From all-round academic master to chief scientist

Chapter 111 The end of the perfect report [please vote]

When Deligne spoke, the staff also handed him a microphone, so his voice was heard by everyone in the field.

For a moment, people in the field were once again shocked.



Lin Xiao put forward a conjecture, which can then provide a new breakthrough direction for the geometric Langlands program?

Even those who had not understood it before were now in great shock.

What is a contribution to the mathematical community?

This is called contribution!

The Mersenne primes solved by Lin Xiao before and the Lin's group transformation method he proposed are an outstanding contribution to the mathematics community, because the Lin's group transformation method can first provide a solution to many related categories of problems. I don’t know how many new results there will be in the future, but they are all obtained with the help of Lin’s group transformation method.

It can be said that many professors on the scene have been inspired a lot and are preparing to go back and continue to read Lin Xiao's thesis, and then find a direction for their future topics.

And now this brand-new conjecture proposed by Lin Xiao is a huge contribution to the mathematics community.

The emergence of any conjecture will add some impetus to the mathematical world, just like the Riemann Hypothesis. The emergence of the Riemann Hypothesis has brought an unknown amount of help to the development of the mathematical world, although it has not been proven yet. , but there are already more than a thousand propositions obtained just by assuming that the Riemann Hypothesis is true. Once the Riemann Hypothesis is true, these propositions will be promoted to theorems.

The conjecture proposed by Lin Xiao may not be as important as the Riemann Hypothesis, which has attracted researchers in various fields of mathematics to invest their energy in research, but it still excites mathematics professors in the field of geometry.

If all functions can be represented by layers, it will be of great help to what they are studying, especially those who study the Langlands Program of Geometry. At this time, they all picked up their mobile phones. , took a photo of what Lin Xiao wrote on the small blackboard, and waited to go back and study it.

As long as they can deduce that it is true in the form of K=1, then this may be an achievement that will make them famous for thousands of years, and it will also leave a strong mark in the field of geometry.

Even when everyone learns this in the future, they will not be able to avoid this conclusion, and their names will be remembered by everyone, of course, including Lin Xiao's name. After all, when this conjecture is proven, it will become Lin Xiao's. This is the theorem.

Of course, whether success can be proven is still a question, but what if it’s not difficult to prove it?

You’re here, you can’t not even give it a try, right?

At the same time, Lin Xiao on the stage was slightly stunned after hearing Deligne's words.


Yes, this is indeed a conjecture.

And it's named after his own surname.

A smile appeared on his face, it sounded cool?

Then he said modestly: "You are serious. I just made a conjecture. If you want to thank me, I would like to thank the future prover."

"Haha, if no one asks the question, how can anyone solve it?" Deligne shook his head and said, "If Copernicus hadn't proposed that the world revolves around the sun, how could anyone come forward to prove this? What about the facts? Mathematics has only developed to what it is today through the process of discovering and solving problems one by one."

Hearing the old professor's words, Lin Xiao showed contemplation on his face. After a moment, he nodded and said, "I understand."

Seeing Lin Xiao nod, Deligne smiled slightly, and then clapped again.

Driven by his applause, others also applauded.

Slowly, the audience burst into applause.

The applause was endless and lasted for half a minute before it ended.

Professor Viana called a staff member and said to him: "This blackboard is for your attention. No one is allowed to erase it. We will take it directly back to IMPA as an exhibition."

Of course, the staff knew what the chairman of the conference meant. The importance of this conjecture is obviously very high. After all, it is a 'bridge' conjecture, and it is not simply to solve a problem, such as proving Goldbach's conjecture, which only proves all even numbers. can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. What is important is what new theory is developed in the process of proving this problem. After proving this problem that can be named 'Lin's conjecture', it itself can provide insights into other theories. research has been of great help.

Therefore, the importance of Lin's conjecture is evident, and the blackboard where Lin Xiao wrote this question in his own hand may become a cultural relic in the mathematical world for everyone to admire in the future.

So the staff member nodded and immediately stared at the blackboard. Anyone who wanted to touch it later had to ask him whether he agreed.

Including Lin Xiao. Who knows if Lin Xiao will just wipe it off without caring about it later?

Of course, Lin Xiao had no such idea.

Since no one has any questions, his report ends here.

Then, he solemnly bowed to everyone again, and then said: "Well, thank you all for coming here to listen to my report. At the end, I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Pompieri, who solved this problem for me. Enough help was provided.”

After speaking, he nodded towards Professor Pompieri, who also smiled slightly at him.

The applause also grew louder, and everyone did not stand up and leave in a hurry, but expressed their praise for what could be called a perfect report.

This report will probably be unforgettable for everyone.

At the same time, it will also become one of the most influential reports in this International Congress of Mathematicians.

In the future, when all talents look up the history of the ‘Lin’s Conjecture’, they will see that it was proposed in the report of the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians.

Lin Xiao did not forget to step down and express his gratitude to Professor Pompieri again. Then, he looked at the professor who asked him the question just now and asked, "Are you Professor Deligne?"

Deligne smiled and nodded: "Yes, Pierre Deligne, Professor Pompierre and I are colleagues."

"Oh! I know." Lin Xiao nodded.

No wonder, he just said that his teacher was Grothendieck, no wonder he was so excited just now.

Grothendieck was the founder of modern algebraic geometry, and he was also a top mathematician in the world. As Grothendieck's favorite disciple, Deligne's achievements in algebraic geometry were naturally quite huge.

The Weil conjecture it proves is an important issue in algebraic geometry, because it proves the Riemann conjecture on elliptic curves. Its proof also provides huge opportunities for developing the framework of algebraic geometry and number theory. contribute.

Lin Xiao's conjecture is very important to the theoretical research of algebraic geometry, which is why Deligne is so excited, because it means that the algebraic geometry pioneered by his teacher once again has a sufficiently important research direction.

"Young man, come on, I hope I can see you in more places in the future." Deligne reached out and patted his shoulder, encouraging him.

"Thank you, Professor."

Lin Xiao smiled and thanked.

[Please give me a monthly ticket! 】

Because everyone's response was too low, I decided to reduce the number of updates. The number of updates in the future will fluctuate within 6k-1w words.

Quality is more important.

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