Fragrance Returned

Chapter 570 Someone is interested in you

Xunxiang looked at the people in the room, and finally fixed her eyes on Ding Lichun.

If Gao Dezhu had a plan for her, it was probably because she wanted to leave a good impression on Ding Lichun, her eldest brother who had broken off the engagement.

Ding Lichun was only a fourth-grade military attache, and he came from the Chengcheng family without any background. If you want to seize your savings, you won't be able to help at all with someone like this.

Ding Lichun's appearance was too manly and did not meet the aesthetics of contemporary young ladies. Even the discerning royal relatives and the legitimate daughters of top wealthy families looked down upon him.

Gao Dezhu's father is still a prince no matter how much he is treated. She herself is the princess and the emperor's granddaughter.

When she falls in love with Ding Lichun, she should be looking at Xunxiang behind Ding Lichun.

Behind Xunxiang is Queen Ye.

The impression given to outsiders by Queen Ye and Xun Xiang is that they do not care about court affairs, do not take sides, abide by the rules, and will not say a word about court affairs in front of the emperor.

Gao Shanzhu and others had tried before, and Dongyang had begged, but they had not achieved their goal.

But King Duan wisely sensed that this was not the case.

When Gao Dezhu married Ding Lichun, others could not see their ambition, but it actually served a great purpose.

Because King Duan showed no intention of seizing the crown prince, and coupled with his honest and dull character, the emperor did not take any precautions against him.

The boy is getting married when he is a senior, and the girl is getting married when she is senior. Gao Dezhu will be fifteen years old at the turn of the year. If Xun Xiang likes it and the Ding family is willing, the emperor is likely to achieve good things.

Xunxiang felt that Prince Duan was the least favored by the emperor. He had no biological mother and no party members, which gave the impression that he was not smart. Princess Duan's natal family was of low status. Even if Gao Dezhu marries Ding Lichun, King Duan will not be able to ascend to the throne based on this relationship.

The reason why Gao Jie dared to think about it at the beginning was because he had a favored biological mother, the Shen family and the Goryeo country's thieves who wholeheartedly worked for him, and he also secretly attracted some ministers to be owned by them.

What can King Duan rely on to rise to power?

Unless all the princes die. With his strength, no matter how smart he is, he can't do it.

If Xunxiang hadn't heard from Ding Chi that King Duan had a strange destiny, and that King Duan in the dream was different from the one before him, she wouldn't have thought too much about King Duan.

But she didn't find any wrongdoing by King Duan, even in his dream.

There is no target for this year, let’s just dream about it next year. Let Sun Yumu secretly investigate Princess Duan's house...

Xunxiang hoped that King Duan would pretend to be stupid to protect himself. He is a prince, and he is very prosperous. If he keeps to himself, his life will be easier than that of other princes.

Ding Lichun, who was at the other table, looked up and saw his sister staring at him blankly, and said with a smile, If you don't care about the food, why are you watching what I do?

Xun Xiang smiled and said, Brother is brave and handsome, maybe someone will take a liking to you again.

Ding Qianqian chuckled a few times, Big brother is very charming, someone must be interested in him.

Ding Lichun blushed, Young lady, what are you talking about?

He didn't care about his sister's nonsense, but Li Qianqian was his future sister-in-law, so her making such a joke made him a little uncomfortable.

After several people finished eating and went out, it happened that Prince Duan and his daughter next door also finished eating and went out.

Ding Lichun cupped his fists and bowed, Your Majesty.

King Duan looked at him with a rare look and said, General Ding is young and promising, good, good.

Ding Lichun smiled and said, Your Majesty is overly praised.

When Gao Dezhu was talking to Xun Xiang, Li Qianqian stared at Gao Dezhu without any scruples, making Xun Xiang a little embarrassed and pulled her sleeves.

Then he introduced, She is Li Qianqian, my future third sister-in-law.

Gao Dezhu did not blame Li Qianqian for being unreasonable at all, and said with a smile, Miss Li.

