From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 190 Is Lin Xiao a great mathematician or a great physicist?

"It seems that I can shock the world a few more times."

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's face showed a smile.

For him, this is obviously good news.

Because this once again illustrates the importance of multidimensional field theory to physical research.

His theory points out the errors in past theories, which is more helpful for humans to find the truth.

Because the truth is not afraid of being found wrong, and the truth that is found wrong is obviously not the truth.

But suddenly, he thought about something. His calculation results were so wrong compared to the past. Can the system still recognize them?

As expected, the confirmed examples displayed by the system stayed on 14/15.

"System, you are so unkind!"

After cursing, Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly and began to think in his mind, "I have to do a measurement!"

And he would lead it himself.

Only in this way can he ensure that he can complete the accurate measurement of the W boson mass in a faster time, and then satisfy his theoretical calculation results.

After all, if someone else were to take the lead, it would take God knows how long. That would be too slow.

He has his own confidence in this.

As for whether others will let him lead it personally?

Just kidding, who in the world would reject him now?

Of course, this has to wait until he publishes this paper. After all, multidimensional field theory only represents his achievement in the direction of quantum field theory. In other words, multidimensional field theory has become its own system. Maybe In the future, there will be an additional subject called multidimensional physics in the world of physics.

However, these have nothing to do with particle physics. His current results can be regarded as introducing particle physics into his multi-dimensional physics. By then, the physics community will be able to discuss elementary particles from more dimensions.

At that time, he will also directly become a pioneer in particle physics.

Of course, perhaps the founder of multi-dimensional physics is more representative. I believe that hundreds of years later, people will remember him more for his achievements in multi-dimensional physics.

Without thinking any more, Lin Xiao began to organize the paper and sent it to Physical Review Letters.

When he finished all this, he stood up and stretched.

"Ah~~~ After spending dozens of days in the dormitory again, it's time to go out and see the sun."

"However, multi-dimensional field theory should also make the world boil, right?"

Suddenly, Lin Xiao thought of this again.

Although multidimensional field theory is very complex, the results are very shocking. Even for ordinary people, it is a theory that sounds comparable to the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

Therefore, he is fully confident that the whole world should now be aroused by multidimensional field theory.

Although the mathematical conjectures he proved are also very impressive, they are also very impressive in the world of mathematics. It is still difficult for ordinary people to realize them. However, physics is different because physics reveals real phenomena that can be understood by ordinary people. understood by the public.

Especially after being influenced by various science fiction masterpieces and having a certain knowledge base, modern people's imagination is much richer than that of people in the last century. Otherwise, the authors of these novels would be able to pull out a lot of nonsense. Are there a bunch of theories that make people look confused?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile, then sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Mimi directly.

"Mimi, your master, I will become one of the greatest physicists in the world now. There used to be Schrödinger's cat who was very famous. In the future, you will be Lin Xiao's Mimi and you will also be famous."

If Mimi knew what Schrödinger's cat was, she would definitely say to Lin Xiao: Please be a human being. Sure enough, cats' mortal enemies are dogs.

After petting the cat, Lin Xiao decided to go out for a walk, but at this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Lin Xiao, who had just put on his clothes, walked to the door. After opening the door, he saw a bunch of people outside the door, or in other words, the entire corridor was full of people.

Everyone looked at him with eyes full of admiration and adoration.

Standing at the door were Henry Bernard and Alex, and between the two of them, Svensey was also standing there, looking at him with a smile.

"Lin! I would like to call you a god! You are the god of physics!"

Seeing Lin Xiao standing behind the door, Henry Bernard shouted.

Alex also exclaimed: "Lin, we all study mathematics, why did you become a physicist again?"

The other students around him cheered even more.

"Lin! Lin! Lin!"

Among these students, in addition to those from the Department of Physics and Mathematics, there are also students from other departments. They are not just science students, there are also a bunch of liberal arts students, and there are even girls!

At this moment, they were all chanting Lin Xiao's name.

Because Lin Xiao deserves what they do.

Put it this way, who wouldn't be excited if a physicist like Einstein or Newton appeared in his school or among his peers?

For science students, I believe there is no one who does not admire and admire physicists such as Einstein and Newton who can be included in the altar. They will more or less regard such figures as their idols, and for liberal arts students Although they do not understand these lofty theories, it does not prevent them from taking these top physicists as their idols.

Therefore, each of them was very excited to see Lin Xiao.

It can even be said that Lin Xiao is their idol now!

Seeing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Of course, he had already been prepared to face such a thing.

