Fragrance Returned

Chapter 259 Reappearance of Wantong Escort Agency

That morning, Ding Liren and Ding Li came to stay in the county seat. Ding Zhao and Zhang sent them there to make arrangements and came back in the afternoon.

Yang reported something bad, so Yang Hu's family took him to the county town for medical treatment.

As soon as they left, Dingxiang yelled that she wanted to have barbecue and asked Li Maigao's family to go to town to buy ingredients with money. Because she had a lot to buy, she asked Aunt Wei to go with her.

Ling'er stayed in the room making clothes for Ding Xiang.

Ding Zhuang went out for a walk.

After sending Hei Wa away, the east courtyard was empty and quiet.

Dingxiang plugged the door in and started running and jumping again.

Meng Su Tu or Meng Jin Aunt, Ding Xiang had an ideological struggle.

Aunt Mengjin, you can track her current location to find her faster. Meng Su Tu, maybe he can see Concubine Su and Gao Feng. Ding Xiang especially wants to see these two people now.

No, there are really too few indicators and it is difficult to allocate.

In the end, Dingxiang decided to dream of Su Tu.

Feifei stared with yellow eyes and didn't react. It's daytime, the little master wants to smell it?

When the aroma became stronger and stronger, Feifei quickly jumped on the bed.

Ding Xiang felt that she was almost sweating and went to bed.

She closed her eyes and thought about Su Tu's appearance.

The dark fog lingered in front of my eyes for more than half a quarter of an hour, and finally it became bright. Blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining brightly, what a sunny day.

The bright light made Lilac frown.

The camera slowly moved down and saw a piece of Daiwa with its horns raised. Continuing down, there is a gate with a plaque on the door that reads Wantong Escort Agency in four golden characters.

This name is so familiar...

Before Ding Xiang had time to think about it, she saw an old woman walking into the door, followed by a man in his thirties.

The old woman looked to be in her sixties, with a hunched back.

At first glance, I don't recognize her. If you look closely, you can see that her facial features are a bit familiar, like Aunt Jin's.

I tracked it here in my dream. This old woman must be Aunt Jin, but she is wearing makeup.

Aunt Jin staggered along the corridor with the man, passed through two courtyard gates and two moon gates, and entered a room.

A dark, muscular man in his forties invited her to sit down and drink tea with a flattering attitude.

Aunt Jin sat down, took a few sips of tea, and said a few words.

The man took out a sack from a box and placed it in front of Aunt Jin. Aunt Jin knelt down and opened the sack, revealing the upper body of a little girl. The child seemed to be asleep, with a veil stuffed in his mouth and wearing silk clothes.

Aunt Jin took out the handkerchief and looked at it. She was five or six years old, extremely white, tender and delicate.

Ding Xiang's heart twitched. This child seemed to belong to a good family.

Aunt Jin pinched the little girl's face with her hand, nodded with satisfaction, took out a banknote and handed it to the man.

The man who came with her tied the sack and put it into a wooden box.

He picked up the wooden box, walked out of the house with Aunt Jin, and then left the escort agency.

There was a carriage in front of the escort office, and the two of them got on the carriage.

From then on, it was Aunt Jin's expressionless face until Ding Xiang woke up.

She sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

Why didn’t you dream of Su Tu twice?

It's definitely not Su Tu's death. If such a big thing happened, Zhu Qian would send someone to deliver a message.

Ding Xiang still suspected that Su Tu happened to be in some closed space, which prevented her from pursuing her Sky Eye.

Ding Xiang's heart began to beat wildly when she thought of the little girl taken away by Aunt Jin.

Poor child, it's a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

When I think of the name of the escort agency, Wantong Escort Agency, it feels very familiar...

Oh, isn't the escort agency that helps Ding Pandi call the Wantong Escort Agency?

It turns out this is a black shop.

If someone gets a suitable child, he will be sent to the capital by the escort agency.

