From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 320 Look at it from another angle!

Although Lin Xiao's so-called method of unifying all nonlinearities into linearity is actually a kind of opportunistic approach, because it is obviously not described from a mathematical perspective, and there is no rigorous proof in the middle. At the same time, after this kind of curve becomes a straight line, about All the information carried by the original curve is lost, that is, we cannot know the specific appearance behind it from this straight line.

But it still has significance, especially for the physics professors present, even Li Min, who is only a graduate student, knows that from a mathematical or physical perspective, this is indeed a certain understanding of linearity and nonlinearity. Unification, the high-end point, is the transformation from three dimensions to two dimensions. A two-dimensional foil compresses the original three-dimensional curve into a two-dimensional straight line.

The only problem is that equivalence is not achieved.

"I admire you, you are indeed Professor Lin."

Professor Hu expressed his admiration. Although deep down, Lin Xiao had not convinced him yet, Lin Xiao's way of thinking still amazed him.

Lin Xiao smiled modestly, then put the paper back in his hand and said, "Okay, everyone, let's not talk about this matter for now, and let's get back to our previous superconducting issue."

Several professors nodded.

Chen Xun said: "Professor Lin, do you have any ideas about the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity now?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Well, you should all know Landau-Fermi liquid theory, right?"

Several professors nodded. Physicists who study superconductors will know more or less about this thing.

“I think the final answer lies in the similarities and differences between Fermi liquids and non-Fermi liquids.”

Several professors frowned.

"Non-Fermi liquid?"

Understanding non-Fermi liquids is an important issue in condensed matter physics. If Fermi liquids can be explained, it will be of great help to condensed matter physicists in understanding the behavior of fermions, especially regarding the The understanding of electronic behavior will also be greatly developed.

But as I said, this is still an important issue in condensed matter physics. So many physicists in the world have not solved it. And more strictly speaking, this is not a simple physical issue, but a mathematical physics issue, so those present These professors don’t think they can handle it themselves.

A professor asked: "Professor Lin, what do you think?"

Although it is a bit unkind to always ask Lin Xiao, there is no other way. They also want to achieve something. They do not expect to develop a superconducting material that can be placed in the refrigerator to superconduct in their lifetime, but if it can be used as a high-temperature superconducting mechanism Bringing some important results is also very meaningful to them, and maybe they can become Academician Zhao Xian again.

The academician Zhao Xian whom Lin Xiao met at the beginning was the Beidou superconductor in China, including the two winners of the Nobel Prize in 1987. To a large extent, it was because of the achievements of academician Zhao Xian’s team in high-temperature superconducting superconducting fields. It was only through their contribution to guidance that their theory was confirmed, and they won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Therefore, for these professors who study superconductivity, it is definitely too late to change careers, so becoming the next Academician Zhao Xian has become their ideal.

As for why they should place their hopes on Lin Xiao, it is naturally because in their eyes, Lin Xiao's status in physics may be able to bring them some pointers.

Lin Xiao did not hide his secrets and said: "For the time being, I think we should study it from the perspective of perturbation theory."

"The Fermi liquid model is a quantum system. According to the concept of Pauli exclusion, as the fermion particle group begins to interact with each other, the fermion spin, charge and momentum corresponding to the occupied state remain unchanged... …”

"Well, some aspects need to be explained from a mathematical perspective."

With that said, Lin Xiao picked up the pen and started writing on the paper.


In this way, Lin Xiao began to share his research on this aspect in about a month.

Of course, his current research is still superficial, and there is still a long way to go before he can truly solve this problem.

"Finally, there is also an interesting argument in the academic community regarding the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity, which is the spin wave mechanism. I think that after solving the problem of non-Fermi liquids, it will have a very organic connection with the spin wave mechanism. .”

"Well...that's all my basic thoughts."

After listening to Lin Xiao's sharing, several professors felt that they benefited a lot.

Although condensed matter physics itself does not require very high mathematics, if you want to do better, the requirements for mathematics are very high.

Lin Xiao's sharing with them included a lot of mathematical content, which brought a lot of help to them, physics professors who were not very good at mathematics.

"Professor Lin, thank you for sharing."

They all thanked him one after another.

Lin Xiao smiled and waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, knowledge only develops better through communication!"

"Of course!" After saying this, Lin Xiao paused and showed his minions: "If you want to communicate more, you may wish to join the superconducting laboratory of my Dingguang Research Institute. Professor Chen Xun has already joined."

