"Shi Hao, how do you feel?"

In the ward, Lin Xiao looked down at Shi Hao on the bed and asked.

Shi Hao pulled up the quilt covering himself, then moved his feet and said with a smile: "Very good."

"For the first time, I learned how good it is to be able to move your body."

He looked at his body with wonder on his face.

To be honest, since he has been lying in bed for so long, he has searched almost every day for how paralyzed people can recover and how difficult it is to create artificial nerves. The results he has obtained are all very pessimistic.

Although research on artificial nerves has already begun, and an artificial nerve has been developed abroad, these artificial nerves are too unstable to be used in practice. After all, they cannot be completely compared with real nerves.

So these artificial nerves are not used in practice.

Because of this, Shi Hao almost had no hope for this matter.

However, who would have thought that even if it was such an impossible thing, Lin Xiao would still accomplish it for him.

Therefore, Shi Hao was very grateful to Lin Xiao in his heart.

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Then after you recover, you can move however you want."

"Of course." Shi Hao nodded, recalling that for so many months, he had to have others take care of almost everything. He couldn't even control his urination and defecation. For him, this was simply physical and psychological torture. .

And just now, after he woke up, he felt that he had regained control of all these abilities, and all the things that had tortured him had passed.

Therefore, after he truly recovers, he must take a good walk.

Of course, at this time, Chen Xuan, as a doctor next to him, naturally had to say: "Don't be too violent. Although the nerves have recovered, your spine is still in the recovery period. It will take at least a year to return to a similar condition. And even if you recover, you have to be careful not to do any movements that put a lot of pressure on the spine, such as bending hard, otherwise problems will still occur."

"Thank you, Doctor Chen, I understand."

Shi Hao responded immediately, with a regretful expression on his face.

There's nothing you can do about it, after all, the back is not as long as the natural one, this is not the Supreme Bone, the second one is worse than the first one.

At this moment, Ma Gaoliang walked in from outside the door.

He was on the phone outside just now, probably reporting good news to superiors.

At this time, with a little joy on his face, he said: "The superiors have decided to continue to conduct more clinical trials and launch them into the market as soon as possible. They will also be included in medical insurance by then. In addition, the superiors are also preparing to announce this matter to the outside world. .”

Chen Xuan and Shi Hao also expressed surprise. If this kind of thing can be launched into the market as soon as possible, it will naturally benefit more people.

The inclusion of medical insurance is an even better thing. Even if a person from a wealthy family becomes paralyzed, his or her family can still support him or her, and at the same time, he or she can fully afford surgery and other expenses.

But it is obviously not possible for ordinary families. The raw materials may only cost a few hundred yuan, but an operation involving nerves can easily cost tens of thousands, or even more than 100,000. It is not impossible that if it is not covered by medical insurance, it will only end up being This can cause this technology, which was originally intended to benefit the general public, to become something that benefits wealthy people.

"This is a good thing!" Chen Xuan said immediately, "The decision above is very good. It will definitely benefit the public when the time comes."

Shi Hao also smiled and nodded.

No matter what, he now feels the same way about those paralyzed people. The pain is simply unbearable.

So he also wanted to see others recover too.

However, Lin Xiaoze was stunned. Of course he agreed with the matter, but he just announced it?

Isn’t it because it involves room-temperature superconductors, so it needs to be kept secret?

Ma Gaoliang saw Lin Xiao's doubts, but just smiled and nodded at him, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Doctor Chen, I may need your help in the future."

"Of course it's no problem. I just want to practice more nerve connection techniques to prepare for the future."

Chen Xuan laughed.

"That's good." Ma Gaodian nodded, and then said to Lin Xiao: "Professor Lin, there is something else I want to tell you about this technology. Let's go out and talk about it."

Lin Xiao nodded, knowing that Ma Gaoliang probably said why he wanted to announce the matter, so he and Ma Gaoliang left the ward and went to other places.

This hospital is an official internal hospital, so you don't have to worry about being overheard when you talk here.

Then, Ma Gaoliang explained the reason: "Professor Lin, this announcement is, first of all, for the benefit of the public. After all, if this technology is not used in practice, it will be a waste of resources."

"Yeah, I know." Lin Xiao nodded.

He knows that this technology, even if it is fully reimbursed by medical insurance, is a win-win for patients and the country.

Because in addition to benefiting the public, artificial neural technology allows paralyzed people to regain their ability to move, and these people will naturally regain the ability to work.

And the economic value these people bring to the country after their labor will eventually exceed the value spent.

This is one of the reasons why medical insurance is still being implemented at a loss.

