Fragrance Returned

Chapter 371 The oriole is behind

No one was killed, no one was seriously injured, and no one else's shop was burned.

Ding Xiang felt relieved.

Tang Jun continued, Last night, while I was sleeping soundly, I suddenly heard someone shouting outside, followed by Uncle He yelling 'Water out'. I ran out quickly and saw the shop in front of me was on fire...

The weather was dry and the weather was dry. Even though they were discovered early, all the people living on that street brought water to help put out the fire. Later, people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division also joined in, and it took half an hour to put out the fire. The loss was considerable.

The first floor was burned beyond recognition, part of the decoration on the second floor was blackened, and the structure of the shop was damaged to a certain extent...

Uncle He and his wife are the servants who specialize in guarding the fourth-grade study. While he was fighting the fire, his clothes burned and a piece of skin on his right arm was burned.

In the morning, officials from Jinwu Guards, Jingzhao Mansion, Wucheng Military and Horse Division, and the county government all came, saying that there was an open flame under the cabinet on the left side of the first floor of the study, and that the fire was caused here...

Tang Jun cried, Before closing yesterday, I checked everything upstairs and downstairs. Uncle He also checked and found no open flame... Wuwuwu... I neglected my duty and all the money spent on decorating the shop was wasted. , the government will also fine you... Mr. Cha said, let the boss handle it.

Tang Jun burst into tears, and Ling'er also shed tears.

Lilac understood.

The fire was neither too big nor too small, so Ding Xiang had to step in to resolve it, and it would not affect Ma Hong's career.

Needless to say, it must have been the fault of old witch Gu and Ma Hong.

Changshun Street is not far from the imperial city, and the houses in front and behind are all royal relatives. Ma Hong was in charge of public security in this area, and he did not dare to let the fire get too big, otherwise his official position would be over.

This is to attract yourself out, and there may be some tricks waiting for you later.

It seemed that Mrs. Gu was really anxious and used this not so clever method.

They did not expect that the mantis stalked the cicada, but the oriole followed behind.

Qiu Wangzhi was waiting for them to fall into a trap.

He didn't wait in vain. Although Ma Hong was not a big fish, he was still a fish.

Ding Xiang was still worried about how to tell Ma Hong before, but he jumped in hurriedly.

Ding Xiang said, Don't be sad, Manager Tang. I believe you have done your duty. Someone must have been jealous of the well-decorated shop and deliberately set it on fire. Money is something external to the body. Once it is gone, it can be earned again. As long as everything is fine.

Bring twenty taels of silver to Uncle He and let him recover. I am not in good health and my father happens to be at home, so I have to ask him to deal with this matter...

Fortunately, it is not open for business, so the new books purchased are stored in the backyard warehouse, otherwise, thousands of taels of silver will be lost.

Ding Zhuang, Ding Zhao, and Zhang heard the commotion here and came over.

I was shocked to hear that the study was flooded in the middle of the night.

Ding Zhao and Zhang looked at each other, such a coincidence...

Ding Zhuang believed that his granddaughter was jealous of Xiangxiang's bookstore and deliberately set it on fire.

He cursed, Damn it, who is so unscrupulous that he resorted to this trick? If I, Ding Hong Nose, find out, I will beat him to death. Xiangxiang is not sad. I will make up for the loss of how much money I have lost.

Mrs. Zhang hugged Ding Xiang and persuaded, Don't be anxious, my dear, as long as no one is hurt. If the money is gone, let your father make up for it.

Ding Zhao also said, Xiangxiang is not in good health, so don't go to the study. If you have to deal with the yamen, dad will do it.

Several people were discussing how to tell the government that Mother Shi was here.

He said that Sister Han didn't sleep last night and was clamoring to eat Aunt Ding's coconut milk yam ointment. I had to coax her that she would have it as soon as she opened her eyes in the morning.

Oh, Miss Ding made a joke. Mother Shi was very unhappy.

Ding Xiang hurriedly said, Let's go, I'll take you to find Grandma Dai.

