a crack in the ruins of the altar, and a strange light was still shining in that crack.

Just like that, I don’t know how long passed.


A miserable howl came from the buried sand, and then, a hand came out from inside, like a zombie coming to life.

Then, as the sand rolled down, a helmet protruded from inside.

As for the person inside the helmet, it is Alexander Wolf.

In science fiction works, astronauts' helmets seem to be fragile and break at the first touch, but in fact, the materials used in astronauts' helmets are absolutely the best and are difficult to be damaged.

Therefore, even though he was buried in the sand, with the oxygen in the spacesuit and the isolation of the helmet, Alexander Wolf successfully survived this disaster.

However, the severe pain coming from his body and the loss of feeling in his right leg made him very clear that his right leg was broken.

The pain of the fracture was extremely unbearable, but he still relied on his tenacious perseverance to push away the sand that buried him, and then used both arms to try to get himself out of the sand.

But at this time, the feeling of restraint on his body made him realize that the quality of their seat belts was really good.

He put his two hands feebly on the sand. If he wanted to unbuckle his seat belt, he needed to get all the sand off his body. Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to reach into the sand to unbuckle his seat belt. .

But at this time, he didn't have much energy to do this.

He gasped for air, but soon he realized that he needed to save some of his oxygen.

The landing module was in the state it was in front of him. It was obvious that it was impossible for him to get oxygen supplements, and the amount of oxygen he had left now... was only enough for 7 hours, and that was only if he didn't gulp down as much as he did just now. breathe.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

Maybe, this day will be his end?

He thought of many things in an instant, including his family, his friends, his lover...

Until the end, he thought about his teammates.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

correct! My teammates!

He is the captain and wants to rescue his team members.

There is also the Tiannian, they have contacted the Chinese people, and the Chinese people will definitely find a way to save them!

So, be sure to hold on!

New strength suddenly surged from his body, causing him to start digging immediately.

He also remembered that he had a utility knife on his right arm. This knife could be used to cut the seat belt above his shoulder, so that he would not have to dig into the seat to unbuckle the seat belt!

Thinking of this, he immediately started to move.

Just like that, after a lot of hard work, he finally succeeded in separating the seat belt, and then stretched his arms hard to slowly get his lower body out of the sand.

Fortunately, the sand is soft enough and the strength required is not very great.

As for the broken right leg, he was not in the mood to care about it for the time being. Then, he checked for signs of life on his teammates.

However, what made his eyes widen was that, except for him, the signs of life of all his teammates had disappeared.


He couldn't believe it was true. He quickly climbed up behind him, and based on his impression, he came to the Bischi seat closest to him, and then dug in desperately.

After an unknown amount of time, he dug up a fragment of the landing module, probably a fragment of the outer shell.

He took out the fragment, only to find that the sharp end of the fragment was deeply embedded in a helmet, and the person inside the helmet had become bloody.

Alexander closed his eyes in pain, and then tremblingly crawled to the other side, where was Tenia.

Tenia's helmet was not broken, but she was obviously not breathing.

Through the helmet, he couldn't see Tenia breathing.

Apparently, the cause of her death lies further down.

Alexander came to James King again and started digging.

But the result is still the same.

There’s another guy, Jayden Armstrong.

But Alexander no longer wanted to dig, because in the past he was called a "good guy" and he only had hatred for Jayden Armstrong in his heart.

It was all because of this person. The other three team members all died, so it would be better for this person to die.

But what about him?

He smiled bitterly and shook his head, would he die here too?

"No, I want to return to Earth and witness the trial of this guy with my own eyes!"

Although Jayden Armstrong is dead, he still wants everyone on earth to know this guy's sins. He wants to...

Write a book about the whole process and expose Jayden Armstrong and, yes, the man behind him.

"By the way, there are...and the families of Bischi and Tenia... Bischi only has a disabled mother alive, and Tenia, she also has a child, I want to tell her child , his mother is the bravest..."

He forced himself to stand.

"God has allowed me to survive, and I must have my own responsibilities to do."

"God, if you can really hear me, please help me come back to Earth!"

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and then he dug again and took out the oxygen bottles from Bischi and Tenia's oxygen backpacks.

Finally, he crossed himself.

"Friends, may you be with me forever."

Then, he dragged his crippled leg towards the entrance of the cave that he had discovered long ago.

But he never discovered the mysterious ruins and the glowing crack.

In the cave, silence returned.

I don’t know how much time passed, but sand began to roll on the passenger seat, and finally, a hand stretched out.

Jayden Armstrong climbed out.

However, he still had one arm, but it was broken, completely broken.

Looking at his completely missing left arm, he howled in pain, unable to believe that this was real.

At this time, he also discovered the three teammates dug out by Alexander. Seeing that they were completely silent, especially the remains of Bischi, he couldn't help but step back in horror, but However, due to a bump from the broken shell of the landing cabin under his feet, he fell directly out of the landing cabin.

With a "pop!", he fell onto a stone slab. This fall made him wake up.

At this time, he was also shocked to find that the stone slab under him looked like a man-made object, and there was a crack on it. The crack was actually glowing?

He was just about to get up and take a look, but at this moment, the floor suddenly shook. Perhaps because of his fall, the crack finally widened.

Then, the glimmer of light in the crack suddenly erupted, completely encompassing Jayden Armstrong.

The next moment, the light disappeared, and Jayden Armstrong also disappeared.

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