"Secondly, it is also to use this technology to improve the medical level of our country and attract foreigners to come to us for treatment."

Ma Gaoliang continued.

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment. This was considered a strategic consideration.

There is a reason why rich people like to go abroad. It is also because the medical level abroad is relatively high, and there are some high-end medical technologies and equipment that foreign countries have a monopoly on domestically.

And now that they have the technology to restore paralysis, it will obviously attract many paralyzed people from abroad to come here for treatment.

At that time, it will also stimulate the economy. After all, those paralyzed people who come here for surgery will definitely stay in China to recuperate. The economy this brings will probably be much greater than that of tourists from abroad. Many times.

"As for the third point, it is preparation for the future announcement of CCD-I."

Ma Gaoliang said with a smile at this time: "Think about it, our country has developed a room-temperature superconductor, and it is first used to save people and treat diseases. This can be considered a noble thing."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but laugh: "That's true."

However, considering what Ma Gaoliang just said about the electromagnetic gun that can extinguish forest fires within a fifty-meter radius, it is probably just a matter of telling the public.

"Well, that's basically all for these reasons. You can also prepare for it later. When we officially announce it later, I'm afraid you will become popular again."

Lin Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He waved his hands and said, "Let's get angry, let's get angry. I'm already so angry, and I don't care if I get more angry now."

Ma Gaoliang laughed, and then said: "That's it, I'll leave first, I have something to do at work."

"Well, you go ahead."

Lin Xiao nodded, and after saying goodbye to Ma Gaoliang, he returned to the ward and continued to accompany Shi Hao.

A few days later, the time came to May 27th.

June is about to enter, but the hotter and hotter weather is also making people more uncomfortable.

In a small county in a northwest province.

In a very dilapidated looking house.

In the bedroom, the ceiling was covered with cobwebs. The cobwebs were covered in dust and looked like they had not been cleaned for many years.

Other places in the bedroom were also messy, dust could be seen everywhere, on the windows, on the window screens, and on the ground. The cement floor was very rough, and even a fall would cause serious scratches.

However, the only clean things inside were a police hat and police uniform hanging on a hanger.

The weather was very hot, and the yellow fan beside the bed was blowing and making a lot of noise. There was probably something wrong with the shaft inside.

At the same time, an old woman was wiping the lower body of a man in his thirties or nearly forty on the bed, and then changing him into a diaper.

And this man was a paraplegic.

His name is Zhou Xiong, and he is a policeman. In a drug incident ten years ago, he tried to intercept a criminal and was hit by a criminal's car, breaking his spine, causing his lower limbs to become paraplegic.

Disabled people cannot be police officers, but police officers who become disabled on duty will not be fired and will receive subsidies.

However, the subsidy can only meet the minimum living standard. Zhou Xiong's father was a worker in his early years. He was hit in the head by a falling object at the construction site while working, and unfortunately passed away.

In other words, his mother and himself were the only ones left in their family.

He was once married, not long after the marriage and before he had children. Later, after these things happened, his wife divorced him.

At that time, he also signed the divorce agreement directly. He was relatively honest and did not think about dragging down his wife at the time.

In this way, ten years have passed.

Looking at his sixty-year-old mother in front of him, bent over to change her diaper, with wrinkles on her face and white hair on her head, Zhou Xiong closed his eyes and clenched his hands under the quilt. Got it.

He really wanted to stand up. Even if he did nothing, he would feel better than when he was almost forty years old and had his mother take care of him.

The old mother changed her son's diaper, then stood up and hammered her waist.

She sighed, looked at her son with his eyes closed, and said nothing in the end. She just said: "Okay, I'm going to wash your pants. It seems to be seven o'clock now, and the news broadcast should start."

After saying that, she went out and went to the public restroom on this floor.

Zhou Xiong opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes were a little red.

Then he raised his arms and supported himself to sit on the wheelchair next to him.

Then I turned on the TV and watched the news broadcast.

He watches the news broadcast every day to understand what is going on outside, which at least allows him to keep up with the times.

Because he heard that people in prison don't know what the outside world has become after sitting for a few years. He doesn't want to become like the people in prison because he is a policeman.

Soon, the first few news items passed quickly, but the next piece of news suddenly made Zhou Xiong's eyes widen.

"Lin Xiao, a famous Chinese scientist, has successfully developed artificial nerves and has achieved great clinical success. It is reported that artificial nerves can replace the body's own nerves and reconnect nerves that were originally disconnected due to accidents, thus achieving the function of repairing nerves. For example, repairing the central nervous system can help paralyzed people stand up again..."

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