Fragrance Returned

Chapter 475 Go to Sun Mansion again

The imperial doctor came to check Xunxiang's pulse and said that her dysmenorrhea was not serious. She just needed to rest more, keep warm, and eat more brown sugar, pork liver, bird's nest and other foods. She didn't even prescribe any medicine.

The two nuns and the two eldest girls seemed to have received imperial edicts, imposing various restrictions on Xunxiang, and she would recite them even when she was writing in the study.

Not to mention that the small kitchen only cooks bird's nests with brown sugar and white fungus for breakfast, but Qijintang also mostly sells black-bone chicken, mutton, pork liver and other foods.

After hearing what Zhang said, Mrs. Dong also sent someone to deliver a pound of bird's nests to Xunxiang.

After two days there was no pain at all.

In the past two days, the maids in Ziyuan made many monthly letter belts designed by Xunxiang, and Xunxiang sent many to Dongyang, Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Dong respectively.

Dongyang has enjoyed happiness since he was a child, and only then did he realize that the moon belt can be made like this, and he has to admire his daughter's intelligence and ability to enjoy happiness.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Xunxiang returned to Ding Mansion with Feifei, Heizi and a cart of gifts, and would stay overnight.

Ding Zhuang will set off back to Beiquan Village tomorrow, and Feifei and Heiwa will be going back with him.

Qiu Wangzhi was going to Huizhou on a business trip, which happened to be half the distance from Ding Changgang, so the two agreed to go together.

With Qiu Wangzhi, Xunxiang feels more at ease.

In order to express her gratitude, Xun Xiang specially sent a small tortoiseshell comb to Miss Qiu yesterday.

The comb is only half the size of her palm, carved with Jindalai flowers, and is brown and translucent. It can be used to comb your hair or be worn as jewelry.

Xunxiang had bought it from a Korean merchant in Jiaozhou.

Xunxiang not only brought gifts to relatives and friends in Beiquan Village, but also brought many gifts to little brother Ding Lilai, including food and clothing.

Ding Zhuang also misses his third grandson. He stayed in Beiquan Village for a while and then went to Hu County to visit Ding Lilai. Xun Xiang also suspected that he would help the Dong family with some things when he went there, because Dong Yihe and his wife were likely to leave Dali next year.

Calculating this, it would be good for him to return to the capital in April next year.

Feifei couldn't go to Hu County, so he was brought back by Jin'er and two male servants in February.

Thinking of not being able to see her grandfather for so long, Xun Xiang was very reluctant to give up. She pulled Ding Zhuang's sleeves and her eyes became red.

Ding Zhuang couldn't bear to leave his granddaughter and this family, but he had to go back to spend time with Ruyue every year, and besides, there were two things to do.

He asked, My dear granddaughter, have you brought the family portrait that I asked you to draw?

Brought it.

Xunxiang took out a family portrait of Ding Zhuang, Ding Zhao's family (including Xunxiang), and Ding Chi's family.

Ding Zhuang was very satisfied after seeing it. He would burn this family photo to Ruyue to let her see how well he and his children and grandchildren lived.

Xunxiang took out another pair of woolen socks and gave them to Ding Zhuang, I knitted these myself, they are warm.

Ding Zhuang praised, These socks are so handsome and fragrant.

Ding Chi and his wife also came back, bringing half a car with gifts for their son and relatives.

Then the Dingshan family came.

Dingshan was now rich and bought a three-in house in the capital, on the same street as Dingchi. It is convenient for her family to live in Beijing, and Ding Zhen will also get married here next year.

In the evening, Ding Zhao came back from the office, and Ding Lichun, Ding Liren, Ding Erfu, and Ding Sifu also came back. It was rare for the Ding family to have such a happy reunion.

Ding Zhao said, At the end of the day tomorrow, Mr. Qiu will be waiting for dad outside the gate of Dongzhi City.

Zhang smiled and said, Master Qiu looks a little scary, but he is a good person and enthusiastic.

Ding Zhao said, Master Qiu looks handsome, but he is a little more serious. He is not scary.

