"It has entered the Martian atmosphere and the altitude is continuing to decrease."

"The current altitude is, 50 kilometers."

On the Tiannian, Zhang Wei looked at the Martian world outside the window, and then conveyed a message to the ground command center.

"The weather on Mars today is pretty good, it's a sunny day."

Next to him, Guo Jianwei said with a smile.

"It's a pity that the sunny sky here is not blue."

Zheng Annan also looked at the sky outside the window and said.

"Indeed." Guo Jianwei nodded.

On a sunny day on Earth, the sky is blue. This is because the Earth's atmosphere is thick enough and the density of the atmosphere is high enough. Through various refraction of sunlight, the blue color is finally formed.

But Mars is different.

Mars has a very thin atmosphere and is filled with dust, so even on a sunny day, its sky is yellow-brown.

It looks like the end of the world.

Of course, for the three humans who came here today, this allowed them to see another scene.

"Well, with the time we have now, we might as well hope that we can safely complete our mission here."

Zhang Wei said.

The other two people laughed, and Guo Jianwei said: "That's right, Captain Zhang, you might as well think about what you want to say after you land on Mars later."

"Say something more awesome and push that Armstrong down."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, "How about you guys think about it?"

"Isn't it up to you? You are the captain."

Zhang Wei waved his hand and said, "Okay, the Earth Command Center will help us think about this matter."

"It is said that the first words Armstrong said after landing on the moon were also taught by people from NASA. I have to say that they are quite good at publicity."

As soon as he finished saying this, the voice of the Earth Command Center came from the communicator.

"This is the command center. Please reply when you receive it."

"Tian Nian received it."

"Very well, Tiannian, members of the 'Ying' project team, when you are about to land, we will broadcast the entire landing process live, please be prepared."

"In addition, Captain Zhang Wei, you will be the first human being to leave footprints on Mars. Please tell me this sentence sent to you now."

Zhang Wei glanced at the content on the monitor.

[Since humanity’s first giant step, we have taken another giant leap. From now on, humans will become a species that spans the planet. 】

Then he smiled and said: "Zhang Wei received it, I was still struggling just now."

Laughter from the command center also came from the communicator.

"Haha, of course, if you have your own ideas, you can also say what you want to say. After all, compared to those of us racking our brains on earth, I'm afraid it will be you who are about to land on Mars. Our feelings need to be more real.”

Zhang Wei smiled and said, "Okay, I will consider it."

Command Center: "Okay, first of all, congratulations on becoming the first three Martians on Earth."

"I wish you good luck in your mission."

"no problem."

Zhang Wei responded, and then said to his two team members: "Okay, you all heard it, we are going to be Martians next."

Guo Jianwei smiled and said: "Then let's wait until we land."

"You're right."

Zhang Wei nodded, and then looked at the scene outside the window.

Their altitude at this time was only thirty kilometers.

In this way, as time passed, Tiannian got closer and closer to the surface of Mars.

And everyone around the world is paying great attention to this matter during this period of time.

The protest statement issued by NASA in the United States because of the failure of the plan ended up becoming a global joke.

After all, who would have thought that the once arrogant and leading aerospace agency would issue a statement like a crying child.

Although this statement was quickly withdrawn by NASA from their Twitter, it was still met with various jokes.

Of course, this matter has basically been put aside by people. The most important thing now is the upcoming landing of Tiannian on Mars.

However, there are some rumors circulating on the Internet that the news that Tiannian is about to land on fire is false. The real Tiannian is still on the moon at this time, or is still floating in space. After all, it was impossible for the Tiannian to reach Mars so quickly.

Of course, although there are such rumors, it seems that the original Apollo project was fake, which attracted some people to believe it. However, the vast majority of people did not pay too much attention to such remarks.

After all, if this was false, NASA would have hurriedly revealed this. I dare to think that I would be able to see the satellites on the moon when I was still on the moon.

Of course, this statement did not persist for long before it was immediately self-defeating.

