From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 372 Higher Civilization and Lower Civilization

After a group photo was taken, medals and certificates had been awarded, it was time for Lin Xiao to deliver a speech at the award ceremony.

When he walked to the podium and looked at the large audience, Lin Xiao could easily tell that there were many expressions of gratitude to him. He saw those who were equipped with mechanical prostheses, such as the five peacekeepers. The soldiers in the army, Zhong Li and the others, heard that these five people wanted to return to the Middle East, return to the place where they had fought, and continue their unfinished mission.

And because they all now have enhanced versions of mechanical prostheses, their own combat effectiveness has become much stronger.

After all, the body is weak and lactic acid will accumulate in the muscles after running. Even though humans are known as the most endurance animals, they will still get tired in the end.

However, for those who use mechanical prostheses, such as those who have both legs replaced with mechanical prostheses, at least their legs will not feel tired. As long as their heart and lungs reach the limit, they can You won't collapse because your legs can't bear it.

Of course, the more mechanical prostheses in the field are not enhanced versions, just ordinary materials, but for these people, Lin Xiao still makes them grateful.

Soon, Lin Xiao's eyes passed over the people with mechanical prostheses, and then at those wearing electronic prosthetic glasses. Of course, he also saw the little girl, Tingting.

Tingting noticed that he looked over, and he smiled back.

Of course, other people who had been blind also showed excitement when they saw him looking over.

Probably for these blind people, finding the light, or finding the light again, is more exciting than those with disabilities.

Smiling slightly, he took one last glance. He couldn't see those people who stood up again after being paralyzed. However, he could probably tell a few from the emotions in those people's eyes. For example, there was one person in the police force. The man who looked very resolute looked at him with eyes full of gratitude.

Finally, he withdrew his gaze, and there was no manuscript in his hand. Considering his brain development level, if he could not give an impromptu speech, it would be too much.

"Thank you all for coming here and participating in my first-class merit award ceremony. I am very flattered to see so many people."

"I also saw a lot of acquaintances, and when I saw the smiles on your faces, I know that you have found the meaning of life again."

"And this is exactly the value of my first-class meritorious service. Compared with the scientific and technological content of the technologies I developed, the changes these technologies bring to society are the most important."

"In a previous interview, I once said that the most fundamental meaning of science is to benefit mankind and make our lives better, not worse. This is the purpose of developing science and technology."

"And obviously, now I've done that for the time being."

"Even the technologies I developed in the past, such as photolithography machines, do not meet this meaning, because these technologies are only used to benefit ourselves, and people abroad do not need me to benefit them, because they already have them. "

"But now, these technologies are the technologies that can truly benefit all of us."

"This is technology."

Having said this, Lin Xiao paused, and then continued: "I believe that in our future, there will be more technologies like this that will continue to benefit each of us and make our world continue to move towards a higher level. To develop civilization——"

"I am not referring to the division between high civilization and low civilization based on science fiction, but the division between low civilization and high civilization based on the moral level. Civilizations with high moral levels belong to high civilization. This kind of civilization mainly Lower civilizations that express love but have low moral standards are engaged in wars all year round, or often lead wars directly or indirectly."

"Unfortunately, although there are many branches of our earth's civilization, and there are also advanced civilizations among them, in the end, if averaged, they still belong to lower civilizations."

"To put it this way, it seems difficult for us to develop towards a higher civilization, but let us believe for the time being that we will reach the level of a higher civilization sooner or later."

"And I will work hard in this direction."

Lin Xiao looked around and then said: "Well, that's it, I don't have anything more to say. As scientific researchers, research is our business, and I believe you all have more things of your own. , so let me send a blessing to all my friends who have regained their lives."

"Forget your past days and enjoy the rest of your life. I believe it will be easier for you to feel the happiness of life."

After saying this, he bowed to the people present.

And the applause also broke out, extremely enthusiastic.

In the audience, Ma Gaoliang was also present, applauding, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Finally, I have a speech that I can understand."

Next to him sat a leader.

Hearing Ma Gaoliang's emotion, the leader clapped his hands and asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

Ma Gaoliang glanced at the leader and said, "Have you ever heard of the Navier-Stokes equation?"