Li Qianqian bent her knees and smiled, Princess, you are beautiful.

Gao Dezhu smiled softly and said, Miss Li is very cute. I will go to Prince Duan's Mansion with cousin Xiang in the future. Hey, the embroidery on your cloak is so unique.

I bought this at Minxiang Chun Embroidery Shop in Qianzhou. It cost two hundred taels of silver...

Li Qianqian approached Gao Dezhu and went downstairs with a smile.

She goes for it as soon as someone seduces her, yet she's so sincere.

A cloak for the daughter of a county magistrate cost two hundred taels of silver. If anyone heard about it, they would think her father was a corrupt official.

Because of Ding Lilai and because Li Qianqian was more sincere, Xunxiang always liked her and treated her politely.

But the little girl's expression today made Xun Xiang a little angry.

The little girl is too familiar, doesn't understand the rules and likes to talk, so she will easily suffer in the complicated capital city. Although Ding Lilai is stubborn and not very clever, he doesn't like to make friends and doesn't talk nonsense, so I'm not afraid that he will get into trouble.

Arriving on the first floor, Jiang Xi, who went to check out, reported, The people from Prince Duan's Mansion have already paid the bill for us.

Xunxiang thanked King Duan again.

Prince Duan blushed in embarrassment, I am uncle, uncle, uncle. I am so polite to pilgrims.

After leaving the restaurant, Ding Sifu went directly back to Zhixiu Pavilion, Li Lichun got on the horse, Xunxiang and Li Qianqian got on the car.

Li Qianqian still smiled happily, I have something to say when I go home. Some people also say that I am stupid. Prince Duan is much stupider than me, and I can't speak smoothly. Haha, Princess Xiangxiang is the best friend with me, Princess Mingde I like the flowers on my clothes...

Xunxiang wants to say that what she likes is not the flowers on your clothes, but the person behind you. You can't see clearly, yet you dare to get close to them.

But this cannot be said clearly.

Xun Xiang reminded, Be careful with your words. There are some things you should not say out loud. Be careful of disaster coming from your mouth. Especially those princes, don't come forward to get close to them. I will keep them at a distance.

Li Qianqian didn't notice that Xun Xiang was unhappy. She hugged her arm and said coquettishly, Okay, okay, be careful next time.

Xunxiang said solemnly, I'm not kidding.

Only then did Li Qianqian notice that Xun Xiang had a serious expression on her face, and she quickly said, Okay, okay, remember. Then she whispered, Princess Mingde must have sent a letter today.

Xunxiang said in surprise, Did she stain her skirt? I didn't notice.

Li Qianqian said proudly, It's not that she soiled the skirt, but my nose is sensitive and I smelled the smell of blood on her and Prince Duan. It's impossible for Prince Duan to bleed. The one who bleed is Princess Mingde.

Xunxiang glanced at Li Qianqian twice, he could even smell this, his nose was really good.

Back at Ding Mansion, Xun Xiang pulled Ding Lichun aside and whispered, Brother, keep your distance from Prince Duan. Don't be recruited as a son-in-law by his family.

Ding Lichun's dark face turned red, and he raised his hand and knocked her on the head, What are you thinking about? I look so shabby, how can the princess like me?

Xun Xiang pouted and said, My eldest brother is tall and heroic, and has a bright future. He is worthy of becoming not only a princess, but also a princess. He then said more clearly, I am behind you.

Ding Lichun understood.

Still suspicious, he said, Prince Duan is a timid person. He doesn't have that thought, does he?

Xun Xiang said, Who knew what Gao Jie had in mind before? Knowing people, faces, but not hearts, it's right to be on guard. Don't be tricked into having to marry her. We will be passive.

Ding Lichun nodded, as long as he listened to what his sister said. However, he still felt that Prince Duan did not look like the person who designed the plan to seize the crown prince, and it was impossible for Princess Mingde to like him.

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