Fragrance Returned

Chapter 212 Passing the County Examination

Spring has returned to the earth and the weather is getting warmer.

On the second day of February, Mrs. Zhang took Ding Liren to live in Jiulu Zhixiu Fang. The county examination will be held on February 12th, 14th, 16th and 18th. Live in the county seat early so that Ding Liren can get used to the life there.

On the sixth day of February, Erfu Ding wanted to escort his escort to Tuodong Mansion in Central and South Province.

At noon on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Ding Xiang went to the big room with her grandfather.

This is the third time she has been to the big room in her life.

Ding Erfu is fourteen years old this year. He is tall, strong and dark, like a man of eighteen or nineteen years old. He looks even more anxious than Ding Lichun.

Ding Zhuang's family has a very good impression of him, and Dafang will rely on him in the future.

Ding Sifu's child is also very good, but he is too kind and weak to manage that family.

Ding Xiang took twenty taels of silver to Ding Erfu, I heard that there are many Nanyi people in Central and South Province, and their clothes are different and very distinctive. Brother Erfu will help me buy some of their clothes and headwear. How tall am I? If you have more knowledge, you might be able to make some nice clothes.

Ding Xiang wanted to see what ethnic group Li’s mother belonged to and roughly determine where she lived.

There are many ethnic minorities there, and Li’s mother may not be in Central South Province. Ding Xiang doesn’t have high hopes, so she has to give it a try.

Wang curled her lips and said, The clothes of the Nanyi people are so ugly. After all, they are rich people who spend so much money on their clothes.

Ding Erfu ignored his mother, took the money and said with a smile, Okay, I will collect more clothes there for my sister, but I may not be able to collect them all. I heard that the fruits in Central and South Province are rare, so I will bring some back for my sister to try.

The jade and jade there were better, and he had no money to buy those expensive things.

The road from Jiaodong to Zhongnan is long and the terrain is complex. It takes four to five months to go back and forth. It will be after June when he comes back.

On the way home, Ding Zhuang said, The Nanyi people are uncivilized and their clothes don't look good.

For the first time in so many years, he felt that what Wang said made sense.

Ding Xiang smiled and said, My master said that we need to gain the strengths of other families. What if there is something worth learning for us?

When Ding Zhuang heard that it was Tao Weng who said it, he must be knowledgeable. One voice said, Yes, yes, yes.

On February 20th, before dawn, Ding Zhuang took Ding Xiang and Ding Lilai to the county town by mule cart.

Check out the list today.

Mr. Li has been living in the county town these days. Five of his students took the county examination, including Ding Liren and Xia Wenguan.

After entering the county town, a mule cart took Ding Xiang to Jiulu Weaving and Embroidery Workshop, while Ding Zhuang took Ding Li to walk to the county government office to see the results.

Ding Xiang and Zhang were sitting in the backyard waiting anxiously.

Ding Sifu came out with tea, Brother Liren studies hard and rests after midnight every night. Mr. Li listened to his answers and said that he did very well in the exam...

Put the tea and snacks on the stone table and wait with them.

At the end of Si Shi, Ding Sifu went to the alley entrance to wait for others.

More than two quarters of an hour later, Ding Sifu's voice of surprise came.

Great joy, great joy, Brother Liren has passed the county examination.

Everyone greeted him, and the neighbors nearby ran out.

Ding Sifu limped and ran crazy fast, his face flushed with excitement, Second aunt, sister Xiang, brother Liren has come to the county to take an exam.

Dingdao followed closely behind.

He laughed loudly, Li Ren has passed. He and Li Lai went to a restaurant with Mr. Li to celebrate. They will be back in the afternoon.

Ding Xiang asked, How many exams did my second brother take?

Ding Zhuang said, Forty-eight, they are the youngest among all the students. Only two of Mr. Li's five students have passed, and the other is twenty-nine years old.

A total of fifty students were admitted to the county examination, and this score was at the tail end. But it is very difficult for a twelve-year-old child who comes from a rural background.

