Research on the synthesis method of this iron-based cuprate began soon.

How to combine these two things together is undoubtedly full of challenges.

After all, this is not an alloy. If copper and iron are directly smelted together, it will be strengthened successfully.

How to form a chemical bond between these two things and then connect them together is very difficult.

And time has also come to the end of February from the Spring Festival period, and almost a month has passed.

"Well, according to the calculation of electronic topological bonding theory, the replacement of oxygen atoms and the intervention of other impurities will cause distortion of the crystal lattice. This change is mainly reflected in the side length of the crystal lattice, and the change in the angle of the crystal plane is very small, so We can regard a, β, and v as maintaining 90 degrees."

"Well, from the analysis of partial wave density of states, the oxygen atom is highly localized, and its hybridization with other surrounding atoms mainly occurs at an energy of about -8eV."

In the laboratory, two people in white coats were communicating, and there were many people also wearing white coats around them.

This is the research team organized by Lin Xiao, specifically responsible for conquering this superconductor.

The two people communicating were Lin Xiao and Zhao Sheng. As for the others, they were the assistant researchers.

For these ordinary researchers, being able to join Lin Xiao's team is obviously a good thing. They can get some help in whatever happens, so this can be regarded as one of the benefits of doing experiments at Dingguang Research Institute. One, maybe if you are lucky, you can work on a project with their Director Lin.

For example, this time, according to Lin Xiao, the thing they are studying is a high-temperature superconductor, and it is also the kind that can be bent, and the other critical parameters seem to be quite good. If it can be produced, it would be of great significance. So big.

But the only problem is that this thing is a bit too difficult to do.

These ordinary researchers were sitting there, either scratching their heads and thinking about what to do next, or looking at Lin Xiao and Zhao Sheng, expecting them to point out the direction for the future.

Lin Xiao and Zhao Sheng were staring at the calculation results on the computer, both touching their chins, lost in thought.

Both of them are accomplished in computational materials, so they both prefer to use computational materials methods to assist synthesis methods.

Just like that, after thinking for a long time, Zhao Sheng suddenly said: "No matter how you look at it, I don't think this thing can exist. By the way, Professor Lin, the structural model of your thing was all calculated and simulated?"

He was still a little confused as to how Lin Xiao came up with such a thing, especially the model in front of him.

Lin Xiao did not answer, but just said: "Actually, I think the focus is on the oxygen atom. The model of the oxygen atom losing electrons and gaining electrons needs to be further refined."

"Hmm... But if you think about it this way, the way the two are combined is really strange."

"It feels like..." Lin Xiao paused for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "It feels like being pressed hard?"

"Well...the description is indeed somewhat similar." Zhao Sheng nodded and said with a frown: "It feels like, originally, chemical bonds could not be formed between these atoms, but because they were pressed, the attraction They overcame the repulsion and connected together!"

"That's right."

Lin Xiao's eyes became brighter and brighter. After a while, he suddenly said: "I'll go out for a while. You can take a look here."

"What's wrong?" Zhao Sheng couldn't help asking. Didn't they all reach the key point at this time?

However, Lin Xiao had already turned around and left the laboratory. Seeing this scene, Zhao Sheng had no choice but to give up and look at the things on the computer again.

This thing is indeed the same as the original research on RDX pure silicon crystal. It is difficult to see the possibility of success at all.

Of course, the pressure Lin Xiao just mentioned is very interesting.

Lin Xiao left the laboratory and came to his own office.

The reason why he wanted to leave the laboratory was because this idea about pressure that he came up with on the spur of the moment sparked an inspiration in his mind.

In his model of the superconducting mechanism, although there is no statement about pressure, there is a statement about the pressure of electron binding in the superconducting state.

"It's like under the influence of pressure, electrons combine to form electron pairs, and then after the pressure is restored, these electron pairs will not lose their bonds due to the influence of other internal electromagnetic forces... This is equivalent to saying , the superconducting state is preserved!”

The more he thought about it, the brighter his mind became. Lin Xiao estimated that the room-temperature superconductor that the system rewarded him was able to maintain superconductivity at room temperature for this reason!

"This means that when preparing this iron-based cuprate superconductor, if enough pressure can be applied, it is possible for the oxygen ions in the cuprate to continue to lose electrons and then combine with the iron-based material!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao suddenly felt as if he had found a way to prepare this normal temperature superconductor.

" much pressure is needed?"

