Fragrance Returned

Chapter 365 Great Promise

After dinner, Ding Zhuang checked the perpetual calendar.

August 22nd is auspicious and it’s time to open.

Ding Zhuang agreed, Wangwang Trading Company is scheduled to open on this day.

Ding Chi said, Then let's tentatively decide on that day.

Ding Zhuang bulged his eyes and asked, Why do we need to make a tentative decision? If it works, it will work. If it doesn't work, just change it to another day.

Ding Chi said, In order to ensure that I can make a lot of money, I had to see Lingling's Yintang, Jinwowo, and Yinwowo first that morning, and then open the business. This is how the jade shop in Tuodong Mansion made a lot of money.

Ding Zhuang had no choice but to let him go.

Early in the morning on the 22nd, Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao both put on new clothes and sat in the house waiting.

At the end of Mao Shi, a servant of Ding Chi's family came to report, My master said that today's fortune will be high, and the business will be auspicious, and the nest will be filled with gold and silver.

Ding Zhuang and Ding Zhao cursed two before taking a carriage to Wangwang Trading Company.

They came back in the evening and took eighty-six taels of silver to Ding Xiang.

Ding Xiang put the jade bracelet that old witch Gu rewarded her with and sold it in her shop, earning so much money. She will not use the money to do good deeds in the future.

There are two shops and a workshop underneath Wangwang Trading Company.

The shops are Wangwang Jade Store, Wangwang Wine Store, and Wangwang Winery.

The wine shop has to wait until the wine is brewed before opening.

In early September, Ding Chi bought a yard in Taishui Town at the foot of the West Foot Mountain outside Xidemen to serve as a wine shop. The reason why the winery is opened here is because the spring water on the west mountain is clear and sweet, and the water for making wine will be taken from the mountain.

Two kinds of wine are made, the high-end wine is called Yuhualang and the mid-range wine is called Wangwangtou.

Of course Dingxiang helped me pick the name.

Ding Xiang still believed in Ding Chi's ability to read fortune tellers. Since he and Tang's family can make a fortune by supporting him, his dream should come true.

Ding Chi also opened the brewery after seeing Tang's Yintang and Jinyin Wowo.

Ding Zhuang has two major hobbies in his life, one is blacksmithing and the other is drinking.

His son opening a wine shop made him as happy as opening an iron shop.

In his opinion, the second son has made some progress. At least he knows that it is better to calm down and do practical things than to daydream every day before.

He takes the car to the wine shop almost every day.

There was an autumn rain and a cold, and it was mid-September in the blink of an eye.

Lilac was even more eager.

Qiu Wangzhi said that Li Pingyi’s family could be brought back to Beijing as soon as September...

On the twelfth day, Yang Hu from Beiquan Village brought red apples. Not only did the apple tree in the old house have a good harvest this year, but the dozen or so apple trees in the orchard also bore fruit.

A total of more than 200 kilograms were delivered.

Also brought with them were many local products from relatives and friends. There are those from Zhang’s father-in-law’s family, Ding Shu’s maiden’s family, Xia Er’s family, Ding Ershuan’s family, Xia Lizheng’s family, Ding Li’s family, and so on.

Ding Li and Ding Youcai didn't have that intention, it was He who prepared it.

Several families also brought gifts to the Dingshan family.

Yang Hu said that Ding Youcai and Wang wanted to follow him to see Ding Erfu and Ding Sifu, but he said they couldn't do it without them. Unable to do so, he quietly left one day early.

There is also bad news. The oldest member of the Ding family, the second ancestor of the Ding family, has died. Today, the oldest member of the Ding family is Ding Li.

Ding Zhuang asked Li Maigao to accompany Yang Hu to play in the capital for a few days before returning to Jiaodong.

Except for quietly giving 20 pounds of red apples to Dong Yi and his family, no one gave them to anyone.

It's not that the Ding family is stingy, it's because Dingxiang won't give it away. Her argument was that if it was not easy to give to Xun Qianli, then it would not be easy to give it to others.

I didn't dare to give it to the Xun family because I was afraid that the Gu family would cause trouble and trick the old lady's apples to frame the Ding family.

