She listened and moved a little, but it was just a touch as a friend.


Maybe she and Mu Yufeng are friends.

After all, I have known each other for so many years.

Millions are a small amount for him.

What billions of dollars, he has, she asked him to give such words, just listen.

Because a man like Mu Yufeng, if he is asked to pay billions of dollars, he will at least recover several times, "Let's say, why are you willing to tell Mrs. Moore about her biological daughter three months later?"

There was a trace of surprise in Mu Yufeng's eyes, and she immediately became peaceful. "She even told you this? Unexpectedly, Mrs. Moore would be distrustful of me. She had no faith first. Since that is the case, she never wants to know her. The whereabouts of his own daughter!"

"Don't look at it from the left or the right." Cheng Yingxuan took a sip from the coffee cup. His movements were elegant and pleasing to the eye. He couldn't help but look stupid.

Her eyes fell on him, "I really can't figure it out, what are you going to do with these three months."

Mu Yufeng was startled, and looked at her carefully. Could it be that she guessed what?

But she hid too deeply, and her eyes were good for her, and she couldn't see through her thoughts.

"This is between me and Mrs. Moore." He smiled. "I did that, there must be my reason."

"You refuse to say, then I guess?" She smiled indifferently. "Ms. Moore said, you are not only willing to tell her three months later, and, five days after the presidential election vote, you threatened her and let her Husband Commander Cheng Hanming can only vote for your father’s New Year. Commander Cheng’s influence in the political world is not comparable to that of General Yang. General Yang is only one vote. Commander Cheng does not participate in the vote. If he participates, a bunch of people will follow Vote. Yang Qian’s father, General Yang, has a vote. That’s why you grabbed the throat that Commander Cheng wanted to give birth to her daughter, and naturally disdain to have a relationship with General Yang.”

"..." He shrugged indifferently. "You can't deny it if you say that."

Because it is a fact.

"Use the news of Commander Cheng's daughter as a threat..." Cheng Yingxuan thought about it. "Then your father will win after five days."

"you could put it that way."

"Then things have changed?" She smiled, not smiling.

"I don't understand what you say." He was calm and harmless.

She made it clear, "You have chased me more diligently than before. For example, now, even sending someone to follow me has been done. You set a three-month period to chase me?"

"..." He had the illusion that she was seen through, but the surface remained unsurprised, "I have been chasing you."

"You and I are so familiar with each other's background. You said, there is an orphan girl that you know, but I don't recognize it?" she asked.

"More." He smiled awkwardly.

His smile was so sunny that he looked like a big boy next door.

Ordinary people have long been amazed by her, but her expression is not even a trace of waves. "Thank you for the three-month period. Are you really afraid of keeping Mrs. Moore away from me?"

"No..." He wanted to deny.

She added, "It's smart to be mistaken."

"Xuan Xuan..." he wanted to explain.

She dropped a bombshell, "I am Mrs. Moore's daughter."

"How is it possible?" He pretended to be surprised.

She looked at his pretend shocked expression and asked, "How is it impossible? Don't say you don't know that Mrs. Moore's biological daughter is actually me."

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