The books on sailing in Belmel’s house were naturally a surprise prepared by Seeg for Nami.

As for those gifts, they were given to Nokigao, after all, if only Nami was given a gift, it would be too thick and thin.

Before leaving, Sigg prepared his own surprise for the two little loli at Bermel’s home.

On Siger’s second-hand small sailing ship, Xiaoba also gave Sig an unexpected surprise.

“How can there be so much treasure on board? Little Eight, what’s going on? As soon as he got on board, Seeger saw the extremely conspicuous pile of belongings on the deck of the cabin, and he was curious about how Xiao Ba had “transformed” these treasures overnight.

“That’s right, my lord, a small part of these treasures were brought with us when we came out of the Sun Pirates, but more of them were looted on small islands in various parts of the East China Sea after arriving in the East China Sea.

Brother Along, no, it’s Along, Aaron he took us to find a lot of small islands in the East China Sea, and finally chose this remote Cocosia village to become our base for establishing a fisherman’s paradise in the East China Sea.

These treasures were hidden by us in the reef group near this small island after Aaron decided to occupy the village of Kocosia, and the location of the treasure is only known to Aaron and our cadres, and now, I am the only cadre left of the Dragon Pirates. ”

“Very good, Xiaoba, you really did a very good job this time.” Sig excitedly patted the fishman Xiaoba’s shoulder with a look of approval.

Although the enslavement of humans by the Evil Dragon Pirate Group before made Sig’s perception of Xiao Ba not very good, but now, these treasures are enough to make up for that part of the bad perception, after all, Xiao Ba is not the first evil like Along, even if he becomes a cadre, it is because his strength is still good.

As for spending this money, will there be psychological barriers? This is a complete joke, he is not a rotten good person, he used to be a mountain thief, and now he is about to become a pirate.

In essence, he and the Evil Dragon Pirates are actually the same, both robbers on the sea.

If it hadn’t happened to happen yesterday.

If it weren’t for the fact that among those who were hurt yesterday was Nami’s adoptive mother.

If it weren’t for the fish population’s vocal debasement of humans to an inferior race.

If you don’t just want to see if you can brush a reward on the fish man.

Whether Seeger will make a move or not is not necessarily a thing.

Reaching out and picking up a golden dagger from the treasure, Seeger played with it curiously.

Together, it was the first time he had seen such a valuable thing, and he didn’t know how Aaron got it.

After seeing the dagger, Seeger continued to pick up the pile of treasures, and after checking the value of this pile of treasures, Seeger couldn’t help but sigh at Aaron’s wealth.

Compared with this pile of treasures, his own small treasury was directly destroyed, but fortunately, now these treasures belong to him.

In a good mood, even the ugly little eight on the side looked a lot better.

The octopus Xiaoba stood respectfully beside Seeger, and after Seeger had checked all the treasures, he stepped forward and asked, “Sir, where is our next destination?” ”

Sigg took the map and pointed to the location of Rogue Town, and Howe said without hesitation

“Next we go here, Rogue Town, and after arriving in Rogue Town, we will go directly to the Great Passage.”

Octopus Xiaoba nodded, and then stretched out his finger and pointed to the small sailboat under them: “Sir, if you want to enter the great channel, you must turn over the Upside Down Mountain, and this small boat of ours is afraid.” ”

“Change, change a good one before entering the Upside Down Mountain, Xiaoba, you came from the Great Channel, so the point of choosing a ship is left to you.” Sig waved his big hand, now that he has money, there is no pressure to change to a good small sailboat.

“Yes, please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely select a ship that can safely climb over the Upside Down Mountain.” Saying that, Xiao Ba checked the chart and began to plan the route of their trip.

In the end, Xiao Ba fixed his eyes on a medium-sized island: “Sir, let’s go to this island next to purchase supplies, use this island as a transit station, and then the next voyage can directly reach Rogue Town.” ”

Siger looked down at the location of the island, and then looked on the map for the island where the village of Cocosia was located.

Well, he didn’t find it, maybe because the island where the village of Cocosia was located was too small, or it was too remote.

With such a remote island, it’s no wonder that Fishman Aaron chose this place to become a paradise for power.

After another fruitless search, Seeger completely handed over the voyage to the fishman Xiaoba, and he returned to the cabin to rest.

The profiteer gave him a broken map, and he didn’t even mark the island where the village of Cocosia was located.

If there is still a chance, he must definitely teach the other party a good lesson.

As for now, sailing on the sea still depends on the experience of Yuren Xiaoba.

After that, it was half a month of boring sea sailing, and Siger also blew the sea breeze on the deck of the sailboat for half a month.

In the past half a month, there have been many times when Sig thought that he could meet some pirate groups who did not have long eyes on the sea to relax his muscles, but unfortunately, although the ship had it, the pirates did not see any of them.

And those merchant ships sailing on the sea are extremely vigilant, and do not approach other ships at all, and even go around.

This is very depressing, after half a month of sailing, there is not even a decent person around Siger.

Well, Xiaoba, Xiaoba is not a person, he is a fish man, naturally he cannot be counted in it.

Moreover, Xiao Ba’s awe for Seeg is simply engraved in his bones, and he should do whatever Seeg says.

Just like an emotionless tool man, Seeger has lost interest in octopus Xiaoba since day 1.

“Sir, a small island has been found ahead, and it should be a medium-sized island that we need to dock for supplies.” On this day, Xiaoba came to the splint where Siger was basking in the sun, and woke Siger from his fake sleep for the first time, and this was the result of Siger’s order in advance.

“Sure enough, there is a small island, hurry, go over and take a look.” Seeger was a little excited, he hadn’t seen anyone for more than half a month at the moment.

Of course, what Seeger cared about most was that he hadn’t changed his fresh taste for more than half a month.

At this moment, don’t say that the island in front of you is the destination, even if it is not, Seeger will let Xiaoba pull the boat over.

“Hey, what a big ship, this kind of big ship is not common in this kind of small dock.”

After Xiao Ba sailed the ship into the dock of the island, Siger looked at a large cargo ship in the dock with some surprise, of course, he was only briefly surprised.

After a casual glance, Seeger ignored it.

After getting off the boat and walking into the dock, Sige glanced at it casually and saw several eye-catching big characters of “Frost Moon Village Pier”.

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