[Chinese fighter engine? The world's most powerful engine? 】

[Is it true or false? China's J-20 speed breaks through Mach 2.5, becoming the world's most powerful fighter? 】

【Shock! The J-20 engine turned out to be...]

In air shows, there are naturally a lot of domestic media. Whether they are official media or self-media, the total number is estimated to be hundreds. After all, if you search for air show videos on any video website, there are One by one, they all belong to the media.

As a result, the domestic network suddenly exploded.

The speed of the J-20 actually reached Mach 2.5?

One Mach is equal to one time the speed of sound, and Mach 2.5 is a full 2.5 times faster than the speed of sound!

The maximum speed of the F22 is only Mach 2.25, and the most important thing is that this Mach 2.25 is only a theoretical value. In fact, whether it can stably reach Mach 2.25 is still a question, and the J-20 directly obtains the speed of Mach 2.25 from so many people. It flew in front of him, and the speed remained stable, so it basically couldn't be fake.

The J-20's ability to achieve such speed must be due to the huge improvement in engine technology.

In the past, China's engine technology has been criticized by people, but now it has the ability to become the world's top. This is undoubtedly exciting to people across the country.

Of course, these ordinary media are not those who come here to detect intelligence. Without such top-notch equipment, it is obviously impossible for them to see the speed of the J-20 with the naked eye.

The source of their information is actually from the official source.

At this air show, the Air Force directly released a promotional video for the purpose of recruiting troops. In the promotional video, it directly described "Do you want to experience the exhilaration of 2.5 times the speed of sound?" and then released it. The video of the J-20 flying made people at the scene extremely excited. There is no doubt that this directly shows that their J-20 has the ability to reach up to 2.5 times the speed of sound, so the media are also directly Based on this information.

Of course, for the Air Force, the purpose of directly publicizing this news is to show off its muscles. Since it has already flown fighter jets, of course it does not mind directly announcing the true speed.

If you want to show off, you must show it openly and honestly.

After all, this time is a feeling of pride no matter what.

Of course, regarding China's consistent style of military technology, one generation is made public, one generation is kept secret, one generation is developed, and one generation is pre-researched. The family's background is never truly revealed to others.

What was announced this time was just basic aircraft speed data. What's more, no one can guarantee that Mach 2.5 is the true maximum speed.

This time they are flexing their muscles because they have gotten good things. They want to show off to the world a little, and tell some foreign people that their research and development capabilities should not be underestimated, and then let foreign people make random guesses. Let’s see if the technology hidden behind them is even more awesome.

As a result, fans of the Chinese army also became excited.

"I will always like J-20!" 』

"What about those people who are talking about F22?" The J-20 will directly make you eat exhaust fumes.』

"Now I say it's okay for the J-20 to be number one in the world, right?" I watched the video of the scene. After the J-20 flew past at 2.5 times the speed of sound, it even turned in the air! The fastest air-to-air missile today is only Mach 4, right? Isn’t this directly invincible? 』

"In air combat, the faster the speed, the more advantageous it is. A speed of Mach 2.5 is definitely invincible from the current point of view."

“I just want to know now, why has our J-20 become so powerful? 』

"It should be the engine. I remember the turbofan 15 that was only installed a few years ago. I didn't expect that it has become so awesome in just a few years. Our scientific researchers have worked really hard!" 』

"If you don't understand, just ask, how do you compare with Lin Shen?" 』

"Don't bring trouble to Lin Shen. They are not from the same field, so don't make random guesses." 』

"I am invincible in the world in my twenties!" 』

"Didn't photos of the J-35 be released a few days ago? I don’t know if J-3-5 will work! 』

"J-35 will definitely work!" Don’t even look at the name of our J-35. The one we are destroying is the F35! 』

While fans of the Chinese military were excited, foreign media also rushed to report on it.

All foreign media were very surprised by the appearance of the J-20, because in the past, the J-20 was the most mysterious fifth-generation fighter. This is because the Chinese Air Force rarely disclosed information about the J-20. Foreign countries wanted to know more about the J-20. The information of 2020 can only be analyzed based on a few videos and photos. As for using spy satellites to take pictures or track and observe, it is still impossible because current satellites cannot track and monitor the trajectory of fighter jets. It is easy to lose the target.

This appearance of the J-20 can be said to be very rare, not to mention that it directly demonstrated such powerful performance. Foreign media will certainly not miss this opportunity to earn traffic. After all, foreign military fans are Quite a few, especially in a country where gunfights occur every day under freedom.

Of course, this matter has also attracted the attention of foreign fighter manufacturing companies.

Lockheed Martin Corporation.

As the most mammoth military-industrial enterprise among the only superpowers on earth, and also almost the most important enterprise in the country's military-industrial complex, Lockheed Martin has deep roots in the United States that many other enterprises cannot match. of.

Similarly, as the world's top military industrial company, Lockheed Martin has a lot of advanced technologies. Just like in the Iron Man movie, the prototype of Stark Industries is Lockheed Martin.

Because of this, American fighter jets are basically covered by this company.

Including F22 and F35.

At this moment, in the headquarters of Lockheed Martin, a meeting involving almost all of Lockheed Martin's top fighter experts and many company executives is being held.