Because the Chinese Space Administration just announced in a very high-profile manner: [It will conduct a real-time live broadcast of the entire Tianan landing on Mars. 】

Of course, the Chinese Space Administration also provided an explanation in advance for the live broadcast.

Since the quantum communication on Tianan can only achieve a transmission speed of 50,000 bits per second, which means it can only transmit 6.1Kb of data per second, the image quality is greatly limited.

In addition, there is also sound data, so the live broadcast quality will only be 144p, or even less, and the frame rate will only be twelve frames per second.

Of course, although this picture quality would be of a quality that even a dog would not be able to see if it were placed on the earth, when placed among the stars, it would be quite astonishing.

You know, this is a live broadcast spanning thousands of kilometers!

What's more, it's still on Mars.

Suddenly, other countries capable of conducting space activities were once again severely envious.

Quantum communication can actually achieve real-time live broadcast across such long distances!

This is simply a revolutionary work for the aerospace industry, because it means that even on the distant Mars, their ground researchers can conduct real-time analysis, especially to help astronauts analyze The surrounding situation.

Otherwise, once the astronauts encounter any danger, it will take several minutes or even ten minutes for the help message to be transmitted back to the earth, and then add the time to analyze the situation and transmit the results back, one by one. It would take almost forty or fifty minutes, or even an hour, to get back down.

Of course, soon most of these countries, specifically countries other than the United States, began to wonder what they were envious of.

After all, they don’t have the ability to land on the moon, nor do they have the funds. It’s a blessing to be able to prepare in advance for the manned moon landing in 2040. So being envious is purely to bring trouble to yourself.

As a result, the only country that was envious was the United States. Of course, it became the only country that was injured.

Of course, in addition to demonstrating the superiority of their quantum communication technology, it also shattered those who questioned the authenticity of the landing.

And it is an even more exciting event for all people on earth. This is a live broadcast of landing on Mars!

As a result, even though the live broadcast hadn't started yet, millions of people flooded into the live broadcast room.

And as time goes by, this number continues to rise, until it reaches tens of millions.

Other previous plans for manned landings on other planets have never been broadcast live like this. Now, there is a rare live broadcast, especially a landing on Mars. Naturally, everyone who is paying attention is not willing to miss it.

Even in those countries that had already entered late at night, many people gave up sleeping and entered the live broadcast room to wait.

Just like that, time passed by minute by minute.

Until Mars, Tiannian was still ten kilometers away from the surface of Mars.

The live broadcast room screen finally opened.

First of all, what comes into view is a world of red and yellow.

The sky is yellow and the earth is red.

This looked extremely desolate, but it also shocked all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

No matter how many high-definition Mars pictures I have seen before, they are far less realistic than the live broadcasts here.

What surprised everyone a little was that the picture was actually quite clear.

At least it's not like what was said in the previous promotion. It only has a picture quality that is not even 144p. It looks good at around 480p.

As for why such an effect can be achieved, it is because the live broadcast picture has been processed in real time, so it appears clearer.

All in all, this kind of picture is at least watchable for all viewers.

And the barrage was also brushed up.

"Tian Nian Hao is awesome!" 』

"Is this the world on Mars?" Doesn’t it look too desolate? 』

"Sure enough, our earth is better!" 』

"Although the earth is indeed very good, Mars is also a place we must go to. Maybe in twenty years, we will all be able to live on Mars?" 』

"I want to be an astronaut when I grow up!" 』

"Kids, when you say this, you need to say it to your grandparents."


While netizens watching the live broadcast were excited, the three astronauts aboard the Tiannian remained calm at this time.

Of course, for the sake of a certain live broadcast effect, Zhang Wei also said: "Everyone who is still on earth, welcome to watch this first human landing on fire."

"My two teammates and I would like to extend our sincere greetings to you now."

Then the camera also focused on the three of them. All three of them were sitting in their seats and waved to the camera.