At this time, Swensai smiled and said to Lin Xiao: "Lin, congratulations on successfully creating your own miracle."

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded: "Thank you, professor."

Svensey's face showed emotion. He recalled the high-energy physics conference he went to with Lin Xiao. Who would have thought that it would give such an important inspiration to a genius afterwards?

Then just a few months later, a theory that amazed the whole world was born.

"Okay, come with me, there are already many people who want to see you."

Lin Xiao naturally did not refuse and said, "Okay."

Then, under the gaze of many students around them, Lin Xiao and Svensey left and headed to the conference room inside the school.

When Lin Xiao came to the conference room, the conference room was almost full of people.

The people here are all top scholars in Europe.

For example, scientists from the world's top scientific research institutions, the Max Planck Society, scientists from the French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, and researchers from two British universities.

There are people coming from these three most powerful countries in Western Europe.

In addition, there were people working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and there were even more faces among them. There were various races. Lin Xiao also saw several Chinese faces, probably all from Europe. People in the Nuclear Research Organization's cooperative research group with China.

Of course, it’s not just scientists who study physics, but also those who study mathematics and various other disciplines. Basically, everyone who has time to come here comes. If it were not limited by the size of this conference room, I am afraid that More people can come.

As Lin Xiao arrived, these people all stood up and applauded him in unison.

Everyone looked at him with respect.

At this moment, Lin Xiao, from an unknown level in the world of physics, is already ranked number one, just like Einstein back then.

So there is no one who would not respect him.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xiao had a smile on his face and a slight emotion in his heart. Although he had been prepared for it for a long time, it was not until he faced the current situation that he could feel the enthusiasm from the world more.

"Hello, everyone."

He nodded to the people present, and the people's applause became even more enthusiastic.

Then, Lin Xiao was taken to the front seat, and now, he is the first.

Everyone sat down one after another after Lin Xiao sat down. They all looked at Lin Xiao with smiles on their faces.

"Lin, thank you for your contribution to the scientific community. It is obvious that you are a great mathematician, and your achievements in the physics community further prove this."

An old man sitting in the second seat to Lin Xiao's left nodded and smiled at him.

Lin Xiao looked over. This person was Gerd Faltings, the director of the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics and one of the greatest mathematicians in the world.

However, just when Lin Xiao was about to say thank you for his appreciation, he heard an old man on his right say: "No, Faltings, it is obvious that Lin is a great physicist, and secondly a great physicist." A great mathematician."

Lin Xiao looked over, this seemed to be...Roger Penrose?

Roger Penrose, along with Hawking, predicted how black holes form when huge bodies collapse due to gravity.

The 2019 black hole photo was released last year, so he has basically locked in the Nobel Prize in Physics this year.

It is a pity that Hawking passed away in 2018. Otherwise, he would have been able to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics this year together with Penrose.

Of course, these are not the main point, but what these two are fighting for now is...

Is he a mathematician or a physicist?

Suddenly, he noticed a strange arrangement among the seats present. The row of seats to his left were all mathematicians, and to his right were all physicists. As for the scientists in other disciplines, they were all mathematicians. Sitting in the back, his face seems to have an expression of watching a show?

in this situation……

At this time, Faltings said again: "Haha, Penrose, have you forgotten your identity as a mathematician? Of course, let's not talk about this for the moment. As we all know, Lin, as a mathematician, serves as your physicist. Achievements, you cannot argue with this.”

Penrose smiled and said: "It is precisely because I used to study mathematics that I am now a real physicist. Numbers are just our tools, just like Lin's view of mathematics in his physical theory." application."

"Yes, apparently Lin is a physicist."

Several famous physicists next to him began to speak for Penrose.

The mathematicians on the left did not give in at all, and began to argue with the physicists opposite Lin Xiao's identity, and even quarreled.

As the two major disciplines at the top of the contempt chain, for them, whether Lin Xiao is a mathematician or a physicist is obviously an important matter.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xiao couldn't help but hold her forehead, what is this?

In the end, Penrose stretched out his hand and motioned for everyone to stop, and then he said: "We are arguing like this, obviously we can't reach a result, so let's listen to what Lin has to say."

So everyone turned to look at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao spread his hands helplessly and said, "Can I answer, am I both a mathematician and a physicist? Is my multidimensional field theory actually the result of mathematical physics?"

People on both sides showed disappointed expressions.

At this moment, someone among the chemists sitting in the back shouted: "Lin is also a materials chemist! Why can't he be a materials chemist and become a mathematician and physicist?"

As soon as these words came out, the mathematicians and physicists all stared at each other, "You have a beautiful idea!"

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