Upon hearing Lin Xiao's invitation, everyone present was stunned, and then they all smiled: "Professor Lin said so, of course we are very willing."

Lin Xiao immediately laughed: "Okay, then I look forward to seeing you in the Dingguang Research Institute in the future."

"That's settled."

Several professors nodded one after another. It was certainly good for them to be able to go to Dingguang Research Institute. Then they stopped disturbing and left here.

Looking at the closed door, Lin Xiao suddenly began to wonder, if he had dragged so many professors over, the dean of the School of Physics wouldn't come to trouble him, right?

In addition, as a Jingda native, he seems to have harvested a lot of Jingda's wool. He poached quite a lot of Jingda people.

"Well...whatever, wait until someone comes to see me."

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao smiled.

The happiest thing is nothing more than gathering wool.

At this time, he glanced at Li Min, who had not left, and asked with a smile: "What's wrong? You want to go to Dingguang Research Institute too?"

Li Min's eyes lit up: "Is it okay?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "No."

Li Min: "..."

"If you want to join Dingguang Research Institute, it depends on your performance. As long as you are good enough, Dingguang Research Institute will definitely open the door to you."

Lin Xiao said.

Even if Li Min is his student, he will not give him a back door.

If he doesn't even abide by his own rules, it will obviously be difficult for him to show any selflessness to others.

Li Min nodded, indicating that he understood.

However, then he remembered what the professors had just argued about, and asked: "Speaking of which, Professor Lin, do you really think linear and nonlinear things can really be unified?"

Lin Xiao smiled and asked: "Why can't it be realized?"

"But... I always feel a little incredible." Li Min said.

What would it mean if nonlinearity could be unified into linearity?

This is simply another P=NP situation, even scarier than the effect of P=NP.

The world is nonlinear, and nonlinear systems are always more complex than linear systems. A typical example is chaotic systems. When people solve many problems, they also try to transform nonlinear problems into local linear problems.

After all, when doing math problems, who doesn’t like to solve y=ax+b problems?

And like y=ax+bx+c, it is obviously disgusting to people.

Once nonlinearity can be unified into linearity, it means that all nonlinear problems in the world can be infinitely simplified.

Just like the special case Lin Xiao mentioned before, the Riemann Hypothesis and the distribution of prime numbers. The distribution of prime numbers is nonlinear. However, once the Riemann Hypothesis is proved, the nonlinear problem of the distribution of prime numbers becomes the Riemann zeta function. This linear problem is a straight line located in the complex plane Re(s)=1/2.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "There are many incredible things in the world. For example, if you lived in the 18th and early 19th centuries, the world was still dominated by Euclidean geometry. At that time, if you heard about Loche geometry, would you also Do you think this is incredible? And then you follow people to scorn Lobachevsky?"

"At that time, you probably also thought that it is very absurd to say that on a plane, there are at least two straight lines passing through a point outside a known straight line that do not intersect with the straight line."

"But looking at it now, Loche's geometry is obviously an important achievement worthy of winning the Fields Medal ten times."

"In fact, everyone can do this - as long as we are next to a black hole, we can easily go to a point outside the known straight line and find at least two straight lines parallel to this straight line."

Listening to Lin Xiao's words, Li Min nodded thoughtfully.

Roche's geometry is a mathematical theory that can influence the development of philosophy. Thinking about the significance of Roche's geometry can easily lead to insights.

However, Li Min quickly came back to his senses. Recalling that Lin Xiao had just "proved" the unity of nonlinearity and linearity, he said with sincere admiration: "However, Professor Lin, you just changed the angle and combined nonlinearity and linearity." The unified method is so awesome, I will have to show off to Zhao Guodong and Chen Mingkai later."

Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile, waved his hand and said, "Go."

"Yeah." Li Min nodded and ran away immediately, obviously unable to wait to show off.

Lin Xiao lowered his head and looked back at his piece of paper with a curve drawn on it.

"Change a different angle..."

After silently reciting what Li Min said, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly flickered.

"From another angle, Fermi liquid, non-Fermi liquid..."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Everyone describes this behavior of clustered particles as a liquid. Why don't I look at it from the perspective of a fluid?"

It grew brighter and brighter in his mind, until finally, a smile appeared on his face.

"I would like to thank Li Min... Well, let's open a small stove for him in the future."

Then he picked up his pen and began an extremely complex mathematical deduction.


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