Then, everyone in the live broadcast room on the earth heard their words and saw their pictures.

Chinese netizens all felt a sense of intimacy, because it was a sense of identity that came from the unified mother tongue.

Coupled with the fact that there is a real spaceship in the background and the very real Martian environment outside, at this moment, every Chinese netizen's heart is filled with pride.

For foreigners who are also watching the live broadcast abroad, they cannot understand Chinese, but fortunately, there are also real-time translated subtitles below.

At this moment, for these foreigners, in addition to envy, there is only envy in their hearts. Why can't their country do all this?

Then, Zhang Wei continued to introduce their current situations. At the same time, the distance between Tiannian and the surface of Mars was visibly close to the naked eye.

Until a broad plain appeared in front of them.

"This is the utopian plain on Mars, where we are about to land."

Zhang Wei's voice sounded, and then the huge Tianzhan changed its posture and began to land.

In this way, under the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, the Tiannian completed its landing.

As the Tiannian completely stabilized, Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Okay, welcome everyone, we have officially arrived on the surface of Mars."

Then he signaled to his two teammates, and soon the three of them unbuckled their seat belts, put on their Mars exit suits, and began to prepare for the exit.

Zheng Annan was responsible for broadcasting the live broadcast with the camera, while Zhang Wei and Guo Jianwei each held a red flag and came to the cabin door.

The hatch was opened, and then they entered the airlock. After waiting for the gas to be released, they officially opened the hatch.

The red planet had already appeared in front of them.

As the captain, Zhang Wei was the first to walk out carrying the red flag.

One step, two steps.

Until his steps reached the end of the gangway, he took one step forward and stood on the surface of Mars with his first foot.

Then the second foot also stood on the surface of Mars.

At this point, they humans have finally stood completely on this planet!

In the live broadcast room, every audience member almost held their breath watching this scene. Until the picture of Zhang Wei completely standing on Mars appeared, the barrage began to flood again.

"Ohhhhhhh!" 』

“We humans have finally stood on another planet! 』

"This is a big step for our country, and also a big step for the world!" 』

Of course, in foreign live broadcast rooms, the barrage is different.

"In the end, the Chinese took the lead in landing on Mars. I think we should reflect on it. Why can't we learn from others?" 』

"This is not something that can be figured out by reflection. After all, the smartest people in the world are in their country. Is it possible that IQ can be made up by force?" 』

"Their Lin Xiao is too powerful. Even the Tiannian was completely developed by him. I think the United Nations should investigate him strictly. He must be a spy sent by M77 Nebula." 』

"Even if Lin Xiao really comes from an alien planet, he is not a spy. He has helped us humans to make great progress in science and technology. Although only one country has enjoyed such dividends so far. 』

"We have completely lost hope"


At this moment, many foreign netizens have begun to study how to reflect.

Of course, the live broadcast of this landing on Mars is not over yet.

Zhang Wei, who had completely set foot on Mars, took a few steps forward.

The camera took a picture of his footprints on the ground and then pointed it at Zhang Wei again.

At this time, it was time for Zhang Wei to give his speech as the first person to ascend the fire.

After Zhang Wei turned his back to the camera for a while, he finally turned around, opened his hands, smiled on his face, made a welcoming expression, and said to the camera: "Hello, fellow earthlings, as a world The first Martian on the planet, I welcome you to Mars as a guest!"

Zhang Wei's words stunned Zheng Annan and Guo Jianwei. Their captain did not follow the words given by the Earth Command Center.

Instead, he adopted a more humorous approach to leave traces of this moment in human history.

So far, this sentence has been recorded in the history books and will be remembered in the future.

Of course, the effect achieved by this sentence is also very satisfactory.

At least, when the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room saw it, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all smiled knowingly.

If he made a serious speech like Armstrong did, the effect would be good, but Armstrong's words come first, and the words of those who come after him would be like imitating a cat.

However, Zhang Wei's humorous remarks now give people a unique feeling.

