Chen Afu had already seen the small courtyard in Tangyuan, and she even named it Yanxiang Pavilion. Tangyuan is not too big, so there are not many courtyards inside, and they are all very small. The characteristic of Tangyuan is that there are many crabapples, and there are all kinds of crabapples inside and outside the courtyard. Chen Afu didn't ask for any major changes, he just wanted to renovate and renovate the house.

Chen Ming also asked someone to measure the house and asked Manager Luo to buy some good beech wood. Originally, Manager Luo said he would find a way to get some precious wood such as mahogany, but Chen Afu thought it was unnecessary. This place itself is in the countryside. Why should it be so luxurious? As long as it is comfortable, practical and beautiful.

The carpenter still found the Wu family and his son to make furniture according to the furniture in Fuyuan. The drawings were ready-made, but the sizes were different. It is said that the wood will be pulled back in a few days, and then the Wu family and his son will be invited to Luyuan to do it.

As for their home in Dingzhou, they will live in the best and largest main courtyard, and the courtyard is also being renovated. Chu Lingxuan is responsible for the furniture here, and the craftsmen went to the mansion two days ago.

Chu Lingxuan asked Chen Afu for his opinion on these furniture, and Chen Afu gave a brief summary. She did not ask the craftsmen to make major modifications, and she still made the fashionable styles of this era. Chen Afu only mentioned the general structure of the wardrobe so that she could hang her clothes.

I heard from Chu Lingxuan that Mrs. Chu had someone send a letter, saying that the courtyard of the Hou Mansion had begun to be repaired, which was the courtyard where he lived before moving to the outer courtyard when he was a child.

Chen Shiying has already asked people to measure the house and plans to buy furniture in Dingzhou Prefecture and then transport it there. It is said that the wood is rosewood and the best craftsmen in Northern Hebei Province were hired. Because the construction period was relatively short and the furniture made was relatively small, more than twenty craftsmen were hired to work on it in a luxurious style. Chen Afu didn't care there. She believed that the smart Jiang would do everything possible to please Chen Shiying and gain a good reputation.

In fact, the time they stayed in the Hou Mansion was very short, so there was no need to be so luxurious. It would be more suitable for good furniture to be placed in the General's Mansion in Dingzhou. But because the Marquis Mansion is their real home, where they will get married, her dowry will basically be shipped there.

What Chu Lingxuan didn't have much to say was that he got another letter from a confidant in the Hou Mansion. Because of the ownership of that courtyard, Mrs. Chu had made a big fuss a while ago. This courtyard is one of the best courtyards in the Yong'an Marquis Mansion. It is also the courtyard used by Mrs. Chu for her second son, Chu Ling'an, the third master of the Chu family, to get married. She even locked it specially.

Mrs. Chu San said that Chu Lingxuan was the eldest son of the Hou family, and that this courtyard was where he had lived when he was a child. His ex-sister-in-law also planned this courtyard for him to use when he got married, so Chu Lingxuan should live in this courtyard.

But the second lady didn't listen, saying that Chu Lingxuan rarely returned to the Marquis Mansion to stay for a few days a year, and it would be a pity to occupy this big courtyard, even if he didn't hand over the key. Madam Chu San immediately had the locks smashed, renovated, and painted.

The second lady cried and made a fuss, saying that her husband was disabled and that his daughter-in-law and children were being bullied. This made Mr. Chu so angry that he ran out of the Hou Mansion and stayed there for several days. Because the elder Marquis was not around, the second lady went to the Princess Mansion to cry to the eldest sister-in-law Princess Rong Zhao. Princess Rongzhao actually deigned to come to the Hou Mansion to help resolve the conflict between the two sisters-in-law, but she was so angry that she ran away with a few words from the hot-tempered Mrs. Chu San...

Unconsciously, the two of them talked for a long time. Chu Huai had coughed several times outside, and Old Man Zeng also walked around the yard several times.

Chen Afu blushed and chased him away several times. Chu Lingxuan refused to leave and said softly, We are just talking quietly. What are we afraid of? Besides, we are all ours here, so we don't dare to go out and talk around. ... What he didn't say was that it was rare that the young master wasn't here either, so we weren't afraid that he would make a sudden attack and come out from somewhere.

After being kicked out for the fifth time, Chu Lingxuan felt that he had to leave. Before getting up, he suddenly turned his face and kissed her cheek.

Chen Afu didn't expect that he would be able to do this, so he touched his face with his hand and said angrily, I hate it. Because Chu Huai was outside the door, she didn't dare to speak loudly, so she stood up after speaking.

Chu Lingxuan succeeded in stealing the incense and felt very happy. He thought that Chen Afu would be coy and embarrassed, and even lowered his head to his chest in shame, not daring to look at him or get up. It can be seen that although Chen Afu blushed with embarrassment, scolded him, and pouted his little mouth, there was a smile that could not be concealed in his eyes.

She also likes to kiss her herself!

If he had known earlier, he should have kissed more slowly. It would have been better if he could kiss the little mouth...

Chu Lingxuan was happy and a little regretful at the same time, looking stupidly at the beautiful face that had appeared thousands of times in his dreams. In the candlelight, her face was as red as rouge due to embarrassment...

Seeing him staring at him blankly, Chen Afu smiled and said, You are stupid, why don't you leave?

Oh. Chu Lingxuan agreed and turned his face again.

Chu Huai was standing outside, and the door was not closed.

Chen Afu took a step back and whispered, No, there is someone outside. The voice was barely audible.

Chu Lingxuan laughed again. It turned out that it wasn't because she didn't want to, but because there was someone outside.

Chen Afu took Zhui Feng and Sa Sa to send him outside the courtyard. After returning to the courtyard, the golden swallow that had been hiding among the leaves flew out. It excitedly circled Chen Afu several times before hanging it on her lapel and chirping, Mommy, Mommy, you finally kissed. The hero and heroine finally kissed. Oh, that's great. , great. I want to eat some green bird's nests today to celebrate this special day.

Chen Afu felt happy when she heard it talk about eating green bird's nests as a tooth sacrifice, and she wanted to borrow some money from it. He quickly asked Zhui Feng and Sa Sa to rest in the ear room, and then sent Qiu Yue out after taking a shower.

She and Jin Yanzi entered the space together, and when they saw the little guy getting into a golden room, the space suddenly became more fragrant. After a while, the golden swallow came out and licked its pointed mouth with its little tongue.

Chen Afu said, After doing this for a long time, you have already secretly eaten green bird's nests in the house. Why didn't you give me some?

Jin Yanzi asked in confusion, You're playing kissy and don't do my business, so why do you want to eat my green bird's nest?

Chen Afu said angrily, It's none of your business if we kiss each other, so why do you want to have your teeth beaten?

Jin Yanzi raised her lips and smiled, I do!

Chen Afu choked and cursed, What a bad guy. He raised his mouth in anger and left the room.

Early the next morning, after hearing the news, Wang ran over and said in a panic, Ah Fu, I heard that a wild dog came to your house, please don't let it hurt you.

Chen Afu said with a smile, Mom, don't worry, look at Sa Sa, she is very well-behaved and won't bite anyone. After saying that, he walked to the east corridor.

There squatted chasing the wind and rustling. Wang saw that the big white dog was bigger than Zhui Feng, with a wide mouth that seemed to be able to bite a person's neck in one bite, and its eyes were extremely cold, and she was scared to death. But when Chen Afu went over and wiped its fur with his hands and whispered to it, its eyes softened and it obediently let Chen Afu follow its fur, sometimes squinting in comfort.

Wang was relieved.

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