At this time, no one spoke in the spacious conference room. Everyone was looking at the big screen in front of the conference room. Various videos about the J-20 were playing on it. Basically, they were all videos that had been leaked in the past few days. In addition, , also includes previously leaked videos.

After watching the video, the person sitting in the first place, who is the current president of Lockheed Martin, James Tacklet, turned to look at the people present and said: "Okay, everyone, we have gathered so many people today. Top fighter jet experts from many companies just want you to analyze what changes have been made to China's J-20?"

An expert immediately said: "Their appearance has not changed much, so we can basically infer that the key part of their engine has been significantly improved. Judging from this improvement, it can basically be determined that it is their turbine fan blades." Material technology has made huge breakthroughs, especially the strength and high-temperature resistance of their turbine blade materials."

Another expert also said: "According to past information, their turbofan 15 engine's thrust-to-weight ratio is about 10. Now calculated, the thrust-to-weight ratio has increased by at least 2.5! And the Pratt \u0026 Whitney engine we use is also up to Not to this extent, their new materials are many times stronger than the materials we use!”

Other experts have also expressed their opinions, and they all agree that the turbine blade material of the turbofan 15 engine has been greatly improved.

There is no way, the only way to fly fast is that the engine has been greatly improved. Apart from this possibility, the overall aerodynamic layout can only become stronger, but even if the aerodynamic layout becomes stronger, it may not necessarily increase the speed. Reaching Mach 2.5 is a watershed for fighter jets.

The most critical thing that can make the engine such a big improvement is the material of the turbine blades.

James Tacklet listened to the words of these experts, pondered for a long time, and then asked the assistant next to him: "How is the current development status of our turbine fan blade materials?"

Although the engine was developed by Pratt \u0026 Whitney, they have not fallen behind in materials research.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, then searched on the computer, and finally spread his hands helplessly and said: "Except for a few materials that look more... uh, science fiction, none of the other materials that sound more normal can make our Fighters get to that point.”

"Science fiction material?" James Tacklet snorted coldly: "It's all a group fraud."

"What about the sixth-generation aircraft we developed? Where are the materials for the sixth-generation aircraft? To what extent has it been developed now?"

"The materials of the sixth-generation engine are still under development. At the same time, since the turbine material of the sixth-generation engine is not the focus, but the structure of the sixth-generation engine, it cannot be compared with China's new materials for the time being." The assistant said: "However, , if we can have materials that are comparable to the new materials of this Chinese country, it will probably have a greater impact on the research and development of our sixth-generation aircraft."

"Um...is that so?"

James Tacklet's eyes moved slightly, and then said: "For the time being, we will continue to promote the research and development of the sixth-generation fighter jet as planned. There is no need to consider other things for the time being. The sixth-generation fighter jet is more important."

"Yes, boss."

"Then next, let's talk about how to deal with the enemies that have become stronger in actual combat. If the third world war breaks out before our sixth-generation fighter comes online, we can also deal with it."

No longer discussing the matter of materials, James Tacklet discussed other matters.

When the boss said this, the experts present couldn't help but say: "Oh, I wish there would be world peace!"

"Bang bang bang!"

James Tacklet patted the table, frowned and said, "How can you say that? If the world is peaceful, we will go bankrupt!"

"It should be said like this: May God bless the United States. There will always be local wars in the world and there will never be a comprehensive war. I hope the two superpowers in Asia and Europe will not bully us, a small country with only the fourth largest land area in the world. Country, don’t let Dongfeng 41 and SS-18 fall on us.”

Seeing their president like this, the people present looked at each other in confusion. No wonder they can only be experts while others can be presidents.

I heard that their president was a former Air Force pilot commander and instructor, and an MPA from Princeton University. With this philosophy, he really deserves to be their boss.

Fighters are a man's romance. The J-20's heroic display has amazed military fans all over the world for a while.

However, after flexing its muscles, the Chinese Air Force once again kept a low profile and restored its past mystery, while the J-20 did not appear again and restored its past low profile.

However, Lin Xiao, who really made the J-20 fly so fast, received greetings from some insiders.

At this time, Lin Xiao was staying at the house in Yanbeiyuan and received two letters.

Not an email, but an actual letter, with an envelope and letter paper inside.

"What are these letters for?"

With some doubts in his heart, he picked up the first letter. This letter was sent from Rongcheng. The sender was Jiang He.

Looking at this name, Lin Xiao felt that it seemed familiar.

And when he opened the envelope and saw the first few sentences, he remembered it.

This is a letter from Jiang He, chief designer of the turbofan 15 engine.

When he developed the new titanium-aluminum alloy, TA1000, Jiang He, as an insider, came to see him.

And this letter is also a letter of thanks.

[...The J-20 has recently shown its prowess, becoming the world's fastest in terms of speed, all because of your TA1000. The performance of the TA1000 is so powerful that we Chinese aviation people are amazed by it, and those people often discuss who developed it. When I received TA1000, I wanted to tell them that it was you, but unfortunately due to confidentiality reasons, I couldn't disclose this matter. I could only express my gratitude to you in my heart.

The engine is the core of a fighter jet, the turbine blades are the heart of a fighter jet, materials are the foundation of turbine blades, and talent is the basis for the emergence of all these things. Lin Xiao, I have heard about your recent deeds, Wan Wang There will be more and more such deeds. At the same time, I also wish you continued success.


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