After dinner, Ding Chi and his wife and Ding Shan's family left. Xunxiang, Ding Zhuang and others talked in Zhuxuan until the end of Haishi, when they got up and went back to their respective courtyards.

Zhang and Xunxiang went to Zixuan to rest together.

Today Xunxiang mainly talked to Feifei who was nestled in her arms. There are many instructions to pay attention to, as many as you can understand.

She also asked Ding Zhuang and Jin'er to let Feifei fly in the sky more often on the way to make it easier to remember the route.

In fact, all eagles remember the route, but Xunxiang couldn't let Feifei deviate even a little bit.

Xunxiang gave an instruction, and Feifei let out a coo, very well-behaved.

It also knows that it has to be separated from its little sister for a while and is reluctant to part with it.

Mrs. Zhang smiled and said, Feifei has become a spirit.

After breakfast the next day, it was still dark.

Relatives and friends such as the Dingshan family, the Yang family, the Xue family, Dong Ping, Shen Yu, Xun Yiqing, Sun Yumu, Wang Lei, Zou Qing, etc. all came to the Ding Mansion to see him off.

Zou Qing has now been promoted to the fifth rank of general and brought many gifts to Qian Dahu and his wife.

Send Ding Zhuang and his party to the entrance of the alley and watch the carriage gradually go away.

The men had to go to school and left in a hurry.

Xunxiang said goodbye to Zhang and others and took a carriage back home.

Ding Zhen also returned to her home. It's the end of the year, and she has to help her family with things like buying and giving New Year's gifts.

She learned a lot of etiquette from the nuns at the Princess Mansion, and she would listen to her advice when dealing with people at home.

Sitting in the car, Xunxiang felt empty.

They hadn't even left the capital at this time, and she started to think about it.

It’s so hard to live without Grandpa and Feifei...

Sun Yumu's voice suddenly came from outside the car, Are you sad?

Xunxiang opened the curtain and nodded honestly.


Sun Yumu smiled, A few months are short, and they go by in a blink of an eye. His expression darkened again, My sister will not be back for the New Year this year, and my mother is very sad. This place is relatively close to my home, so go and see my mother.

Xun Xiang was stunned. This request was a bit abrupt.

Mrs. Sun must be in a very bad mood, causing Sun and Mu Fangcun to be in chaos.

Xun Xiang said, I also miss Mrs. Sun, and I was about to go to my house to visit her.

The carriage entered the east corner gate of Zhenhaihou Mansion. Xunxiang got off the carriage and got into the sedan chair and entered the inner courtyard.

Sun Yumu followed the sedan and talked.

After entering the second gate, the sedan chair did not go to the main courtyard where Madam Sun was, but to the Panshui Pavilion next to the stream.

The stream is frozen, and there is a small wooden bridge on it.

Panshui Pavilion on the opposite bank is a two-story building surrounded by weeping willows on three sides. The willow branches and the roof are covered with white snow.

Sun Yumu said, That's my father's study room. My mother will go and sit there when she misses my father.

Xun Xiang followed Sun and Mu across the small wooden bridge, and the two entered the main entrance in the middle of Panshui Pavilion.

Yuhuan, Ling'er, and Luo'er were invited to the side door by the Sun Mansion girl.

Yuhuan called out, Princess Princess.

She didn't know what to do.

Xunxiang was absolutely relieved about Sun Yumu and turned around and said, You go ahead.

Sun Yumu stretched out his right hand and said, Please come this way.

Xunxiang followed him into the side room again. There were bookcases on three walls. There was a bookcase under the south window, and Mrs. Sun was sitting behind the case.

Mrs. Sun at this time was very different from the previous Mrs. Sun.

She looked like a living dead before, but now her face was full of excitement and her eyes were shining.

Seeing them coming in, she stood up and said with a smile, Princess Xiangxiang...

Sun Yumu said, Mom, let's go upstairs to talk. Then he said to Xunxiang, My grandfather is on the second floor. He and my mother want to ask the princess about something.

It was so mysterious that Mrs. Sun was not in a bad mood... Xunxiang still nodded.

Thank you to 20230911215940209 and book friend Sai for your tips, and thank you for your monthly votes.

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