The leader was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "I have an impression, but I have forgotten the details. Is it in mathematics?"

Ma Gaoliang smiled, pointed at Lin Xiaohou, and said: "The Navier-Stokes equation is a world-class mathematical problem that Academician Lin originally proved. He has given lectures like this before. Do you understand?"

The leader finally reacted, twitching the corner of his mouth, and then replied honestly: "Okay, I really don't understand."

Then he looked at Lin Xiao in the stands and said, "However, there is something interesting in the content of Academician Lin's speech."

Ma Gaodian nodded, "Indeed."

Everyone can tell who Lin Xiao refers to as low-level civilization and high-level literature.

Of course, they are all happy to hear about this, and what they say is not wrong anyway. If word spreads later, those branches of earth civilization that are called lower civilizations, if they get impatient, they will just take their seats and make no excuses.

Of course, this is just chatting with each other, and there is no actual harm.

Of course, this is where the awarding ceremony ends.

The host came on stage to preside over the final departure session, and everyone began to leave.

Normal people continue to work, while those who have regained their lives continue to enjoy their new lives.

Of course, at the same time, the process and news about the award ceremony were quickly released. Many official media reported on it, including Lin Xiao's speech.

Many people were surprised that Lin Xiao received first-class merit. After all, first-class merit can only be obtained by those in the army, and Lin Xiao obviously did not belong to the army.

However, the Military Commission had only one sentence to explain this: After research, it was decided that although Lin Xiao was not a soldier, he was fully qualified to receive first-class merit.

With this explanation, naturally no one expressed dissatisfaction, and Lin Xiao's countless fans also stood guard for this statement. Lin Xiao did not join the military and only received a first-class merit. If he joined the military, there would be no special settings for him. A special grade?

Of course, this incident is just a small episode. More people don't care about this. They care about the division between lower civilization and higher civilization based on moral level mentioned in Lin Xiao's speech.

For a moment, the whole network was happy.

Which civilization is war-loving, and which civilization is not war-loving?

Just simply report your ID number.

And the comments from netizens are also very interesting.

"Let me see, who are the lower civilizations that love war?" oh! It turned out to be...』

"Let me see, who is the peace-loving advanced civilization?" oh! It turns out to be me! 』

"Don't do it. Who said civilization must be human?" Aren’t lower civilizations that love war not eagles? Eagles always like to persecute rabbits"

"Can you do it?" This is too fair to say, right? You want to be more subtle, you know? 』

"I know, I know, the lower civilization that Lin Shen mentioned must be..."

"That's what you said! 』

Netizens seemed to be all interested in cooperating with Lin Xiao. They didn't say anything specific, they were just there to be the riddler. Of course, there would always be one or two people who would express refutation, so netizens would catch up and say that they were right and stone-faced. Things like barking like a dog.

Of course, the content of Lin Xiao's speech was also posted on the Internet. As a result, many foreign media became anxious, broke their guard, and began to publicly ask Lin Xiao to apologize for these words, otherwise they would come up with Some of Lin Xiao’s black spots emerged.

But obviously, Lin Xiao doesn't care at all about the danger of finding black spots.

For him, there is no need to care, because if those foreign media really want to find black spots, they will probably only find the black spot of resisting them.

Of course, his words also aroused discussion among foreign netizens. Naturally, some foreign netizens were dissatisfied with Lin Xiao's words, so they began to abuse him, and even went to his external social platform to start scolding him. It was very serious. fierce.

But unfortunately, if Lin Xiao visits the Internet, he only looks at academic websites like arxiv, and rarely checks his own accounts on these social platforms. He originally applied for these accounts just to communicate with foreign scholars. Just for more communication.

Therefore, these are not harmful to him.

Of course, there are also some foreign netizens who speak for him. After all, he has indeed developed technologies that benefit mankind.

These technologies will also greatly change human society in the future.

In this way, as time passed, the days also entered the new year.

Artificial nerves, electronic prosthetic eyes, and mechanical prostheses have all been officially approved and entered society.

There are also foreigners who have been cured by these technologies and gained a new life.

However, when the time came to late January, a case attracted the attention of many people around the world.

An American who was once paralyzed but received an artificial nerve transplant was involved in a car accident.

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