Everyone remembers this sentence.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage started again.

"Zhang Wei from all over China, we have a traitor among us. He has rebelled from Earth Zhang Wei to Mars Zhang Wei!" 』

"My name is Zhang Wei, please take me with you!" 』

"Gold bars have been distributed in the village. Come back quickly. You are not allowed to go!" 』

"I also want to be Mars Wei!" 』


Facts have proved that there are quite a lot of Zhang Wei watching the live broadcast, and the Chinese netizens who saw these barrages laughed. Then there were friends named Zhang Wei around them, and they all contacted their Zhang Wei friends. them.

Suddenly, the name Zhang Wei appeared on various hot searches in China. Of course, the first one on the hot search list could only be the successful moon landing of the "Ying" project.

Although there are no such memes in foreign live broadcast rooms, they are basically praising Zhang Wei's words, because people also prefer this kind of humorous words. If nothing else, first of all, they are more down-to-earth. , naturally it is more loved by people.

At this time, after Zhang Wei on Mars finished saying this, he smiled at the camera and directly planted the red flag in his hand on the ground.

This red flag is made of special fabric and inserted deep enough.

From now on, this bright red flag will remain here forever!

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully led your civilization and achieved the feat of manned landing on another planet! From now on, your freedom will extend to a distance of up to 400 million kilometers, and the vast starry sky will also Because the first step of this long march has begun, I will gradually be conquered by you!"

"Reward 25,000 experience points in mathematics, 25,000 experience points in physics, 15,000 points in materials science, and 500 truth points."

"Congratulations to the host. You have made a great breakthrough in the mystery of quantum communication and successfully achieved non-delay communication across planets. Information communication is an important guarantee in interstellar exploration. If you want to walk into the cold night without any scruples, , needs the voice from home to provide warmth.”

"Reward 20,000 mathematics experience points, 20,000 physics experience points, 10,000 materials science experience points, 15,000 information science experience points, and 500 truth points."

"Congratulations to the host, the math level has been upgraded to level 9 (0/150,000)."

"Congratulations to the host, the physics level has been upgraded to level 9 (0, 150,000)."

When Zhang Wei said those words in front of the camera, Lin Xiao, who was located in Dingguang Aerospace Research Institute, received the sound of the system in his mind.

An expression of satisfaction immediately appeared on his face.


Both mathematics and physics levels exceeded level nine.

But what he didn't expect was that after he developed quantum communication technology, the system never sent him the reward. It turned out to be waiting here.

Of course, it makes sense if you think about it carefully.

After all, whether on the earth or on the moon, their quantum communication technology does not work optimally. After all, whether on the earth or on the moon, the delay of radio waves is acceptable.

And if it is replaced by Mars, the advantages of quantum communication will be truly realized, and it will make sense.

Of course, no matter what, the rewards related to space are still quite rich.

Then, his mind was slightly dizzy.

Raising the level of a single subject to level nine will reward 1.2% of brain development, and the level of two subjects will be 2.4%.

As a result, his brain development level also reached 22.45%.

Gradually it is approaching 25%.

A quarter of the average human limit.

Of course, his limit has been raised to 120%.

Now, he wants to know more and more what will happen when the brain becomes more developed.

At this time, he even had a vague feeling occasionally - he could capture the traces of nerve currents and control them!

"Could it be that the more developed my brain is, the more I will get rid of passive control of nerve currents and become active?"

Of course, if he wants to get to that point, he must have at least 50% brain development, right?

And God knows how long that day is.

Shaking his head, he then looked back at the live broadcast on Mars.

In the picture, Zhang Wei and the others have already started some surface collection projects, such as collecting soil on Mars.

Of course, these are just basic tasks. After the live broadcast ends, the real tasks of the "Ying" plan will begin.

But at this moment, Xiaomi's voice suddenly sounded.

"Master! I discovered that after extracting the words from these Athenian books in the order of the Fibonacci sequence, there will be amazing discoveries!"

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