Huizhou Wuhu Escort Bureau is related to Aunt Jin, which shows that it is also related to Wantong Escort Bureau.

Ding Xiang was shocked. Ding Pandi wouldn't sell herself at a good price and deliberately bring the escort to her house to see her, right?

After thinking about it, I rejected it. If she really wanted to betray her, she would not have asked the Wantong Escort Bureau to send a letter, and the Escort Bureau would not have formally asked her to sign the contract.

It was precisely because of the signature that Ding Xiang accidentally saw the words Wantong Escort Agency.

What a providence.

Lilac stroked down this line again.

Ding Pandi, Beijing, Wantong Escort Agency, Aunt Jin, Pharmaceutical Pill Den, Su Mansion...

Now it seems that Ding Pandi's unwillingness to reveal her whereabouts is not necessarily because she is afraid that Ding Youshou will know where she is. It is more likely that she is in a bad place or a good place.

The bad part is helping Aunt Jin make medicine. Because she wanted to make more money too much, she was tricked into the devil's cave and forced to do bad things.

It seems unlikely. If she does bad things there, not only her whereabouts will be exposed, but also her relationship with the Wantong Escort Agency will not be exposed.

The best place is Su Mansion. She works as a girl there because someone in the Su Mansion knows someone from the Wantong Escort Agency and asks someone to help her carry her things.

If she were an ordinary girl in the Su family, it wouldn't matter if she was exposed or not. If Ding Youshou dared to go all the way to find her, he would definitely not dare to go wild in the Su Mansion. Unless your identity is important, you cannot mention it to outsiders...

Ding Xiang suddenly remembered the hands with thick bones and rough skin in her dream.

Could it be Ding Pandi's hand? Her hands were rough like that.

It felt impossible. Ding Pandi was only fifteen years old when she dreamed about Su Tu at the end of last year and had left home less than three years ago.

Anyone who can do it on Su Tu's face must not only have superb massage skills, but also win Su Tu's trust.

Of course, there are more possibilities for cloves than you can imagine.

It's a pity that she has too few indicators and can't dream about finding someone every day. There are still two times left this year, so I don’t dare to use them casually, but save them for the most critical times.

He also thought that in the middle of February, Ding Zhao was going to the capital to prepare for the establishment of a second Baotie store. He was asked to go to the Wantong Escort Bureau when he had nothing to do. Unimportant things could also be escorted through the Wantong Escort Bureau.

The thought came to my mind and then disappeared. Surveillance is too dangerous, and my father is not a full-time spy, so he is not suitable for this job.

She drew a portrait of Ding Pandi and asked her father to give it to Zhu Zhan. They sent people to search secretly around the Wantong Escort Agency.

Looking for Aunt Jin is like looking for a needle in a haystack. While looking for Brother Ding Pan, you may find unexpected surprises.

It would be nice if the eldest brother could be transferred to the suburbs of Beijing earlier. He knows Di Ding Pandi and Aunt Jin...

Ding Xiang felt very uncomfortable thinking about Ding Pandi and the little girl she didn't know.

She wiped off the sweat with a handkerchief and took out the incense utensils to incense.

This time the fragrance is honey-fat.

Lilac also prefers this kind of fragrance, which is gentle and quiet.

In the curl of cigarettes, time slows down and my mind calms down...

In the evening, Ding Zhao and others returned from the county town.

When they went to Jiulu Zhixiu Workshop, they met Tang Yuan again. Tang Yuan knew that the Ding family would send Ding Li there today and had been waiting there.

He talked about the good old days and invited Ding Zhao and his wife to a restaurant for dinner.

The Tang family has been committed to improving the relationship between the Tang and Ding families before Ding Chi comes back.

Ding Zhao politely declined.

Ding Zhao also told Shopkeeper Gong that he would buy a few people and give them to her to train them well. Don't give her apprenticeship for nothing, give her apprenticeship fees.

In the future, the Ding family will open a shop again and need people urgently.

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