Fragrance Returned

Chapter 527 Wake up by chance

At this time, there were many people in Ziyuan, including Xun Prince Consort and his son, Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao's family, Xun Qianli's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Mi Hongmian sisters, Tao Jing, Ding Zhen, Yang Shu, Xue Tian, ​​Ding Sifu and others.

Today even ancestor Xun came and was lying on the couch in the side room.

Ding Zhuang's family has been staying at the Princess Mansion these days, and some people go home at night and come back during the day.

Qiu Wangzhi, Wang Lei and others entered the upper room to check and exited, waiting in the yard.

The emperor and the queen entered the bedroom. Sun and Mu and others were not allowed to enter and stood in the side room to protect them.

Sun Yumu stood at the door and glanced inside. Deep inside the curtain, a circle of people surrounded the bed. He only saw the light blue gauze curtain and pink quilt.

Qiu Wangzhi just came in for inspection and only glanced outside the door.

Except for a few imperial doctors and a few close relatives of Xun Xiang, everyone else in the room stayed in the side room, hall room, or wing room.

When the emperor and the queen came in, Ding Zhuang was still sobbing so sadly that his voice was hoarse from crying.

Seeing her granddaughter's eyes closed tightly, as if she were dead, Queen Ye couldn't help crying.

Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang, why are you like this suddenly?

Only then did everyone see the emperor and queen walking in.

Some people didn't know the emperor, and some didn't know the queen, but they all knew one of them, so they guessed who the other was, and they all knelt down in fear.

Ding Zhuang only had eyes for his granddaughter and didn't see anyone coming, so he was pulled to his knees by Ding Zhao.

The emperor raised his hand and said, Sit flat.

Seeing Xun Xiang's little appearance, he felt extremely distressed and called softly, Xiang Xiang, the queen and I are here to see you.

Suddenly, Xun Xiang's eyelids moved.

Ding Liren said happily, My sister's eyelids moved.

Xun Yibo was in disbelief and said excitedly, My sister's condition has improved as soon as my grandfather and grandmother arrived.

The emperor and queen looked at each other in surprise, and called out:

Xiangxiang, I'm here to see you.

Xiangxiang, wake up, I can't live without you.

Hearing her grandfather's cry was so sad that Xunxiang couldn't wake up. Hearing these two voices again, Xunxiang tried her best to move her eyebrows and said hmm again.

The people in the room were excited again.

The emperor said, The imperial doctor, come and take a look.

Several imperial doctors came over to feel his pulse and administer acupuncture.

Ding Zhuang's eyes and nose were red, and he seemed to have just reacted.

He knelt down and bowed his head to the emperor and empress, and said excitedly, The emperor is wise and the empress is kind. The old minister didn't wake up Xiangxiang after calling her for several days and nights. However, the emperor and empress started to stir up the trouble when she called her.

The emperor is the real dragon emperor, and the empress is the phoenix. Thank you, sir.

The old man is quite good at talking.

The emperor was a little moved by Ding Zhuang's appearance. He raised his hand and said, Ding, dear, please rise. Xiangxiang is blessed to have you take care of her when she grows up.

Queen Ye also said, Ding Lao Aiqing is kind-hearted, kind and tolerant. When the fragrance fell into your home, she was blessed...

Suddenly, Ding Liren's voice came, My sister opened her eyes.

Everyone gathered around.

Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang...

Xunxiang blinked and saw many people surrounding the bed.

She murmured, Grandpa, grandma, grandpa, father, mother...

Before the person finished greeting, he closed his eyes again.

Ding Zhao and Prince Consort Xun were shocked and said in unison, Imperial doctor, why did Xiangxiang faint again?

Judge Qiyuan felt for her pulse and said, The princess was probably too tired and fell asleep again. Let's make some porridge. The princess has not eaten for several days and nights.

Zhang said, There is porridge, there is porridge, and it is kept warm.

More than two quarters of an hour later, Xunxiang woke up again.

The emperor and empress watched Xun Xiang finish a small bowl of rice porridge before getting up and returning to the palace.

During this period, Princess Dongyang sent someone to beg the emperor and queen, and she wanted to come and kowtow to them.

The queen said solemnly, No need. I just know that Dongyang is so observant and cowardly. My daughter is so sick that she doesn't even dare to come and take a look.

This statement clearly blames Princess Dongyang for not caring about her daughter.

Xun Prince Consort and Xun Yibo quickly knelt down.

Prince Consort Xun said, The Queen has destroyed Dongyang.

Xun Yibo said, It's Yibo's fault. He was afraid that his mother would be worried, so he didn't dare to tell her about his sister's true condition.

This is not a lie. He and Prince Consort Xun were so anxious that they didn't notice that Dongyang didn't come here. He didn't notify Dongyang, so he didn't tell Xunxiang about his condition.

As for how the servants told her, he didn't know.

At this time, Xun Yibo also felt a little strange about his mother. His sister's condition was so serious that she didn't come over to see her.

The emperor looked solemn without even a word of reprimand. He loved this eldest daughter the most when she was a child. He once held her in his lap and taught her to read and write. He taught her to behave like an eldest sister and to be a good example to her younger siblings.

But this eldest daughter disappointed him deeply.

A normal mother will come if her beloved daughter is dying, even if she tries hard to be punished. But she used the excuse of being banned from coming, even worse than relatives and friends...

Everyone could see that Princess Dongyang had really lost her Sacred Heart this time.

Xunxiang woke up, and the guests left one after another for fear of affecting her rest.

Ding Zhuang's family still stays here.

As soon as the emperor returned to the palace, he rewarded Xunxiang with half a cart of medicinal materials, and Ding Zhuang with a handle of gold Ruyi and two strings of musk beads.

Because the emperor and empress came to visit the patient in person, many people could not sit still. People who were close to Xunxiang came to visit the patient. The male guests were received by Xun Yibo and Ding Liren in the outer courtyard, and the female guests were received by Zhang in the purple courtyard.

Although Xun Xiang was awake, she was completely weak. Not only the imperial doctor, but also she was surprised that this illness came out of nowhere.

Thinking of the three scenes in the dream, they should be her three obsessions.

It’s time to let go of the past life, and even the slightest bit of unwillingness from before is gone.

I wish Daddy Dong and his family the best, and hope they can conquer that world as soon as possible and be reunited one day.

What surprised Xunxiang the most was that Feifei actually returned to Jitou Peak.

Feifei flew away the day after Xunxiang went to Ding's house. Feeling neglected, it ran away. Xunxiang thought it was going to Sun's family, Qiu's family, Puguang Temple or Xuandong, but it turned out to be back to Jitou Peak.

That's fine, but you can't keep it with you all the time.

From now on, I will tell Feifei clearly not to take the honey-fat fragrance from there again. It is full of fragrance and aura, and the fragrance of honey and fat is also one of them.

I hope there will be more and more spiritual energy there, and several spiritual beings will live happily there...

Ding Zhuang has been staying by Xunxiang's side.

Xunxiang could tell that although grandpa didn't say it explicitly, he still felt uncomfortable.

When there was no one else around, Xunxiang hugged her grandfather's arm and explained:

Master, I was woken up by you, really. When I was in a coma, I could hear your voice the most clearly. When I heard you cry so sadly, I couldn't bear it... No matter whether the emperor's grandfather or the emperor's grandmother came or not, , I will wake up at that time. It’s a coincidence...

Xunxiang is telling the truth.

Ding Zhuang asked, Really?

It's more real than real gold, and I'm just a puppy.

Ding Zhuang became happy again.

He knew that Xiangxiang woke up at that time and attracted the emperor's favor.

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