From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 179 High Energy Physics Classroom

After this recording ended, a person appeared in the video.

A well-dressed, elite reporter named Dawson Myron.

Dawson Myron said with a serious expression: "I really didn't expect Professor Cayman to be such a person. In order to prevent people like this from polluting our educational world and letting this kind of people kill our Potential geniuses, I think such behavior must be exposed..."

Seeing the serious look of the reporter inside, Lin Xiao couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

He remembered that the media that helped promote Cayman was also the Los Angeles Times, but now it bites back. Isn't this too unethical?

However, after looking at the popularity of this news, it is still quite high. The number of views is quite high, and the popularity including comments and reposts is also very high. Probably for this kind of media, this is the most important thing.

As for the original promotion of Cayman, it was probably just for the sake of popularity.

Lin Xiao shook his head, so he must stay away from these media. It is okay to accept interviews from them, but if these people show a friendly side to him and are willing to take the initiative to help, then he should be wary.

If you really believe them, you will know what happened to Cayman.

All in all, Cayman is probably socially dead now. It is not even ruled out that Stanford University will directly expel him in the future. As for what will happen to the mathematics community, that is another matter. However, there is a high probability that he will not be received in the future. Invitations to some international mathematics events, such as the International Congress of Mathematicians and the like.

Of course, Lin Xiao would not have any sympathy. We are all adults and should be responsible for our own actions, not to mention that the guy was targeting him.

No longer paying attention, he stood up, opened the curtains, and looked out to the courtyard.

The weather is not bad, the spring sunshine is shining brightly in April, so let’s go out for a walk.

Anyway, he just doesn't have anything to do of his own right now.

Then he left the dormitory and walked out.

Arriving at the central courtyard and looking at such a beautiful scenery, Lin Xiao felt emotion on his face.

Human beings are very strange animals. Looking at the scenery can also produce a pleasant feeling.

It would be okay if you feel excited when you see a beautiful person of the opposite sex. After all, it is the most primitive physiological reaction of animals. However, after the scenery you see is reflected in the retina and converted into electrical signals and processed by the brain nerves, What you get is nothing more than an image composed of different colors and different layers, but it is still satisfying.

Of course, it is precisely this reason that makes intelligent life like this even more magical.

And he was not the only one enjoying the scenery. There were quite a few people around, including students and teachers, staying together in small groups. Some people were holding laptops on their legs, discussing academic matters with each other. On the other side, there were several boys dressed in quite fashionable clothes, holding guitars and playing folk songs, which attracted the attention of many girls.

Of course, people would see Lin Xiao from time to time. After recognizing him, they would say hello to him, "Hi, Lin!"

Lin Xiao responded to them with a smile.

Of course, such a natural and harmonious beauty deserves a photo to commemorate.

So he took out his phone and crawled around.

After taking the photo, he thought about who to share it with.

If you take a photo and don't share it, you will probably feel a little awkward.

However, the question now arises, who should we share it with?

Share with male friends?

Forget it then.

As for sharing it with female friends?

Lin Xiao regretfully found that there was still none.

Then share it with your parents.

I found a family that loves each other, and then shared the photos.

After a while, he saw a message from his mother.

"Where is this?" 』

"our school"

"It's quite beautiful. How are you doing there?" 』

"It's pretty good. My friends here are very nice to me."

"Well, that's good. By the way, you were in the news again last night. You did a great job (like) (hug)"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "As long as you are happy."

At this time, the father's figure appeared: "If you find another girlfriend, your mother and I will be even happier."

Seeing this, Lin Xiao's mouth twitched and replied: "I'm going to class, I won't talk anymore."

"You brat, how can you still have classes when you're studying for a Ph.D.?" 』

He put the phone back in his pocket, and to show that he was not telling lies, he prepared to go to class.

Anyway, that's how it is in college, you can take whatever classes you want. After all, security guards can get into college by taking classes, so it's not too much for him, a doctoral student, to take classes.