For this problem, in addition to the calculation of electronic topological bonding theory, it also needs to use the superconducting mechanism model to calculate. This is why he did not stay in the laboratory. Now, he is still the only one in the world with the superconducting mechanism model. People control.

Without thinking any more, he started calculating directly.

He wrote out a lot of calculations almost without thinking, and in a short time, he got the answer.

"Is at least 23.3 standard atmosphere required?"

Lin Xiao frowned. Compared with the pressure required to achieve superconductivity through high pressure, this atmospheric pressure is relatively small. However, if production is really necessary in this environment, the cost will rise.

But in the end, he was relieved.

This is a room-temperature superconductor, so it doesn’t matter if the cost is higher. As long as it is mass-produced and the marginal cost continues to decrease, even if the cost is high at the beginning, it will not reach a generally acceptable level in the end.

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up, returned to the laboratory, and said to Zhao Sheng: "To create this thing, we need to pressurize production."

"Pressure production?"

"Well, under a certain amount of pressure, I think these two things that didn't react before should react now."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Zhao Sheng recalled their speculation just now and finally nodded: "I think it is indeed possible."


After making a decision, they naturally started building the high-pressure reactor.

This problem is not difficult, especially for science and engineering men like them, whose hands-on ability is very good.

So, it took about ten days to order all the materials and electronic components needed, and then another seven days to complete a somewhat crude high-pressure reactor.

This furnace can withstand up to 100 standard atmospheres. It is pressurized by filling inert gas and can release internal gas to reduce pressure. This is intelligently controlled. Once set on the computer, it can basically be maintained at the set value. Under pressure.

Soon, everything was done and everything else was ready, and they began to prepare for synthesis.

"Start adding reactants."

In the laboratory, facing the rather complex reactor in front of him, Lin Xiao issued an order.

The interns and assistant researchers nearby immediately took action and added the already processed iron-based reactants and cuprate reactants. These reactants were very pure, and the impurities in them were basically negligible. Of course, Not to the extent of silicon wafers.

Soon, "All have joined!"

"Start the reactor." Lin Xiao said again: "Set the temperature to 1,200 degrees Celsius."

"The reactor has started! Start heating!"

On the other side, Zhao Sheng, who was sitting in front of the computer, also asked: "Director Lin, how many atmospheres should we set?"

Lin Xiao said directly: "Twenty-four."


Zhao Sheng nodded. Although he was confused as to why Lin Xiao directly reported a number with zeros and whole numbers, he didn't think much about it and completed the settings directly on the computer.

As a sound of gas filling came from inside, the current air pressure was displayed on the pressure sensor meter: 24.2.

The reaction began here.

Everyone in the laboratory had an expression of anticipation on their faces, waiting for the final take shape of this thing.

As time slowly passes, the expected reaction time is reached, and then the pressure begins to be reduced until the inside returns to a safe value, and then the furnace begins. Then the molten liquid inside is poured into the mold and begins to wait for cooling and molding.

They did not prepare much this time. The final molded volume was only about 100cm, with a total of 10 molds, that is, ten strips with a cross-sectional area of ​​1cm and a length of 10cm.

Looking at these ten products with dark surfaces, everyone present showed excitement.

The surface color of the products they obtained before was not like this pure black, but a silvery black. But now, such a color undoubtedly shows that this thing is already a brand new object!

"Okay!" Zhao Sheng suddenly became excited. It seems that he has succeeded!

So he didn't plan to analyze whether the internal structure of this thing was the same as what they originally wanted, but directly said: "Go get the liquid nitrogen and see if it can meet the requirements of high-temperature superconductivity! By the way, See if this thing can bend! How tough it is!"

"Okay!" Several assistant researchers responded immediately.

Then the two people ran to get the liquid nitrogen, while the other person directly reached out and picked up one of them, broke it hard, and it was indeed able to bend!

And it seems that the toughness is very good, completely inheriting the toughness of the original iron-based material!


Zhao Sheng immediately looked at Lin Xiao next to him, with excitement on his face, "It's bent! It's really bent!"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth. He originally wanted to talk about the test later. After all, they might really succeed. But considering the importance of room-temperature superconductors, maybe they can wait a little longer?

But looking at Zhao Sheng's excited look, he didn't know what to say.

In the end, he shook his head, forget it, let them all be happy, since they all signed confidentiality agreements anyway.

So he smiled and said: "Yes, it's bent."

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