Mother Shi gave Ding Xiang another letter privately.

Qiu Wangzhi said that someone set the fire deliberately and that everything was under control. Don’t argue with the government about how to sentence or fine her. Pay the fine in full and ask her again not to go to the study...

Of course Lilac won't go.

He hummed in his heart, as if someone really set the fire deliberately, Qiu Wangzhi even identified the suspect. If something like this happens, Li Pingyi's family can close the net as soon as they return to Beijing.

She went back to her room and said to Ding Zhao, No matter what the government says, we accept it. This mute will have to suffer even if he doesn't suffer...

Ding Zhuang said unconvinced, Obviously someone set the fire deliberately. Why should we suffer the consequences of being dumb?

Ding Zhao also felt something strange and said, We are just suspicious. There is no evidence. Who will believe it? The emperor's feet are not a place where one can be willful. It doesn't matter if you lose some money. You must be more careful in the future.

Ding Zhao didn't go home until dark.

He was severely reprimanded by several yamen officials. He said that he was as spoiled as his son, so how could he let an eleven-year-old lady open her study by herself? The owner of the study was ordered to be an adult man and was fined 800 taels of silver.

He also filed a complaint with the Ministry of Industry and asked officials from the Ministry of Industry to take good care of Ding Zhao.

Ding Zhao was very good at admitting his mistake and even changed the manager of the study to himself.

Shi Mahong, the deputy commander of the Zhongcheng Military and Horse Department, was the most powerful. He scolded Ding Zhao until he was speechless. He also wanted Ding Xiang to go over and listen to the lesson, but Ding Zhao refused to agree.

Xiangxiang was frightened. She has been in poor health these days. I heard that there was a leak in the study. She was crying and fussing. She had a high fever. She drank some decoction before she stopped.

If you are an ordinary businessman's child, you have to go even if you don't want to.

But Ding Zhao had an official position as a foreign minister in the Ministry of Industry, and his rank was higher than Ma Hong, so Ma Hong had nothing to do with him.

Including the fine and the money for decoration, the total loss was more than 1,500 taels of silver.

Ding Zhuang gave Ding Xiang 1,500 taels of silver, and Ding Zhao also gave her 1,500 taels of silver.

Ding Xiang was shameless and took them all, returning seven hundred and fifty taels each.

The next day, Dong Yihe asked someone to bring her one thousand and five taels of silver.

After Ding Lichun and Ding Liren returned home, they each gave her fifty taels of silver.

Cloves are even more embarrassing to collect. Compared with them, I am a rich man.

The two brothers insisted on giving it, so she had no choice but to accept it shamelessly.

Ding Chi actually sent fifty taels of silver, and Ding Xiang accepted it with a smile.

Her shop caught fire and she made a profit.

Grandma Xun, Xun Yibo, Mi Hongmian, Tao Jing, He Qihua and others wrote letters to Dingxiang to express their concern and condolences.

A few days later, Sun and Mu took off work and brought Tao Jing to Ding's house to visit her.

Sun Yumu couldn't go to Zixuan, so a few people played in Zhuxuan.

After playing for a long time, Sun and Mu seduced Feifei away with half a bowl of shark meat when they left.

She also wanted to take Hei Wa with her, but Ding Xiang didn't agree.

Hei Wa is not good at fighting now, but he is still good at housekeeping.

Ding Xiang continued to live in seclusion at home.

She was very depressed. Brother Dong Ping was getting married soon. She originally wanted to go to his house to see the betrothal gift, but she didn't go.

But she had to go on the wedding day on the second day of winter. Not only because she wanted to see an ancient wedding, but she also wanted to witness the happiest moments of Brother Dong and Mi Hongmian.

In her mind, Brother Dong is her biological brother.

She asked Ling'er to go to Dong Mansion and tell Dong Yihe and his wife what she meant.

Ling'er came back and said with a smile, The Marquis and his wife said that of course such a good thing is indispensable to my sister. Let her rest assured that the Marquis will come to pick her up in person one day in advance.

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