And having said that, he hasn't had a class in a long time. Since the second semester of his senior year in high school, he basically hasn't had any classes.

"What a distant yet familiar gerund."

With a slight sigh, he walked away from the place and walked towards the teaching building.

It’s time to go and experience the classes at the Normal School in Paris.

After entering the teaching building, there is a respected professor teaching in each classroom.

As a normal college, the teachers at École Normale Supérieure in Paris have basically the highest level of ability and quality. Here, only the most powerful teachers can teach students, so there are only seven full-time teachers in their mathematics department.

This is not like the dozens or even nearly a hundred teachers that Lin Xiao had when he was at Beijing University.

Of course, this is also related to the number of students.

There are few students at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, so it doesn’t need that many teachers. It just needs to ensure the quality of the teachers.

Therefore, this is also a characteristic of elite education. It can invest more resources into fewer people, which will ultimately lead to this part of the elite being able to better promote social development.

But obviously, the class solidification brought about by elite education will also lay hidden dangers for society. For China, a socialist country, such education is not advisable.

At least, China's mass education better guarantees everyone's right to education, which is also in line with the concept of communism.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao sighed slightly, and then stopped thinking about it.

After passing two classes where mathematics was being taught, Lin Xiao listened and realized that they were all taught things he knew how to do.

So he didn't continue listening, nor did he go in to attend the class.

After a few more steps, he finally found a class that interested him, which was teaching high-energy physics.

He walked in quietly and sat down in the last row, trying not to disturb other students.

But he found an acquaintance here again, that is Henry Bernard.

Unexpectedly, he was also listening to the class here. Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel curious. This guy didn't take a good time in the laboratory and came here to listen to the basic class?

Of course, Henry didn't notice him, and he didn't bother Henry. He sat quietly in his seat and listened to the professor's lecture on the stage.

This professor's name is Jericho Swansey. He seems to pay great attention to his own image. He wears a formal suit, including his hair and beard. He is meticulous and looks different from other teachers who teach physics.

When Siwen Sai saw Lin Xiao coming in, he paused for a moment, but after recognizing Lin Xiao, he smiled at him and then continued the lecture.

Being able to attract a young master in mathematics to his class is obviously a recognition for him as a teacher.

"Okay, kids, let's move on to our next chapter, the W boson."

"W bosons, Weak-Bosons, everyone, what can weak think of in our high-energy physics?"

Soon a student raised his hand: "Weak interaction force!"

"Yes, one point for Mr. Dimi."

Svensey smiled slightly, and the other students showed annoyed expressions on their faces. They didn't even answer such a simple answer.

"Don't worry, everyone. We still have questions. Can anyone tell me what the W boson does?"

More people raised their hands now. They had already learned these questions before enrolling in school, not to mention that they had basically previewed them before taking this class. Now they have the opportunity to get class points. , of course it must be grabbed.

But obviously, there can only be one person who can seize this opportunity. Soon, Svensay pointed to a girl and said with a smile: "Ms. Mary, you answer it."

Marie is a relatively popular female name in France, but Ms. Marie's outstanding face does not seem to be very popular. Of course, she also gave her own answer: "W boson and Z boson, It is used as an intermediate boson to transmit the weak force."

"Okay, one point for Ms. Mary."

Svensay nodded, then drew a circle on the blackboard and wrote a 'W' in the middle, indicating that this was the W boson. Then he said: "The W boson transmits the weak force, and before we learned However, electromagnetic force is propagated by photons, so there is a difference."

"The W boson has mass, but the photon has no mass. In addition, the gluons that transmit the strong interaction force also have no mass."

"This is quite surprising to the physics community. There is actually a mass transformation in the transfer process of the weak interaction force."

"Of course, these particularities require us to continue to study them. Maybe you guys here will explain them in the future."

"Then let's continue to explore more properties of the W boson."

A friend’s book, I recommend everyone to read it

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