Dingxiang didn't expect Li Bingyi's family to return to Beijing until October.

On the morning of the fourth day of October, light snow fell in the sky. This was the first snow this winter.

The temperature plummeted.

Ding Xiang had already put on a small coat and cotton skirt, and was sitting on the Arhat's bed, crocheting woolen gloves. Ding Zhuang was sitting next to her, watching her granddaughter smile.

The brewery is on the right track, and Ding Zhuang doesn't go there every day. He stays at home with his granddaughter when he has nothing to do.

Ding Xiang raised her head and looked at Ding Zhuang beside her, Master, why are you laughing?

Ding Zhuang said with a smile, They say that the noble girls in the capital are so good. They are far inferior to my fragrance. She can read, draw, and hook clothes...she will even become the number one scholar when she grows up.

Ding Xiang smiled and rolled her eyes, I started bragging again. In my eyes, I am the best in everything.

Ding Zhuang asked again, A sweater is really warmer than a cotton one?

Of course, I'll know when I put it on.

The first batch of wool purchasers returned to Beijing in August.

She took back the wool lilac that was spun first and asked several girls to hook up sweaters and trousers for her family and several members of the Dong family. She hooked up her grandfather's gloves with her own hands.

As for the invention of knitting sweaters, we had to wait a little longer.

The winter in Beijing is colder than that in Jiaodong. When the weather gets cold, my strong hands start to hurt again. Fortunately, he was wearing the bead string given by Master Mingyuan, otherwise he would have been even more uncomfortable.

The Ding family's Pleasant Wool Spinning Workshop quietly started operations in June, with only ten workers.

When there is no wool, we spin fine cotton threads; when there is wool, we spin wool threads...

The threads they spin are handed over to the Jiulu Weaving Factory, which is also managed by shopkeeper Gong, and the clothes they spin are sold by Jiulu Zhixiu Pavilion.

This kind of clothing is high-end custom-made, and each piece of cotton clothing costs more than twenty taels of silver. The sweaters are not yet on the market, so they will be more expensive.

In this era, there were also pills similar to mothballs that could prevent insect infestation.

At this time, the woman from the outer courtyard came in with a stack of letters and a large package of gifts, and reported with a smile, Old Master, Sister, Prince Consort Xun has returned to the capital, and his family steward has delivered the letters and gifts brought by the Third Young Master.

Ding Zhuang scolded, You brat, he won't come back when Prince Consort Xun comes back. Is the long-haired ghost that good?

Ding Lilai was still the same as last time, everyone except Ding Lichun wrote a letter. The content of the letter to others was roughly the same as last time, six pages to Dingxiang, and also in Spanish.

In addition to missing his sister, he also said that after Prince Consort Xun and Gama Wu compiled two Elements of Geometry, he was no longer interested. Ding Lilai vowed to study hard and compile all the Elements of Geometry that his master had not finished...

Lilac was happy for him.

Love is the best teacher. Young people will definitely become mathematicians and translators in the future.

The letter also included a few sentences in Spanish and translated Chinese characters.

Spanish is made up of letters, and Lilac thinks it is Italian from the previous life. The meaning and pronunciation are different from English, and Ding Xiang doesn't quite understand it.

Ding Xiang studied English in her previous life, and later learned Japanese because she liked comics.

Xun Qiandai also brought a gift to Ding Xiang, which was a Nine Silk Qing Luo from Wucheng.

That second senior brother is so interested in a junior sister he has barely met, so it's not like he has no long-term intentions.

Ding Zhuang was also very happy after hearing about his third grandson's ideal. He told the girl in a loud voice, Go and tell Li Chunniang to prepare some more dishes to go with the wine in the evening, and call the second son and his wife over for dinner.

Ding Chi and his wife were very happy when they heard that their son had such lofty ambitions.

Tang's face flushed with pride, I just said that my son has great potential. Brother Chi also said that he is stupid and not as good as Li Chun and Li Ren. Look, look, my son wants to be a great scholar like Prince Consort Xun. How can Li Chun and Li Ren compare?

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