It is said that Mr. Li was moved to tears.

He has taught for more than twenty years, and his students have only given birth to two children, both of whom were born after the age of thirty. It was unthinkable for a twelve-year-old student to pass the county examination.

Zhang asked, Have you passed Xia Wen Pass?

Ding Zhuang's face wrinkled up, As for him, don't even think about it. His father failed the exam for more than ten years. Then how can the old Xia family compare with our family? Our family's origins are rooted in there.

Others thought he was talking about the Xue family.

The Xue family is now prosperous in the provincial capital. Not only is it a wealthy family, but there are also children who have passed the exams and become officials.

Only Ding Xiang knew that he was talking about the Dong family. The ancestors of the Dong family have been prime ministers, queens, and ministers, and Grandma An An’s legacy is good.

Everyone congratulated.

Ding Zhuang asked people to go to Baotie to announce the good news to Ding Zhao, and asked Gong to lead Ding Sifu to distribute wedding candies to the neighbors.

Ms. Zhang cried excitedly.

Ding Liren is now the most knowledgeable person in Beiquan Village besides Tao Weng and Xia Yuan.

At the end of the day, Ding Liren and Ding Lilai came back with Li Dalu. It looked like he had been drinking and his face was red.

Ding Xiang went up to her brother and gave him a big hug, I knew my second brother was the best.

This encouragement from his sister made the little boy happy.

Ding Zhuang looked at his second grandson with fond eyes, Boy, that's okay.

Grandpa only gave this look to his sister, not his father or eldest brother.

This time he gave it to himself, and Ding Liren had the urge to cry.

Ding Zhuang bought a lot of wine and food, and they returned to Beiquan Village.

Ding Zhao has returned home, and everyone in Beiquan Village knows the good news. Except for Xia Yuan's wife, all the villagers were happy that a child prodigy was born in the village.

Ding Zhuang wanted to invite him to a flowing banquet.

Ding Zhao disagreed, There are government examinations in April and college examinations in August. The most important thing is later. Scholars don't dare to think that as long as they pass the government examinations, they will be children. We will invite them then.

Ding Zhuang wanted to curse.

Ding Xiang said, My father is right.

Ding Zhuang stopped thinking.

At noon the next day, Mr. Li, the Dingshan family, Ding Li, Ding Youcai, several relatives from Nanquan Village, Xia Er and his son, Xia Lizheng and his son, and Hong Da were invited to have dinner. Three tables were set up.

Ding Xiang was also asked to take Ding Liren brothers to invite Tao Weng and thank Tao Weng for guiding Ding Liren.

Tao Weng generally does not participate in the human relations and visitors in Beiquan Village. But this matter of Ding Liren was special, and he came here very much.

When the old man arrived, the Ding family was in full bloom, and the whole family and all the guests came out to greet him.

Mr. Li bowed to Tao Weng and personally helped him to his seat.

Xia Yuanwai was too embarrassed to come on his own initiative. Neither of his two sons had passed the exam this time. Especially the eldest son, who has been studying in a private school in the county. He is 18 years old this year and has not passed the exam for three years.

At the end of February, Zhu Qian sent a secret message to Ding Zhuang and his son.

The emperor and his courtiers attached great importance to ductile iron, and sent a Yuanwailang from the Yuheng Division of the Ministry of Industry in charge of the Arms Bureau, a Yuanwailang from the Ministry of War in charge of weapons, a general from the Dudu Mansion, and a chamberlain from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in charge of the Warfare Bureau. Another seven officials and two craftsmen came to Jiaodong. After meeting with Jiaodong Provincial officials and Weapons Bureau officials, he, General Lu and others, they went to Baoqing Iron Manufacturing Factory to visit.

Arrive around the third or fourth day of March. If there are officials who are familiar with Tao Weng, they will definitely go to Beiquan Village to visit...

It is suggested that Lilac should be sent out to hide for a few days in early March.

Thank you Jane and Rose for your reward, and thank you dear friends for your subscription and support.

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